
My First Stuffed Autobiography Of Virtua Voorhees

Satisfactory Essays

I was born at 6:56pm at Virtua Voorhees on January 21st, 2004. My weight at birth was 7 pounds and 3 ounces and my length was 18 inches. My family was very happy when I was born, before me they had a miscarriage so they planned me after it so it would help them get over their miscarriage. My oldest sister was actually pretty upset when I was born because I had to sleep in her room as a baby and apparently I cried a lot. So she was annoyed at me most of the time. My brother was too young to have an opinion on me. My first word was Duke, which was one of my dogs’ names at the time. My first haircut was September 2004. My first food was cake, I had it on my birthday. My first stuffed animal was a stuffed cheetah, I wouldn’t go anywhere without

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