Family It seemed as if a war was happening right in the middle of our kitchen. Seeing the puddles of tears streaming down from my sister and I’s face was undoubtedly heartbreaking for my parents, but it was also heartbreaking for my sister and I to find out our parents were getting a divorce. Their screaming was loud and constant. I wish my walls were soundproof. My mom’s final words of the first fight, “I’m leaving no matter what you say.” First Day It was awkward and dreary around the house. I still got up in the morning and started out my day by straightening my hair, eating breakfast, and heading off to school for what I hoped to be a regular day. My parents were obviously avoiding each other not a lot of talking happened between them. Silence. Honestly, I couldn’t decide if I wanted to tell my friends or not since none of their parents were divorced. Have you ever had that feeling that people know what’s going on and they talk about it to others? Just not to you. I had a gut feeling that people knew already. Word spreads fast. It’s frustrating to me because I’m not in the mood to talk about it, yet everyone just wants to know what is going on.
I did non-stop thinking. Did this mean I wouldn’t see one of my parents as much as the other? Part of me couldn’t decide if I was sad or angry. Honestly I was a little of both. How could one of my parents get up and leave our family? So many questions. This was such a confusing time for my sister and I; we didn’t ask
It was only a matter of time until my parents weren’t parents any more.As we were leaving the house all I could think about was where are we going and for what reason are we leaving the house for.Before all of this we(my brother named Kenny Curtis(KC) and myself named Kyle) were instructed to grab a bunch of clothes and get in the car.I never actually realized what was happening until we started living at my mother’s friend's house.I realized that my parents were in a divorce.It stunned me for a while, but eventually I figured out that it is ok and most people get into a divorce.
After being dropped off from dance late at night, I was expecting to walk into a silent house where everyone was asleep. Instead, I walked into my living room to find the rest of my family sitting on the couch with the television off, which was strange for my family. It was clear they were waiting for me to get home, so I sat down too. My mom and dad exchanged a look and a sigh then turned back towards my brother and me. They babbled absently for a few minutes, then, my mom quickly spit out the words, as if ripping off a Band-Aid, "We are moving back to Arizona." There was a brief moment of stunned silence before I burst into tears. I could not imagine why my parents would decide to separate me from my best friends six months before we were supposed to
In the seventh grade my parents decided to get a divorce, it had a very negative effect on my family. Being in middle school the situation was very confusing and vague. I thought to myself how annoying it’s going to be switching houses every week and having double the thanksgivings, christmases, easters,etc. Also having
Also, they felt that life became hopeless. People felt sad, and we all thought about what had happened, and how I would have extra responsibilities. Also, people started to worry about what will happen to us, and who would stay with us. Also, they thought about my life, and how everything changed. After that day, all I felt was sadness, loss of hope, and always wanted to stay alone far away from people. Today it has been five months since that week, and my life is not like before. They are the most depressing times of my life. But I know that I will learn from this journey, and will be able to imply all the ways of taking care of my siblings, and taking charge of a house. So today my life is not the way I thought it would be when I was young, but in the end maybe one day it will get
This screaming and fighting was going on for hours, Michael and I partially went to sleep while my mom and Aunt Betsy watched us sleep. Then all of a sudden, we hear silence their gone, my mother waits a few minutes to make sure it's still silent. It past 10 minutes it was still silent, my mom poked her head out to see if the coast was clear, but their was still a few bad people they're arresting lots of families men. My father left a tiny phone for my mom because when his close or is in america we will know that he is ok. Hours past and it was still quite, and our candle was literally about to burn out, but we still have half of the other one, my mother wanted to go to see if everyone one was gone but before she left the phone rang.
thought about going to the meat department of your local grocery store and there is no meat, but
Divorce is hard for many kids growing up. I had always pictured my parents as the ultimate team. My dad rescued my mother like a knight saving a princess, from the evil forces in life. It’s the story everyone’s brought up with. When you find out that that is not the case, it’s heartbreaking in a different way.
I don’t really know the reason why they got a divorce, but when they did, I was devastated, because my mom has a lot of children to hang out with her and my dad only has three children, my two younger siblings and I, and I’m pretty sure none of us know how to drive. I always fear to this day since their divorce that when I’m at the other parent's house for the week that the parent that whose house I’m not at will pass away and I won’t know because they won’t be able to tell anyone. My older siblings don’t really visit my dad and he has no family in Idaho, they are living in Florida, and some of my older siblings live somewhere else. I only have three older siblings, they are all in different places, they live in Utah, Detroit, and Ucon.
That's when I lost it. Tears pouring down my face, sobs that I couldn't stop, and that feeling like you can't breathe even though you actually were able to. My sister just had a blank look on her face as she stared into the table. She doesn't understand. But I understood it perfectly well. I knew what happened when divorces happened: not seeing my dad. I couldn't accept that; I wouldn't. I ran out of the room sobbing and sprinted up the stairs into my bedroom. I flopped down on the bed like a dead carcass and stared into the ceiling. Why me? Out of anyone in the world it had to be me, why?
My mom didn’t yell again, she just gave me a fierce look and stiffly began walking out the school to her car. I followed behind and sat in the car. I was still angry as I took a sip from my water bottle. Without saying one word to each other, my mom started the car and we made our way to Ashley’s school.
A few hours later though when my parents did finally emerged from their bedroom they gingerly sat me down at the kitchen table informing me that they would be “taking a break” for a while as my mama had put it. But, all I knew was that, after that, my Step Daddy Cade had left home and he didn’t return for four months. At the time I had honestly thought he was never going to come home again. That’s how things usually worked out around here in
Marijuana is a well known international drug with unfortunate secondary effects to many individuals that use it. Although marijuana is often smoked, in history it has been used in many different ways. As we all know, marijuana has harmful effects, However alcohol has many more effects than marijuana. Although marijuana is illegal, legalizing marijuana can help medical complications, lower the rates of arrests, and help America’s economy.
Having my dad around all the time wasn’t my everyday routine. I’d see him once or twice a week so I wasn’t very much used to see him every day. One day I came home after school and he and my mom were on the balcony talking, the notice I was staring, they both looked at me and called for a family meeting by the tone of their voices I could tell there was
despair in their eyes, their hope of love snatched from them, the look I will never forget to this day. The piece of both my parents’ lives that became whole once she was born was now taken away.
Devastated, I ran to my room gushing my eyes out. All these emotions going through my head of how my life would be without my parents in the same room or even house. From what I remember it all started about mid-June, the weeks before that were crucial. My parents would always argue over how to deal with a situation between me and my brother, Skyler. They hardly spoke to one another, but when they did they would just start bickering. I remember, one night after dinner they both went into ''their'' room with the door locked yelling at one another. Skyler and I didn’t know what to do, so we went downstairs and tried to figure out what was going to happen. With a scared tone I asked if mom and dad were going to get a divorce?" He answered back '' No, they love each other, they wouldn’t do that to us." That following night, was a school night everything was quiet except for my crying. I couldn’t sleep; all I was thinking about how it's going to affect my family.