
My First Day Middle School Essay

Good Essays

“Don’t be late for school,” my mom said. “I know, I know,” I replied as I looked over my school supplies list to make sure I had everything. Today was my first day of middle school. I was so nervous! Would middle school be hard? Would there be a lot of homework? What would 6th grade be like? I had so many questions that were left unanswered. I looked at the time. It was 8:00. My bus would be coming at 8:12 so I had to go. Putting on my shoes, I said goodbye to my mom and left for the bus stop. I saw other students leaving their houses to get to the bus stop. I wondered whether any of them would be in my grade. Since I moved into my new house, I hadn’t met any of my neighbors. Perhaps one of them would be my friend by the end of the day. When the bus came, I quickly got on. I looked at the students getting onto the …show more content…

I was excited about orchestra because playing the violin interested me. Unfortunately, all we did in class was talk about procedures. My final class was art, but we did the same thing as all the other classes. When my final class was done, I had to go find my bus. I couldn’t find my bus number so I had to ask one of the teachers outside helping the students. “Could you help me find my bus? It’s number 312.” She replied, “Your bus is all the way at the front of the line.” I thanked her and went on my way. When I got onto the bus, it was nearly full which was weird because in the morning there weren’t many people on the bus. I decided to take a seat next to a student in my math class named Randy. I said, “Hi Randy. How was your first day of school?” He replied, “It was super boring.” We talked until I arrived at my stop. I got off and went to my house. My mom greeted me at the door. “How was your first day of school?” she asked. I replied, “I accidently went to the wrong class, but I made some new friends. River Trail Middle School wasn’t as bad as I thought it was. I guess sometimes new things aren’t always

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