Some people have jumped out of planes, some people have dropped out of school, and others have stolen food from stores. Everyone has taken risks in their lives. I have taken risks myself. I have jumped off of a 10 foot cliff rock on a lake. I have shaved my brother’s eyebrows when I was younger and I also rode a skateboard down a hill. However, the biggest risks that I have taken is driving without a license. When I was 15, 16, and 18 years old, I paid for taking those risks.
The first time driving without a license was when I was 15 years old. It was a Wednesday around two o’clock in the afternoon. I was walking toward my aunt’s white Toyota truck. It was during the summer of 2010 and I was helping my father at his recycling company. Everyday,
Anybody who takes a full role in society takes risks: crossing the road, using a bus, driving a car, and talking to people they do not know. Risk may be physical (injury and accident), emotional (humiliation, sense of failure), or mental (stress).
As a teenager I think that taking risk and making decisions that we don't fully think about or don't think in the consequence is in our genetics and its part of our culture and society and it has and it will always be. In "Into the wild" by Jon krakauer Chris McCandless makes very risk decisions in his teenage years that affected his life in a good way or bad but that wasn't he wasn't thinking about when he made like us but his decision were much larger than any that I have made.
I have taken the same risks every other person has taken. I have driven a car, got on an airplane, crossed the street, trust people I barely know; all risks that we have taken daily. We put our hearts, lives, and safety at risk all the time. Getting into relationships, telling people secrets but, the risk I took was more of a moral and personal risk. The last three months I have decided to volunteer at the Orlando Veteran Affairs Medical Center.
For my sixteenth birthday my parents rewarded me with a car, but I couldn’t drive it for a very long time because I still had my Learner’s Permit. My parents soon agreed that if I get my Driver’s License, I would be allowed to drive my car to school and wherever I wanted to go, as long as I had their permission. In the beginning of summer 2014, I finally gained the confidence, and was positive that I was ready to get my Driver’s License. I was so excited, yet nervous at the same time. I took the test, and passed it on my first try. My parents
“Life can be dangerous no matter what you’re doing. Some people are willing to take a few more chances than others,” said NASCAR driver Brendan Gaughn. “It’s in our personality to be this type of person. I accept the risks. I will not be one of these football players that sues 20 years down the road and says I had head injuries or got injured
Getting your drivers license is one of the most exciting moments in a teenagers life and they just want to get out on the road right away. This is what I was like. When I got my license I couldn't believe it. I thought I was going to fail. Everyone before me in my family failed their first time, so I thought I had no chance.
After I got my permits my mom and dad started to let me drive the car more and take them places when they aren’t feeling like driving. When I got my license they began to send me to places alone to go get stuff for them that they needed. The first place they sent me was to Bogalusa to go meet up with my sister at her job at citi trends. I knew where and how to get to Bogalusa because I been there so many times, but the only thing I couldn’t remember sometimes is where my sister job was at. So every time I was to make it to Bogalusa I would call my mom or my sister to give me directions. The next day the whole family wanted to go out to eat somewhere at a restaurants to celebrate me for passing my driver’s license test, but the only thing about was that I had to drive the whole time and it was supposed to be a surprised for me. I had to drive all the way to Hattiesburg to some restaurant I never been to before. The food there was good and I had really enjoyed myself. That was one of the best things to happen to me in my life. All I got to say about driving is that it was the best of the best thing to ever happen to
I sat there nervous , thinking this is it I have to do this ,It's now or never . I can feel the sweat coming down my forehead ,my hands also sweaty as I gripped the steering wheel.My shot at getting my drivers license was finally here . I can feel the driving instructor watch my every move . But let's go back a couple of weeks to the one day I decided I was ready to get behind the wheel . My 15th birthday , in my culture when a girl turns 15 they are coming into adult hood and there is a big celebration called Quinceañera. I was not to happy with the celebration all I really wished for was to have my own car . My parents on the other and it being tradition they didn't really ask for my opinion . After all what teenage girl didn't want to have
Taking risks can be a difficult choice in life. A person doesn’t know where that could lead him/her to. Taking risks is like jumping off a burning building. What that means is that taking risks isn’t just straightforward. It is sometimes necessary to take a chance because it could lead a person to somewhere good.
At the age of 17 all I could think about was having a car. However, I understood that owning a car, I would be required to have a job. This would allow me to pay for insurance, gas and maintenance issues. I also understood buying a car required me to have a driver license. After taking all the necessary steps to purchase my first car. The very first car I bought was a “lemon”.
Approximately a year ago, I was super excited to get my driver’s license and drive on my own. I had practiced day almost every day with my mother. With butterflies in my stomach, I went to my local DMV office to take the driving test. I gave my name and waited. I felt confident that I would pass as I had practiced many times. I got into my car and so did the instructor. Unfortunately, I did not pass, as I did not park well. I felt unaccomplished.
I struggled so much when learning to drive, I didn’t think I would ever be able to get my license. Everytime I go out and drive something different would always go wrong. I would get too caught up in the freedom of driving and listening to the blaring music that I would forget something. When I first started I wouldn’t think it would ever be this hard because my parents make it look so easy. When I was fifteen I was learning how to drive, but I kept struggling with a couple different aspects of driving. Eventually after I kept practicing I was able to perfect the art of driving, and come closer to becoming an adult.
Risk for most people is an accepted part of everyday life e.g. catching a bus or walking to the shop etc... will carry some element of risk. Risk is associated with our health, safety, security, well being, employment, education, daily activities, using resources and equipment and community participation. Some adults such as those who are disabled or who are older are usually discouraged from taking risks with their budgeting, planning, employment and their daily living skills usually because people fear for their limitations or that they might hurt themselves or others. Everyone has the right to take risks and make
If you had told me when I turned sixteen that I couldn’t get my license until I turned eighteen, I would have thrown a fit. Now that I am older, I realize that I had no business driving an automobile at 16 years old. I was the typical teenage driver. The cool one, who had the “Detroit
The first time I drove a true car was two years ago. I begged my friend so many time to teach me how to drive. Fortunately, my roommate his left his car to me when I came to ASU. Every day when I got out of class, I would drive the car around Tempe. But every thing got change after that Friday. It became a nightmare for me.