For me personally, I have never reflected on my STAR Reader results as I have this year. I seemed to be more consistent than in the past and because of this I can give an accurate explanation for my scores. My fall score was an 11.4 which I was happy with, but I was not necessarily too surprised. I really wanted to see if I could show some improvement next time I took it or at least not show a loss in comprehension like in previous years. My winter score was an 11.8 which, to my satisfaction, was higher than my previous score. My spring score was where I really made some reflection. Upon getting the same exact score as in the winter (an 11.8), I thought about why I may not have improved but earlier I had. At first is was difficult to see a …show more content…
As someone who wants to become a doctor, reading comprehension, writing, and grammar are extremely crucial. Every year I want to increase my vocabulary (especially in the scientific field), improve my grammar, and be able to apply themes in books to real life situations easily. Improvement of my skills will increase with the continuation of being an avid learner, but focus on improvement during my own time is a must for noticeable short term improvement. I think that “Duolingo” will help with my improvement in grammar. This is because I noticed rapid improvement in grammar upon greater comprehension of latin-based languages. Duolingo will be a great way to improve my French, while also improving my english grammar. I think “Free Rice” is a good website for improving my vocabulary because not only does it have levels allowing for a wide range of comprehension and availability for improvement, but it gives a motivation to continue learning in that they donate rice for each question you get right. I think that “Upworthy” is a good tool for increasing my real world application. Using this site, I can learn about important matters and as I improve my reading comprehension, I hopefully will be able to apply themes to these matters and gain a new point of view. Using these resources is important not only because many students lose much of
It is no secret that Egypts new Pharaoh was threatened by the children of Israel and his enslavement and back breaking labour did not stop the Jews from multiplying. For this reason our Pharaoh also commanded that all new born Jewish males must be cast into the Nile.
The English Department at Parsippany High School is known for Mrs. Sanchez’s Honors English 3 class. Through the first week of school, I found out that the class is notorious in PHS because of the tough demands and work load that would be placed on me. First, an essay on 1984 hit me, then a project on Tess of the D’Urbervilles, and then we went right into reading Beowulf. I had no idea that the class was going to be as hard as people actually said it was. However, I stood undeterred with any assignment that would come my way, as I was mentally prepared and took on everything with the best of my abilities. Even though I did not succeed in some cases, I did not let that bring me down, and continued to focus on the greater skills I would develop
Gun control in America is a tough business. Second amendment advocates love to flourish their rights to bear arms. However, their stubbornness is causing many unnecessary complications that could be easily solved if they would cooperate more with legislators. The need for more a more thorough background check, more rigorous restriction on purchases and less selfishness is paramount to the evolution of our country.
funding, and only those that stay relevant and leverage new digital capabilities will benefit in this digital age. The question for Surrey University right now is in an increasingly competitive Higher Education sector, how they differentiate themselves through new and emerging business models to become a Digital Leader and how this effect what is a traditional university does.
Everything is an accurate representation of me as a student except for sophomore year. Sophomore year, my grades dipped do to an unfortunate event that took up lots of my time and focus. During sophomore year my parents were going through with a divorce that was both nasty and prolonged. It took up a lot of my emotional, physical, and mental efforts that year moving my focus from school to my home life. Hearing them argue and yell at each other all the time was incredibly taxing and moving between living with my father and my mother every week was something new. My head simply was not where it needed to be and I often stayed up late at night doing homework and often forgetting to turn in assignments. I spent most of my time away from homes
During my day, I go to the classes that I always go. As usual, I stay silent and I do my work. Unlike the other classmates who usually talk constantly, I stay quiet. Some of my classmates find it weird that I don't talk much. In one of my honors classes, I feel like a misfit because I feel like I don't fit in with the others. They find me mysterious, almost like a freak. When I disagree with their ideas, I don't say anything because they'll think I'm the bad guy.
For the First Quarter in this school year, my goal was to read 15-20 minutes per day during the school week. When I set this goal it seemed like a very realistic goal. I knew I would be able to reach this goal, because I enjoy reading a lot. Reading is something that has always came very easy to me.
