
My Experience With Tamiflu

Satisfactory Essays

Good Morning,, I would like to share my recent experience with Tamiflu. Of note: In 2009 my daughter tested positive for H1N1 during the height of the swine flu pandemic. Tamiflu saved her life! Last Monday, I was taken to Urgent Care where I found out I had the flu. Before the doctor could ask, I requested a script for Tamiflu. Immediately the urgent care doctor wrote a script for the generic brand which I caught before leaving the office. My order for Tamiflu was emailed to my pharmacy (CVS) and needless to say, I did not get. The Pharmacist, filled my prescription with the generic brand despite the doctor’s note for brand. I then requested brand and I was also told “All CVS pharmacies do not keep Tamiflu in stock because it’s too

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