College for many young adults is a place to learn from our mistakes, create connections in our field, and build knowledge about the world around us. As a transfer student at Seton Hall, it has been my dream to learn about the many facets of my major, Public Relations. With my previous studies and six years of experience in the pre-dental field, I questioned myself when transferring if public relations is the right career choice for me. Of course, this decision was not an easy one, but with the help of my mentor, I realized that anything is possible.
Whenever someone asks me who my mentor is, they laugh. I am proud to call my dentist and boss of six years now the person I look up to, because of the humbleness, patience, and generosity he carries throughout his successful career. I began as a patient in his clinic at 10 and at 16 began my first job there. Many will
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That is something my mentor has reminded me of since the day I began my first job till now. When I first stepped into Seton Hall not only was I amazed by its beauty, but also by the student community of leaders and professionals. Everyone including myself wakes up every day, eager to learn about our future careers. I am motivated to work in the beauty and fashion field of PR, but because of my lack of experience in the field, it is very difficult for me to do so or know where to start. I have a passion for working hard, learning about new things, and building communication skills, which I believe will fit in great with my interest in field. With the help of the CHAMP program, I will not benefit by gaining a mentor, but also learn about the opportunities, skills, and other aspects of my major. This will help me grow as both a professional and student. Every great leader starts somewhere and this is my time to
We’re returning to our ever-popular dental 101 series that discusses key things you should know in relation to your daily dental routine. You’ve been to the dentist. You floss every day, and you brush at least twice a day, just as you have been told to do. You do everything right, yet you’re starting to see something from your gums that concerns you. Blood. Perhaps you ignore it. Maybe it seems like a passing thing, but bleeding gums are never normal, and it pays to give them immediate attention. So just what could it be that is causing your gums to bleed? Let’s take a look at some of the most common culprits.
Allison Maloney is a public relation major currently but it has not been a direct path for her to come to her major and future career goal. She didn’t enter higher education with public relations in mind. When she started college she attended East Stroudsburg University as a Hospitality Major. She then went to Bergen Community College, first as a business major than as general studies. She then graduated from Bergin with her associate's degree.
I owe much of my success to great mentors. Given the increased competitiveness and projected growth of media industries, it is vital that we provide guidance for the next generation. I would love to help connect prospective students and future media professionals to the invaluable resources, connections, and education that USC Annenberg provides. Bridging the gap between student life and the professional world is a significant priority of mine.
The Newhouse Professional Gallery boasts alumni who have shaped Newhouse’s reputation as a premier school for communications. Of the 123 featured alumni, only 37 of them are women - I marked each with a pink star to make it easier to see. In the most recent induction, 13 of the 40 alumni are women. This proves a growing number of women entering and receiving recognition in various communications fields, but also illustrates how communications used to be a “boys club.”
I first took interest in this career path when I was exploring a different variety of jobs during high school. My mom asked me,” what do I want out of life”? So I explained to her that I want to do something that matters to people. I want to help people. But over all things I want to be a mom. I want to be able to provide for my family. My mom went on to explain how she thought being a hygienist would suit me. It’s funny how our moms know us better than we know ourselves sometimes! She went on to explain how she had a friend who pursued a career as a dental hygienist that it worked out for her in many ways. She got to raise her own children but continue growing in a lifelong career path. She got to support her family while not missing out on the milestones her children were accomplishing. She had become very successful within her career and about 25 years later, she still loves it the same. I knew that was the life I wanted, so I started to research where I would need to start.
To start, I have always had an interest in the health field and knew it was where I saw my future. I came across dental hygiene and quickly became fascinated. I learned just how important it can be and how many tend to overlook it. Given the opportunity, I would like to make sure my patients understand the importance of dental hygiene and share my knowledge. I feel because I have been given an opportunity that others weren’t so fortunate to receive; it is my responsibility to give back. I come from a small community in Northern New Mexico in which I plan to return and offer my knowledge and skills. I also have plans of doing missionary work for those who are unable to afford dental care. To be accepted into the prestigious Division of Dental
My commitment to dentistry was inspired by Dr. Peter’s commitment to uphold the profession, his genuine enthusiasm, and his kind personality that makes every visit to the dentist a positive one. Having spent countless hours with Dr. Peter, I noticed quickly his abilities went beyond just his extremely steady hands and included managing multiple patients, his staff, and his practice. The passion Dr. Peter has for dentistry has certainly rubbed off on
Attending Kent State University and earning my Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies, with a concentration in Applied Communication, has been a privilege and an honor. I have worked diligently to obtain a cumulative grade point average of 3.627. My efforts and passion also rewarded me with the privilege of being on the Dean’s List every semester and even being a member of the National Communication Association Honor Society, Lambda Pi Eta. The education and hands-on experiences that I received have demonstrated benefits in both my professional and personal life. During my senior year, I was able to intern at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum in Cleveland as a Communications/Promotions intern. It was a joy to utilize my education and gain real-world experience in a position that was tailored for my training and passion.
