The date was June 1st 2012 when my life changed. On this date I stepped foot on John F Kennedy international airport , New York City. In the airport my dad is waiting for me . I flew from halfway around the world by myself at twelve years old with no parent or any relative but a plane full of strangers. I spent that summer with my aunts and father helping them in house work , and in the store to earn a living for us and the families we left back home. For the whole duration of the summer I was excited to start school in the fall. The day finally arrives that I will be starting school.
Excited to begin school in the morning , I got all my clothes ready to avoid any delays. The morning was chilly and around 7 am my father drove me to school .The first day of school after my dad dropped me off with his Nissan extra and left, he told me to walk from school at dismissal. I agreed to that. Keep in mind the pressure of going back home later alone sits on my shoulder, and to make matters worse I did not know my direction back home. Nevertheless, I try my best to keep up the excitement to start school. Outside the school , I became confused as everyone was talking to their friends and I had no one to talk to . Obviously my first time in the USA demonstrated challenges. Language and culture barriers made me feel unwelcome. I slept and woke up with the mindset why did I leave my country, will I fit in the crowd without having to change my identity. This concept in my life was
This day came one rainy November day when I was in 9th grade. I was in high school. My world had turned upside down by change and
The day my parents saw the necessary to return to the United States to learn the English language, I couldn’t believe that this was happening, I really thought I was having a nightmare. I did not want to live in the United States. At the end, I noticed that I didn’t have a choice that I had to go. When I got to the United States, I started cry because I was super scared, for me this was like starting a new life. It was summer, there were only two weeks left for school to start. My mom went to the closest middle school to register me. Unfortunately, my first day of school come it was Washington middle school. When I got to school, I was very nervous, I didn’t know where to go or what to do, and I remember my first class was algebra with Mr. Magallanes. I had already 20 minutes trying to find my class,
With all the tips and suggestions my cousins gave, I was confident enough to start my first day of school in America. It was nice sunny day; I woke at 6:00 to get ready for school. I practiced to introduce myself in front of the mirror for several times. So that it makes me feel more confident and bold. I took a shower and had my breakfast. As I was dressing, I was thinking how I used to wear uniform to go to school in India. I packed my backpack the day before filled with books, pens, pencils, water bottle and lunch money. I headed to the
Living away from your country can be a really exciting and challenging, but I never expected the culture shock to impact me this much. My memories of those times aren’t strong, but I remember when my first day of school in United States started. Early in morning, our family caseworker take me to McMurray Middle School. When we reached there I saw big beautiful house at least that what I thought but unfortunately it was school. Besides the building, the view in front was outstanding, the spacious ground, playground, and everything look amazing to me because it was new to me. I look at school with smile but same time I was
Sunday, June 25, 2017, was a special day for me when I stepped into a different world, or I would say the real world. I started first of my job at Ross. I had never felt very different before. I felt like a grown teenager, not the one who used to act like a kid and be rude to others. I had significant changes from that day on as if I was in a different world and I became a whole new person. I would really like to share how it’s a special day for me and how I felt a different world.
Soon my first day of school arrived but still feeling the grief of having left so much behind, I lacked the ability to show any enthusiasm. I reluctantly entered the classroom, my stomach was rumbling like a washing machine (I hadn’t been able to stomach breakfast) and all the eyes were on fixed on me- the new-kid. For about five minutes it was like being celebrity who was walking down the red carpet but along with the gawking came the quiet conversations and whispers. I knew they were about me.
It was my first day at work and I thought to myself, Is my hair straight? Are these the right clothes? Are the people going to be mean? I walked in with confidence in my face as the sliding doors opened for me. It was busy and every register was full of people. At least ten customers were at each one.. I walked in and walked to the supervisor. “I’m ready to work,” I said with a big smile. He looked at me as welcoming as ever and walked me over to behind the counter. He gave me an old, plastic bag full of money and a solid, black till that looked well used.
It was Sunday morning November 5, 2017 the first day of day light savings, I woke at 8 o’clock to use the restroom. Then my boyfriend woke up and asked me if I wanted to go to church at 8:30 a.m., I said yes. We immediately jumped out of bed, and we began to get ready for church. We heated the car for 10 minutes and we left to church. We got to church and the mass was about an hour and a half. After church we went to go pick up my boyfriend’s car to take it to Super Mall in Chicago because he wanted to install an alarm and a remote starter for the winter. We took both cars because they were going to take a while installing the alarm and mean while we can go somewhere else, so we will not be bored. On our way to Chicago I called my mom to see what she was doing, we talked all the way there. While waiting for the car we went to Little Village to get some fresh fruit, chicharrones, and corn. We ate our treats in the car. In the fruit cup there was watermelon, mango, coconut, pineapple, melon, cucumber, and jicama garnished with salt, lime, and tajin. Tajin is a powder seasoned chili. The fruit was very delicious especially the watermelon it was very juicy. After eating our goodies, we went to see if the car was ready, it was ready and we went back home. There was a lot of traffic on our way back home because there was a car accident. When we arrived home, I called my cousin to see if she was home so I can interview her she said yes. We drove to her house and as
It was the first day of school and I just was so excited about who was going into be in my class I was also nervous. That what I was thinking. I went upstairs and got dressed and brushed my hair and my teeth.
