
My First Week Of Self Led Tutoring Sessions Essay

Decent Essays

Going into my first week of self-led tutoring sessions, I was extremely anxious due to the high expectations I placed on myself. I wanted to be able to every rule regarding grammar, confident as recognizing errors concerning a poorly organized essay or weak thesis. In addition to these expectations, I was also worried that I would come off as demeaning to the student or incapable of explain why the student made an error. I wanted to establish my authority, while also ensuring that all of my students felt like they learned something new or got clarity on something they were confused about. As a began tutoring, I realized that my demeanor in the writing sessions, should have been the least of my concerns. Most of my students, engaged in the writing session, felt free to ask questions, or even laughed in the session. I think that was in part to me not taking myself too seriously in the sessions. I naturally compliment my students, and leave most of my anxieties behind. I encourage my students to not be reserved or afraid to tell me if they are confused, by being as transparent as possible. This means that during several times in the session I will ask or say, “Did that make sense,” “You look a little confused. Let me explain that in another way,” or “I’m sorry if I confused you before.” However, I must admit that it took me some time to accept that I can be transparent in my writing sessions. I was worried about how I should direct the sessions; how much I should advise them

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