
My Experience With Cancer

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According to the American Cancer Society over 1.6 million people will be diagnosed with cancer this year. They also predict there will be over a half million deaths due to cancer this year alone. It is never easy to hear about someone you know having cancer. It hurts even more when it is someone in your family. I do not remember the exact day my mother-in-law was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, but I will never forget the day she died. I use the lessons she taught me throughout the time I knew her every day at work and at home.
My past experiences with death had been limited to a few funerals. The closest person to me that died was my pastor. And at age 18, while I sat alone in my car in the parking lot of the graveyard, they buried him. …show more content…

She would always say she is not going to die soon and would see her grandkids grow up. She put on a brave face for us, making sure she hid how bad the situation was until it was too late. She did what any mother would do for her children. Even though she did not want us to prepare for her death, she prepared for it and got life insurance to help take care of us after she was gone.
The week of her death, we spoke to her almost every day. I was in military training and we went to see her just days before I started training. I was a week away from graduation and I told her as soon as I graduated I was coming to see her. That Wednesday my mother called and said things weren’t looking good and we would be lucky if my mother-in-law made it to the end of the week. We spoke to my mother-in-law and she put up that brave voice saying she is okay.
That Friday morning, not knowing what was about to happen, I put my wife and kids on a plane bound for Florida. After leaving the airport, I called my mother-in-law. I told her my wife and the kids were on the way to spend some time with her. I told her that after my graduation the following Wednesday, I would be driving down to see her and I told her that I loved her. For the last time, just hours away from her death, she said loved me and that she would see me the following week. My wife made it to her mother’s bedside that night and got to speak to her

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