
My First Medical Memory Analysis

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One of my first memories, and definitely my first medical memory, occurred when I was three. I remember going into the doctor with my mom to have my moles looked at. As a three year old, my understanding of dermatology was zero. Well, as we went to the doctor for the first time that I remember, I recall the doctor turning my leg to the side and looking at my ankle. The next thing I knew she said that this mole on my ankle was abnormally shaped. I thought that was cool, but clearly it was a concerning experience. The thought of potentially having skin cancer at this age even stuns me to this day. The mole was surgically removed, and the next thing I remember is waking up in a boot. Looking back on this experience, I am extremely lucky that they …show more content…

Extenuating circumstances during my first year of college significantly influenced my GPA, and taking the MCAT before having prerequisites completed did not help either, but I finished with an upward grade trend. The stress of financial management while in school was quite overwhelming at first, but eventually I was able to counter this by working part time and during the summers. Now that I was able to work throughout this last year and save up funds for school, the financial burden is no longer as detrimental. As an applicant, it has been overtly challenging for me to afford the cost to apply and go to interviews. Having a past due balance at my undergraduate institution put me in a bind with my application this past cycle, and this time I have chosen to take out a loan to cover the balance, so that I can put myself in the best possible position this time around. If you are wondering why I am applying, the answer is simple. The opportunity to study medicine in Texas is too good to pass up.
As a Montana resident, I have felt at a disadvantage while applying to schools because Montana does not have a medical school. Not having the luxury, or safety net, of an in-state school has made the cycle more strenuous. However, this opportunity has let me explore more great universities that I want to apply to, and so I have picked Texas schools because I have decided that it would be an excellent opportunity to study there and earn my

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