too intrigued to feel disturbed or nauseous. I performed my first surgery on a pig’s foot, ensuring the sutures perfect distances apart, resembling the laces of a football. From that day on, I was hooked; I left knowing that I would pursue a career in medicine. At home, those sunflower sketches started sprouting into cell cycles and circulatory
I had been cringing about day for so long. I was completely terrified to go into that room. As the door opened I was exposed to a cold draft and I could feel the dense air. The day I was told this needed to be done was horrifying, and now it’s actually happening. They rolled me over to a new bed and I looked around seeing doctors everywhere. There was a table that they rolled next to me and on it was things that I can’t even explain. They put a green mask on me with tubes going through both sides of it. They told me I’d get drowsy and all of the sudden I closed my eyes and it was happening. I was getting knee surgery.
While the pain is fresh and the glory is sweet, I decided to write this article about my experience running the marathon and how in my opinion, it metaphorically correlates the beginning and the diurnal responsibility of my profession as a Surgical Technologist.
I learned a lot from that experience, especially to appreciate my family. My parents for taking care of me, and my brother for taking time to play Barbies with me. I believe that my strength as a learner is comprehension, because I can normally understand most concepts very well. However, my weakness is paying attention, because I get distracted very easily. I’m normally distracted when reading all the posters that teachers put around the classroom, or when I’m looking through my planner. If the environment is quiet then I focus better, whether I need to pay attention to a test, teacher, or announcement. I do enjoy learning when the teacher is equally or more enthusiastic than
In 2003 during the last semester of nursing school, my life was devastated as my ex-husband was arrested as a serial rapist. This was overbearing and I thought this as being impossible to recover from. A breaking point came as I approached a red light deciding whether to deliberately run my minivan into oncoming traffic with my two young children to end our lives. Only days later, I once again felt that I was at the lowest point in my life as the reality of this event truly hit during a medical-surgical examination.
Last year with my hockey team, we got together and made blankets for sick children about to have surgery at Children's Hospital in St.Paul. About a week later, we went to the hospital and delivered the blankets to the rooms that the children would be in right before surgery. It was really fun making the blankets, and everyone felt really good afterward knowing that they were supporting the children about to have children. We did this last winter, I am not sure the exact
At the age of six years old, I started to gain weight and I was chunkier than the rest of my schoolmates. My mother concerned took me to my Pediatrician. The doctor told my mom I was just fine, and I would grow into my weight. That was the last time I saw that doctor.
The surgery I had was a pretty major surgery some could say, four though six hours and it's compared as open heart surgery. It wasn't the surgical pain though that caused me to stay there longer then i was supposed to no, it was some kind of nerve pain that even the doctors and nurses had know idea what to do. My case was so uncommon they sent me into ICU after fives days of being in pain two hours three times a day. Not knowing what to do the nurses would just shoot me up with a bunch of drugs just to calm down the pain and all I could do was watch as this was all happening while gasping for air.
I had my fourth knee surgery this past winter and my goal is to let go of my fear. I have one more sports season left before graduation. If I complete the full season, it will be the first time since my sophomore year that I have done so. I know that I will not be able to achieve the goal of playing a full season without letting go of my fear, and after four consecutive seasons on the sidelines I have come to fear more then just injury. I have come to fear not having the talent to play at the high school varsity level. I fear that the coaches will only see my as a injury waiting to happen and not as an athlete. I fear a season spent worrying about what could happen oppose to whats happening in the moment. I fear another season on the sidelines.
“At first I didn’t think it was that serious, I thought the BB pellet had just irritated my eye,” Matthew said.
Rach, can you do the dishes before we go to the party?” My mom’s voice called up the stairs. No, I don’t want to do the dishes. “I’ll be there in a minute,” I sighed, sinking farther into my cocoon, pulling the fuzzy blankets closer to my face and breathing their sweet lavender, cotton sent. I felt secure, for a moment. In the next moment, Anxiety came. He nestled his dark face tenderly in my neck then squeezed my face firmly into his, my ear pressing painfully against his icy gray lips. He dug his talons into my stomach and he slowly wrapped me into his bitter cold body. I shivered. Another presence entered, wrapped in a blanket nearly as black as Hell, He took the dripping wet blanket off himself, laid it on me and then evaporated.
I once went with my aunt to an event for season seat holders at Staples Center in Downtown Los Angeles to get autographs from some of the Los Angeles Kings, to tour the locker room, and to get pictures with all of the banners in Staples Center that hang way up high over the cold ice. I went with my aunt because my uncle had hip replacement surgery earlier that month, which he was still recovering from, causing him to not be able to go. I was so excited that the day felt like it took forever to come. Most of that day, I was in a pensive mood, thinking about what was to come.
As a person with keen interest and enthusiasm in surgery and fascinated by the inventions and discoveries in this field, I have always wanted to participate in this march towards excellence and be a cog, albeit small, but significant in the wheel of evolution. With this sublime goal I have always striven to excel in my studies and acquire knowledge in this field. My desire to enter general surgery began when I was just 14. Of course I didn’t know what I was doing back then, but I enjoyed dissecting frogs and other animals!
It was early one sunny saturday, usually when I wake up. It was very windy. The trees were shaking back and forth. The sun was so dimm it did not light up the sky at all.Somewhere behind us was cars in the background for a long time, and itdidn't stop. I could hear them from under my fuzzy blanket. And then a coyote joined in. They sang out cars, and coyotes for a long time. Then their sounds faded away like a quiet dream.
It all began with excruciating pain in my right shoulder, then came many amount doctors, and finally devastating news, I was going to have to have surgery. The news hit me like a semi-truck, I had to face my worst fear on January 27, 2016. When people first heard of my unfortunate situation they would pity for they knew what happens to softball players after surgery. Surgery is one of the hardest things to come back from in the softball world. Most players do not come back from arm surgery because it is a long and painfully process. This information terrified me, I loved softball it was my passion the idea of it being taken away from me broke my heart. I could not face the facts,therefore, I pretended my surgery date would never come. I took
When I was twelve years old, I obtained my first surgery. I recall feeling frightened yet overwhelmed with the idea of receiving surgery not to mention the risks. My supportive mother was glued to me through the challenging period. Looking back, shoes were squeaking against a polished white floor as individuals with blue scrubs were rushing to ill humans. Beeping machines following the creaky noise when doors open and close. A mixed odor of chemicals, medicine, and sanitizer to prevent viruses from diffusion. An extreme amount of pain on the left portion of my stomach placed me in between life and death.