I was born at 6:56pm at Virtua Voorhees on January 21st, 2004. My weight at birth was 7 pounds and 3 ounces and my length was 18 inches. My family was very happy when I was born, before me they had a miscarriage so they planned me after it so it would help them get over their miscarriage. My oldest sister was actually pretty upset when I was born because I had to sleep in her room as a baby and apparently I cried a lot. So she was annoyed at me most of the time. My brother was too young to have an opinion on me. My first word was Duke, which was one of my dogs’ names at the time. My first haircut was September 2004. My first food was cake, I had it on my birthday. My first stuffed animal was a stuffed cheetah, I wouldn’t go anywhere without
I was born on September 11of 2004 in Finley Hospital in the morning. I did not cry much and that is a good thing when I was hungry for food I would eat things like those mash potatoes, pudding cups, pancakes, waffles and sometimes I still eat them. I liked to play a lot so when I was little I loved to throw any type of ball like a tennis ball. Then I would break many things.
I got my very first animal in September of 2009. It was a dog and we named him Buddy. I walking into shelter trying to find the right dog to bring home. I was so excited to get my first dog! Thinking which one is going to be the one. When we walked in all we could here was barking. Walking by cages of cute puppies, then we found just the right one, Buddy!
It was August 24 in the morning, I was born! It was August when I was born! I was born in August 24,2005, in Mountain Home Arkansas! I moved to Calico Rock when I was 3 years old! When I was 4 years old i moved in with my sister Jodi! My sister my two brother’s buddy my brother in law another sister then the dog live in one house! My brother in law Buddy he got a dog she is only a puppy almost 6 months old! Me Tabby,Jodi, don’t like the dog!
I was born on Sunday, August 16, 1998. My fall name is Jesse Lee Tonga, my mom wanted my name to be Jesse James but my dad didn't wanted my name to be Jesse James, there was no really reason why my mom and dad chose my name. I was born at McKennan Hospital in Sioux Falls South Dakota, at 7:56 on Sunday morning of the 16 of August. I was 9 pounds 4 oz 21 inch and I had blue eye and brown hair. On the day I was born my mom and went to the hospital at 2:30am after dropping my brother Zach off at my grandma and grandpa’s house. I was born on my mom and dad’s 1 year wedding anniversary and my dad’s birthday. I am the second child that my mom and dad had. I have one brother that is older then I am and 1 sister that is younger then me.
Imagine this you wake up at 7:45 am Monday morning so that you can make it to work (in this case practice) by 8:30 am you start your day with demanding labor. That ends around 1:30pm after you head to the weight room for an hour and a half to better yourself. You’ve trained your body now it is time to train your mind so you study for 2 hours. Your day began at 7:45 so you’re exhausted you decide to grab some dinner and go to bed. This is the routine college athletes go through every day and that is not accounting for their schooling. Let’s face it there is no time for work in that already packed schedule, so how do college athletes get money to survive. They can’t work, many come from rough backgrounds, and nobody cares, which is not acceptable when you look at the amount of money college athletes bring to their respective universities. Big time college athletes deserve to be paid in compensation for their time and abilities that they give to colleges. When you look at the capital that is generated from division 1 sports there is room to pay the athletes something to help them get through college.
first jobs.He was the first person in my life to tell me that I was
I was born at 6:15 November 29th in the year 2002, daughter of Sasha Hollens and Shaun Maynard.
The diaper pin represents when I took my first breath on July 12, 1989 in St. Cloud, MN. I was born on a clear morning just after 8am, and I was 7 pounds 11 ounces measuring at 21 inches long. I also had a head full of curly brownish red hair, the only one of my 2 older brothers and 2 older sisters that had hair. My parents were married at the time of my birth, and there were no significant issues with my mother during the pregnancy that impacted my development. I was however, a C-section baby, due to my brother being a C-section baby just 1year and 11 days before my birth. After my mom returned to work, my aunt watched my siblings and I until I was about 1 year old when my neighbor became my permanent daycare lady.
I was born in 1821 as Clarissa Harlowe Barton. My birth took place on Christmas Day in Oxford, Massachusetts.
I read outside of class every day except on Sunday most of my time, I go to library before class start or after class. I spend about 5 hours per week reading outside of class. It is hard to management my time, but I make one week schedule and I flow my schedule guide. I love reading books and searching internets because a person who read and search more, knows more. I spend 2 hours on reading books, magazines, newspapers, novels, humor and searching new things daily. I don’t have any fixed plan to reads books because I prefer to reading books more than watching television, playing game, and hangout with friend. Overall, reading is my habit and books which can bring a real change in one’s
The day came when I would know for sure that I was getting a baby sister. My parents
The relationship I have with my grandmother is one of the most amusing, affectionate, and enjoyable relationships that I have ever had, and it has been this way since the very birth of me. My grandmother spent her career life working closely with people who needed her and were at a point of struggle in their lives. These efforts consisted of working at a children’s home for emotionally disturbed young boys, and teaching high school english in a program for pregnant teenage girls. She wasn’t a woman without problems, she simply decided to put her problems aside for the sake of others. I have seen her do this a thousand times just in the short 16 years I have known her, and in many instances, she was doing it for me. She was born and raised on the same farm that she lives on today, and my family lives in a house right across from her on this delightful land. She loves the beautiful creation that surrounds us, and has ingrained it in me from a young age to appreciate nature, and see beauty in what others see as just grass and sky. After reading this short description of my grandmother, she probably sounds like a very sweet old lady. She is sweet, but is not a woman you’d want to challenge or treat unfairly. My grandma has taught me to appreciate nature, stand up for myself while respecting others, and to be a good friend who knows how to comfort a troubled soul during a time of need.
I was on my best behavior. And there was no such thing as always being happy like I was when I am at home with my parents. I learned what it was like to be picked on, be mad, angry, happy, and develop friendships. I think my family addressed this function well, because I have matured to be able to communicate and socialize with all those around me, which includes how to act and feel.
I thought myself to respect all people even if i didn't like them but still had aspect them and saw everyone as equal to each other and not have one dominant the other. What i am saying I know how it feels to have more limitation based on who you are. I know where they’re coming from. But overall having siblings had made more laughter, more learning opportunities and learning from their mistakes, and most all forever lasting friendship. I am very thankful to have family and friends to encourage me in my goals on what I want do and who I want to become.
It was my seventh birthday and also one of the best days of my entire life. I had just opened up the last of my presents and was thanking my family for all the gifts they had given me for my birthday. When I heard a bark and turned around to see my dad holding what would be my favorite birthday present that I ever received. It was my first dog, an Irish Setter named Scarlet.