Senior year has pegged it’s own challenges. With the ongoing stress of finals my stress level has hit an all time high. For some reason this year has become harder and more cutthroat. I have the added task of officially deciding my future to the extent of what I want to do for the rest of my life. Currently I want to binge watch my favorite show on Netflix in my pajamas by a fire. However, something tells me that would not be the best idea. Senior year has given me a new perspective on life, making me realize that to become an asset to society I need to be involved and up to date on current government and societal issues and events. This being said, I have begun to read up and become aware of the direction this country wants to go in.
Six grade was fun but you need to learn thing that you are ready know but six grade is not hard I pass all of my sol in six grade but they said I missed one question on my math sol that was not fun so I had to repeat the six grade math sol but I had to go and do that again and I passed with a 450 as my score that means I have passed the six grade yay that was my first moment ever. Sixth grade is a big transition year. In many school districts, this is when students begin middle school, which involves moving from classroom to classroom throughout the day as well as an increased workload. Academic expectations take a leap forward, too. Your state’s academic standards outline the skills students need for each grade level. Here are some of the
These same student showed 57% scoring a level 3 on the IRI in the spring. During the 2014-2015 school year there were 41 second grade students with 63% scoring proficient on the STAR Reading test and 49% scoring a level 3 on the IRI in the spring.
I never could learn tips, tricks, and the skills needed to pass what some call a skills test. I am not a good standardized test taker. I just am not. Though, I do not know what my most current LSAT score will be, I feel that I must explain the discrepancy. I understand how important the LSAT is within the selection process, however I ask you to overlook such scores and see that I can excel in regular academics. I can do well in academics and am a good test taker otherwise, if I was not I would not have the grades I do. My LSAT score does not show a true reflection of what I can accomplish when it comes to academics and my studies. I never give up when it comes to my studies. I am very proud of all my academic accomplishments because I know
I’ve encountered Let’s Get Ready SAT program through school and my fellow high school peers on Facebook. As I was learning about the Let’s Get Ready program offers to junior students, I was astonished and knew I had to take advantage of this program. I am a 16-year-old junior in high school and the first man in my generation who is looking forward to attending college. As I was learning about the Let’s Get Ready program offers to junior students, I was astonished and knew I had to take advantage of this program. Over the years, the SAT guidelines and the accordance rates have changed, colleges acceptance rates has gotten competitive, because they are demanding more from students. Therefore, this is essential to me because I want to be prepared
I used deductive reasoning when deciding what classes and clubs to participate in for my senior year of high school. My mother wanted me to take it easy for my senior year, but I wanted to participate in debate, forensics, Technology Student Association (TSA), Chaparral Singers, and take two college classes while maintaining my part-time job. I first explained that TSA, Debate, and Forensics will present me with scholarships that other students won’t qualify for. I then explained that the alternatives to Chaparral Singers were rather boring and I already had a lot of trouble with boredom in the past. When she argued that I wouldn’t be able to keep up with my college courses due to the challenge they would present I simply asked her, “Isn’t
Macbeth, a play written by Shakespeare centers around the two leads, Macbeth and his wife, Lady Macbeth, who both have the capacity to exhibit evil throughout the play. Although Lady Macbeth is the one who convinces her husband to commit his first murder, she is not responsible for all the other murders Macbeth had committed throughout the play. Hence, it is Macbeth, who is more evil than his wife and not the other way around.
After taking the University English course for a semester, I realize the course content is different from my anticipation but it is much more useful than what I expected. The aspects that I would like to improve in this course including my speaking, reading and writing skills. As the course mainly focus on the writing part, I find it really helpful and practical for my subsequent studies. Especially for the sentence structures part, which is also the main improvement I would like get from this course, it really inspires me a lot. I hoped I could master the use of different sentence structures because my previous writings were limited in some simple and dull structures, making my writing mediocre. After participating in this course, I really gain a lot. Many unclear concepts in sentence patterns that I have had since my secondary school are cleared now. For instance, in making some complex sentences, I always make grammatical mistakes and use erroneous subjects but do not know why they are wrongly used. The