
My First Roller Coaster Ride

Satisfactory Essays

Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “You must do the thing you think you cannot do.” For me, one of the things I cannot do is riding roller coasters. I’ve never had the guts to walk into a line for any roller coaster. There are things I can’t do in my life, a roller coaster shouldn’t be one of them. For some reason, I was such a wimp about riding. I was scared anytime I thought of riding. I had convinced myself I could not do it.
I’ve always had an immense fear of heights, drops, and loop-de-loops. Roller coasters pretty much compose all three of those variables. Therefore, I hadn’t ridden a single roller coaster in the 14 years of my life. Whenever I got near them I just got a bad feeling in my stomach. It’s always been bad enough I didn’t want …show more content…

I actually got in line for a roller coaster. One step to overcoming fear and conquering something I couldn’t do. The few minutes leading up to the ride I debated going. I got a great deal of pressure by my very close friends, but I got even more pressure from my own dad. My dad kept joking he would give me $20 to try my first roller coaster. There was only one of my other friends in the same position as me, his name was Caden. He decided it was time to try, and that was when I decided to and just go for it. I survived it. I was screaming my head off and sweating a pool of sweat and ended up loving it. Now, I don’t think twice before getting on a roller coaster. To this day, my dad still hasn’t paid up. I am very thankful my dad and friends finally convinced me to get on the ride. After that one ride, I ended up doing all the rides in the park that day. That one ride completely took away all my fear of roller coasters, but I do still have a solid fear of heights. I feel so good being able to do any ride someone doesn’t think I’ll do. I will always have things I cannot accomplish, but riding a roller coaster is no longer one of them. The fear of roller coasters will no longer be lounging in my head. It was hard and scary to accomplish, but it felt so good to be done and enjoy myself. Eleanor Roosevelt’s quote is a good reminder. I will now do more of the things I think I cannot because I know most of the time I will succeed as long as I take a stab at

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