The crisp of the autumn air bit me as I fought against it. Shivering, the hairs on my neck stand up as I am exposed to the cold air. Starting a new college in a country where I'd never visited in my entire life would be partially difficult. I would have to mind what I say. It didn't help that I would constantly be bombarded by questions in my first semester.
I am 5. I am sitting on our loveseat with my mix-matched Chuck Taylor’s propped up on my moms lap as she ties them. My dad comes out of our bedroom (I only say our because I am still too scared to sleep in my own.) He kisses all 6 of us on the head, saving the best for last of course, my mother. She has sleepy eyes and they are the most beautiful shade of brown. The kind where you can hardly see the pupils. It is time to go to school. My first day ever. This is the earliest memory I can recall from our tiny yellow house on the hill. The place I grew up. The first place I called home. I remember sitting in kindergarten crying for the normalcy I once knew. Whining for the chipped paint and the white fence that wrapped around the porch. I was, by definition, homesick. It eventually got so bad that my teacher called my mother to come pick me up, at least I got what I wanted. I thought she was going to be thrilled to see me, I figured that if I missed her this much then surely she had to be missing me too. My teacher walks me to the office where she is waiting and her once sleepy eyes are now frustrated. I wrap my arms around her waist and she softens, but only for a moment. We ride home in silence and when we reach the driveway she makes sure I know this can’t be an everyday thing. I have to go to school, even though it smells that glue and floor wax. I get inside and throw my body on the couch, relieved. I can finally breathe again. The couch had never been this soft before, I
I hadn’t felt my dad’s warm, comforting hugs all summer and I was ready to plunge into his arms. My father was picking me up from my grandfather’s house. There was a woman in the car. She had long, curly hair, pretty eyes, and freckles. The first time we met, I felt her cold glare from the car window, tracing my every step as I hurried to my car. I plopped into my booster seat and rode back to North Hills, CA, where a shiny, new house awaited me. Mesmerized by the tall shrubs and the vibrant, freshly-trimmed grass, I walked up the driveway and took my first step into my new home. The lady (whom my dad introduced as his friend) showed me to my room, where a younger version of her was sitting on the bed. The little girl’s name was Carmen. She was about three years old and four years younger than me. I was more than ecstatic to make her my new sister. The woman introduced into my life, Courtney Harris, became the wife of my father. They were blissfully married in the winter time of 2008. I accepted her to my step-mother and was beaming from ear to ear that I would get a new mom.
I was born in a small town in Great Britain on February seventieth, seventeen fifty five. My mother, Martha Washington and father, George Washington gave me the name Donovan Washington. Donovan means strong warrior and that is what my dad wanted me to be one day. I started school during 1760, and on my first day of school, I met the most astonishing girl in the whole universe. From the first glance I had at Bonnie Taylor I knew I was going to marry her one day. Growing up Bonnie and I were always best friends. Bonnie and I did everything together. Bonnie was not like any of the other girls she was different in ways I can’t explain. Finally at age fourteen I built up the courage to ask her to be my girlfriend. Everyone has always told us we were meant to be, and I always knew she was the one. We have been in love for fifteen years now, and we have been dating for six years I am going to ask Bonnie to marry me. I got on one knee and said “Bonnie Rose Taylor we have known and been in love with each other for fifteen years now, I feel like it is time to ask you to be my wife” She happily said yes! Now that we are engaged we must tell everyone, and start planning the wedding of our dreams. We told everyone in town, but no one was taken by surprise everyone was aware that this was going to happen sooner or later. Bonnie and I decided on a date April twentieth seventeen seventy five. The date is April eighteenth seventeen seventy five two days before the wedding (and one day before
My mom gave birth to me in a in a small town in Great Britain on February seventieth, seventeen fifty five. My mother, Martha Washington and father, George Washington gave me the name Donovan Washington. Donovan means strong warrior and that is what my dad wanted me to be one day. I started school during seventeen sixty, and on my first day of school, I met the most astonishing, charming, and breath taking girl in the whole universe. From the first glance I had at Bonnie Taylor I knew I was going to marry her one day. Growing up Bonnie and I were always best friends. Bonnie and I did every little thing together. Bonnie was not like any of the other girls she was different in ways I can’t explain. Finally at age fourteen I built up the courage to ask her to be my girlfriend. Everyone has always told us that it was our destiny to be together, and I always knew she was the one. We have been in love for fifteen years now, and we have been dating for six years I am going to ask Bonnie to marry me. I got on one knee and said “Bonnie Rose Taylor we have known and been in love with each other for fifteen years now, I feel like it is time to ask you to be my wife” She happily said yes! Now that we are engaged to be married, we must tell everyone, and start planning the wedding of our dreams. We told everyone in town, but no one was taken by surprise everyone was aware that this was going to happen sooner or later. Bonnie and I decided on a date April twentieth seventeen seventy five.
Everyone always says how everything changes in high school. You’re treated with more responsibility and more homework, just more of everything. There is a big transition from junior high to high school. The thought of entering high school for me was exciting and scary all at once. The fact that I’ll be with all of the big kids was pretty scary and being in high school and being a part of it was exciting.