The field of dentistry has history dating back to 7000 BC and has continually changed and improved overtime through the influence of many intelligent people. The ancient cavemen of Pakistan received credit for the first documented drilling of teeth. Studies show that Pakistanian cavemen used asphalt and other creative treatments to fill cavities (“Dentistry”). This act of improving oral health laid the basis for further development and innovations in the field. Following the Pakistanian cavemen, the ancient Egyptians contributed to dentistry by creating the formula for one of the oldest recorded toothpastes. This mixture consisted of rock salt, mint, dried iris flower, and pepper. Scientists believe that this formula for toothpaste may have worked better than toothpastes developed during the 18th century (Monson). The French, the next
My first career I picked is dental hygiene. I believe that my work interests do match this career. My holland code from the focus 2 activity is SER. In dental hygiene, I will be helping people by cleaning their teeth. I like helping people in anyway I can, so this job seems to match that interest. My other interest is having a job that I am doing something with my hands. In Dental Hygiene I will always be using dental equipment to check patients with. Persuading people is another interest of mine, but this has nothing to do with dental hygiene. My leisure interests are the doers, the thinkers, and the helpers. I think that these leisure interests match this job description perfectly.
For the past two years, I have had incredible mentors who were personal motivators and supporters. They are the reason I have become a confident sonographer. So thankful for them, I aspire to have that same impact on someone in the future. Being able to continually help people and give back is not something that everyone is able to do.
Regardless of your political stance, dental care is a service that all people should have access to, privately, or publicly. In the United States alone, millions of Native Americans on reservations are stifled from receiving the much needed dental care they require, the consequences are harmful to their health and prosperity.
Dentistry has a long and complex history, with the earliest evidence of it being performed being dated back to 7000 B.C. from the Indus River Valley Civilization. Later, an ancient Sumerian text mentioned “tooth worms” around 5000 B.C., and from 2900 - 2700 B.C,Egyptians began drilling teeth to drain abscesses. Etruscan and Greek physicians further progressed dentistry by pioneering dental prosthetics and writing texts that contained information about dentistry. The Roman Empire later conquered the Etruscans and absorbed some of their culture, including dentistry. In fact, the Roman medical writer Celsus wrote on many topics pertaining to dentistry. In Asia, although the Chinese did use silver amalgam fillings as early as 200 B.C., a proclamation from the Qu’ran that prohibited body mutilation prevented the advancement of dental surgery for many years. The first book to focus solely on dentistry, Little Medicinal Book for All Kinds of Diseases and Infirmities of the Teeth by Artzney Buchlein was published in Germany in 1530. Known European dental achievements were mostly French and English in the 16th and 17th century, with James Hunter, an English surgeon, pioneering the idea of teeth transplant. When the English began settling the United States, many of them brought along their dental practices. Notable American dentists during the colonial period include Isaac and John Greenwood and Paul Revere. In the 19th century, America was a hotbed for dentistry related
A career in Dentistry is my main goal in life. I want to pursue a career in Dentistry for many reasons. Being a Dentist, you get to aid people and make them feel better about themselves. I have the personal qualities to be a Dentist and know that I would be great at the job. I would look forward to going to work every day. Dentistry contains many tools and oral practices that I am not familiar with. It would be awesome to get to be familiar with the lifestyle of a Dentist. Someday, I might even be able to live their lifestyle. Focusing in school is the main priority for all jobs. Dentistry also involves a diverse (longer) college route than most. This means that the academic requirements to be a Dentist are quite time consuming, but the
This reflection acts as my fourth reflection since I have started my internship at Comfort Dental under the Guidance of Dr. Trino Nuno. The semester is coming to an end, and I have enjoyed my time at Comfort Dental., I previously had a clinical and administrative internship at Smile Works Dentistry in Rockwall, Texas and I can now tell you that my experience at these two dental practices was incredibly different. At Smile Works, I quickly got used to the way the practice was run because it was not that complicated and I only had one doctor’s schedule to manage. However, at Comfort Dental I still struggle with managing day-to-day functions. The reason I struggle is that Comfort Dental has three doctors and a lot more staff. Also, the computer system that I mastered at Smile Works is not the same computer system that they use at Comfort Dental. I got the chance to use all to same skills in this internship. I answered phones, checked that patient’s insurance plans are eligible to be billed and scanned paper documents into a hard drive.