
My Favorite Dog

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As a little kid, I had always feared dogs. Actually, I guess you could say I was scared to death of them. I never knew why, but the moment I spotted one of those little, fluffy demons, I was running for my life. Eight years old and caked with dirt from a Little League game I just finished, I headed over to the car. Sloppy mud floating around in my shoe, I felt like I was walking around in a marsh. My dad was driving the silver Toyota Matrix and playing one of his Rolling Stones albums, full blast, almost stinging my ears. All the windows were open, letting the cool April air smack my face as I looked out the window. It was refreshing, and my Saturday could not have gotten any better. My dad turned into our long driveway and I turned to him in with confusion and asked, “Where’s mom?” He stopped and thought for and second, only to reply with, “I don’t know. Probably getting groceries.” We walked down our old, cracked driveway only to hear someone in the backyard. I listened hard for a second, but the noise wasn’t familiar to me. We started heading towards the gate, listening to the barking and laughing, only to find this black blur of a thing running around and playing with a tennis ball. My sister was overjoyed, giggling as though she had just inhaled a tank of laughing gas, and was running around it. My knees began to wobble. The mud in my shoes didn’t seem to bother me anymore. All that bothered me was this thing playing in my backyard. I slowly twisted

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