I am for sure conflicted about what my favorite and least favortite parts about my winter break were. Besides the fact that I am quite indecieve I also just kept going through waves of opitimism and pessimistm all of break. I definetly had my time filled for the most part but the things I did were equal parts good and bad. Mainly it was just between doing nothing and celebrating New Years with one of my best friends. The only definite bad thing was when I had to attend a funeral and become a pallbearer unexpectidly, but more on that later.
One of the main things I did over break was nothing. I would sleep in considerably late and then hardly get anything done. Instead I just laid like a lump on a log in my bed all day watching YouTube videos
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My mom goes crazy and buys packs of fireworks and food. Anyway it was mostly good as I do like to spend time with my close friend and talke about life and acting, but, honestly it was emotionally taxing. I love Rachel to death, but we both are pretty awkward which can led to me having to initate every conversation and even some weird silence. I also was particularly anxious that day, I am not sure why, but that only made it harder on my to keep my game face on. Also at the party were four of my youngest siblings (there is one fourteen year old but she never comes anymore) and they are at that age of peak annoyance. One of brothers in particular, who is eight, had the most awkward little crush on Rachel and kept staring at her and trying to get close to her. By the way, Rachel is seventeen years old and thought it was funny. My five-year-old sister, Maya, really wants to be a teenager like any young kid does. She wanted to join the sleepover and would not leave us alone and cried when she couldn’t do the teenage stuff too. My two-year-old sister, Rayna, was also obsses with Rachel but instead got this out by jumping and attaching herself to Rachel like a leech full of love. I hope she still wants to hang out with me after
I am still in my room because I have butterflies in my tummy. I knew I had to go down so I did and we ended up having so much fun. We ate cake, played games and I opened presents. Just like a normal birthday party, but the time came. I had to go into the woods. I just hoped and prayed that everyone would forget about it but then, out of the blue, Tony
Spring break was fantastic and I did a lot of things but the best thing I did is go deep sea fishing. We were planning to do this for weeks and when we finally got to do it I was really happy and exited. It was a lot of preparation for this because we had to clean the boat in and out, I dreaded it. But after we got that done it was sparkling clean. After that I was done and the next morning we had to get up really early and get the fishing poles ready on the back of the boat. Then we loaded everything up and headed for the dock.
We played musical chairs and many other games. I also read a book called “Nory Ryan’s Song” by Patricia Reilly Giff during the winter break. For New Year’s my cousins from New York came and we celebrated it in Bakersfield. When they came, my dad and I went to go pick them up from the airport. On our way back from the airport, we stopped at In-N-Out Burger to get something to eat. They stayed in Bakersfield for 5 days. We planned a party for the New Year's which was pretty fun. One night we planned to stay awake the whole night just to see if we can stay awake. But none of us stayed awake for the whole night. When all the days passed and they had to leave, I was pretty sad that they were leaving. In the spare that I had in this break, I watched T.V, listened to music, and read books. When there was only one days left of winter break. I was sad because I didn’t want to go to school. The day before our school started, my whole family went to eat dinner at an Indian restaurant. So this winter break was really fun and I spent it with my family and friends. These were some of the things I did over my winter
My Christmas break started off rough but, it got better as the days moved on.
My 2017 Christmas break was really good, but I didn’t do very much. We didn’t have much of a Christmas dinner, we had a Christmas day brunch. Much of our family wasn’t there because of a bad incident in our family. I also went to see lots of Christmas lights with my mom and day and the other half of my family.
I felt normal. I felt like everything was okay. It was just us. Two girls, riding in the older ones car, jamming out to whatever song was on the radio. Teasing each other playfully. It was one of the best things to happen to me so far this year. I know it sounds lame, but it was big for me. I usually don't hang out with people, let alone connect with them on a personal level.
I was sad but I ended up having fun. I got to play lazer tag I came in first almost every time. I beat my dad almost all the time at laser tag. The place we played it at was glow in the dark rocks rockets everywhere.I also did thing where you got a harness and you go up in the air and go through an obstacle course. After laser tag my dad and me played mini golf I beat him cause I am really good at mini golf. We also went bowling I got second my Mom got first then my Dad then my sister. After bowling my sister wanted me to do the rock climbing wall with her. I didn’t get to the top cause my hands kept slipping. After that we went back to our hotel room and slept and got ready for the next
My Spring break was great. I used most of my Spring break jumping on my trampoline and doing cool tricks. My brother, Will, was a couch potato and played a lot of video games, to contrast I was active this Spring break.
After going to the store to pick up a last minute birthday card for Kendal, I was on my way to the party. I was so excited! I was about to do my favorite thing with some of my favorite people. On the ride there, my mom was going over the same speech she always did before I went anywhere. She was telling me to be safe and to not do anything stupid. I wasn’t paying attention though because it was her normal mom speech, but I probably should’ve listened to her more about being safe.
My stomach drops. I feel sick and am becoming increasingly worried with each step I take on the way to my car. I have just received a call from my mom in which her only words were, “Son, I need you to come to the hospital. I need you to come now.” That hospital is where my grandma had been for a couple of days, preparing for a surgery that was not thought to have been life-threatening. That presumption, though, was not accurate.
Not my sister wasn't here, but also the rest of my family. "Hey, where is Steph at?" My mom looked at me and said, "Oh, she's at the twin's birthday party." From that mere moment I knew for a fact they were at my nephew's birthday party. I felt so much disappointment towards my family for deciding to have a party on graduation day. Therefore, I celebrated with close friends of mine that I consider family to me. That care about my emotions and honor my
The day started out like normal. Waking up in my bedroom to my brothers nocking on the door. My mom yelling at them, saying stop being so dang loud. That’s when I got out of bed to read my text messages and yelled, bye mom, I have to go to school and I’ll be back for a little while, but I won 't be back tonight because I have a party. All she said to have a good time. See
During the summer Nicole often went to the pool, but I honestly did not see the need to go to a place in which I had to see everyone from school. Although I disliked the idea of going to the pool during the summer, Nicole has been asking since the first day of summer and have denied her ever since.
Different people had different experienced at holiday. In my opinion I want to harbor the idea that my holiday was very meaningful because I was doing a significant job that called teaching assistant. This job achieved my dream of being a teacher. It made me very happy. When I contacted with those students, I found it was not an easy thing to do. But I was not discouraged. I learned a lot of experience from other teachers. And I got along well with those students finally. At the end of the teaching, we all had the big party,everyone played happily. In a word, this experience was precious in my life. At the same time, I was also do lot of things at my holiday, such as visiting my grandparents, traveling with my family, reading books and so on. All in all I had an unforgettable time at the holiday.
Life is full of adventures and new experiences. After all, wisdom grows with both. But enough about this adventure we call life, this summer was like no other. I had new experiences and did new things. I did so many things this summer. But if I had to pick the best three highlights of my summer, they would be going to the carnival with my best friend, walking to McDonalds with my new summer friends. Last and foremost, school supply shopping. Funny enough one of the things that was the most fun was school supply shopping.