My favorite movie/play is: The Count of Monte Christo. It is a book turn into play, there are also a few movies about the play. The movie is about treason around time Napoleon Bonaparte where in hiding from French officials. It centers around a young prospect man name Edmond Dantes who was on his way to the top even though he didn’t know how to read and write, he got framed from his best friend Fernand Montego, crew member Danglars, and magistrate De Villefort and sent to prison (The Chateau D’if) where no one ever come back. He befriended an older intellectual priest from Italy name Abbe Faria who taught him everything in life even sword skills. Even help him figure out why he was in prison. Old man Faria died in prison the guards put …show more content…
I love the intensity of watching two teams going head to head, with the scores even at the last two minutes of the game, then all players anticipate on scoring the last point to win the game. I like to know is basketball become soft now compare to 20 years ago. What happened to all the trash talk that used to happen between players. Will Chicago ever get back to being a winning team? I would like to say that my favorite amusement park is LEGOLAND, where kids can be kids and be creative. Kids have fun even when it is raining, it has been said that at Legoland Florida there is never a day without rain. My family and I did enjoy our stay when we visited, there were many of indoor activities that the children took part on, the indoor playground, indoor theatre and so on. Beautiful structures build with Lego blocks, there were so many beautiful well put together Lego design: the popular cities like New York, Chicago, Miami, Orlando. There were ford explorer SUV with every block carefully put together, if standing at a distance it would appear to look like a real vehicle. Third is you meet and interact with people all around the world and since it’s a day of fun in the sun or rain, every family make the best of it. What I would like to know about Legoland is when is a good time to go without rain. I think Legoland should have their own weather forecast, I
Wow Knott's berry farm! Just thinking about the towering rides gives me goosebumps.For the first time in a while my family was on a trip to Knott’s Berry Farm! I hope the place is not like Disney Land,uhh boring. My dad drove up to the park and I didn't think that the rides would be as big as they were. Guess everyone was right about the park.I walked through the front entrance I just had to try them all, but you know amusement parks you have to walk everywhere. Me, my sister,dad,mom,all of us went on the baby rides first because my little sister had never been on a ride before. I did not care as long as we went on Ghost Rider
We will start of with the zipline which is actually one of the most elaborate ones in the world. They also have one of the few 4D theaters, which will literally put you on the edge of your seat. And of course the have the famous water park, that includes many different sub activities inside the one activity. Activities are the most common reason for someone to go anywhere and that is kinda the way it is for me, except I also would like to go to get away from my sisters.
A good and fun amusement park to go to is the Comden Park. It opened in 1903. It has water slides, roller coasters and rides. All of the rides have names, Lil’ Dipper, Log flume, flying scooters, Big Dipper, and Paratrooper and it has a haunted house. You can rent a hotel if you want to stay the night. It has a place where you and your family can hang out and have a picnic. They have good food and rides. You should go there sometime with your friends and family to have fun and see some other cool stuff.
To begin with one big reason, I picked Epcot is because of its diverse culture exhibits, for example, they have an exhibit's showing different countries such as Mexico, France, China, United Kingdom, and many more
Amusement parks are a great form of entertainment for families and individuals. Walt Disney World resort and Universal Orlando resort are two popular theme park destinations which provide enjoyment to many worldwide visitors on a daily basis. Although both resorts share similarities, they also have numerous differences which set them apart from each other – creating a unique vacation experience for each visitor.
In summary, the County of Ventura’s CAFR was well organized and could be navigated by all group members with ease. There were no major deviations from the standards outlined in the checklist and no major financial issues that require reporting. The report did reference the bleak local and regional economic outlook that is forecasted for the next fiscal year. It is also readily apparent in the report that the County of Ventura has been seriously impacted by declining property tax revenues and sluggish retail sales. Despite these conditions, the County is well positioned to weather this economic downturn as demonstrated in the financials and the group asserts that the County has sufficient fiscal capacity to maintain services and operations at current levels.
As a child I enjoyed going to amusement parks. I enjoyed spending the weekends and afternoons with my family going to an amusement park. Amusement parks are something magical full of fascination and excitement for kids and grown ups. But there are some things that ruin that moment of enjoying a day in the afternoon in our favorite amusement park. Disneyland is greater than Universal Studios Hollywood because of their rides, waiting times, the prices.
As everyone always says, Disney World is the happiest place on earth, but for Iowans' we have Adventureland, where we are sure to have a fun filled day. To us Iowans', Disney World and Adventure are the two best theme parks we've ever known of! Both theme parks are full of happiness, good food and exciting rides, although Disney World and Adventureland have lots of differences and yet some similarities in hand. In this paper I am going to explain and list off the vast similarities and differences of Disney World and Adventureland!
Sesame Street Forest of Fun: Theme parks aren’t just for older kids. The little ones in your life will love the Sesame Street Forest of fun where they can meet their favorite characters and ride thrill seeking coasters, fun whirly worms, and create a sand castle with Elmo.
So one of the best thing I have ever gotten to do is go to Six Flags. The one I got to go to is in Van Texas. It is a crazy amusement park that has the third fastest roller coaster in the country.I got to go with some people too. Me Anne Mae, Jack, Jonathan, Mason, Alison, Olle, Davis, and my mom. It is a very cool amusement park. My favorite part was the Mr. Freeze ride. Jonathan said, “Mr. Freeze was his favorite too”.
The thing that I miss most about summer is King's island. I had a pass so I could go when I wanted to and it was always a fun time. It is a good time to hang out with friends and go on rides. My favorite ride there is the beast because it isn’t too bumpy and it has a ton of sharp turns and caves. It also is slightly scary with all of the fake warning signs. The food at Kings Island is also decent so I wouldn’t have to go get lunch. If I get tired of the rides then I can go on the water rides and the wave pool. The water rides don’t usually have the longest of lines if you get there early but if not then they are worth it. My favorite overall is the Tropical Plunge. This ride has the drop shoot, You stand in a vertical tube and you wait for the countdown and the floor drops underneath your feet. You then shoot down the tube and you make it to the end. All of these factors make Kings Island a very fun place, and the thing that I miss the most from summer.
Ashley Wilson History 110 Professor Rosalski November 14, 2017 The Birth Control Movement Outline I. Introduction a. History of The birth control movement i. During the Progressive Era, the birth control movement was an essential cause for many activist women to fight against the prevention of birth control methods. The birth control movement was a social reform campaign from 1914 to 1945 of which women began to gain sexual freedom and sexual education. b. The cause of The birth control movement i. Many Americans were opposed of birth control because they believed that it promoted promiscuity and gave the approval to men to pursue greater sexual urges outside of their marriages.
June 2015 I went to my favorite place in the whole world, Cedar Point. Cedar Point smells like happiness and cotton candy. Cedar Point is located in Sandusky, Ohio and is one of the top amusement parks in the United States. I have been 5 times, but my favorite trip was with my family and best friend Allie. We went to stay for a week like we always do. This time Allie and I would get to walk around the amusement park all by ourselves, that made us feel like such adults. I rode lots of roller coasters and went down many water slides. My favorite ride is Millenniun-Force. It is such a forceful ride I swear every time I ride it I lose my vision. We only rode that ride one time because after it finished Allie about thought she died. This was
Animal kingdom is another one of my favorite place at Walt Disney World. There is a big beautiful tree called, The "Tree Of Life" The trunk of the tree are carves of all different types of animals . Animal Kingdom at Disney World has a beautiful Safari Ride , that takes you on a journey through the Safari. The Jeep was so, much fun. we rode through the safari and had a chance to see all of the live animals. All of the Animals were roaming free. That was a beautiful sight to