Freshman year was the worst year of my life. I took up toxic habits, lied to the people closest to me, and became involved in destructive relationships. However, I eventually overcame all of this to become the person I am today. The story of the worst year of my life starts a year earlier – my eighth grade year. During eighth grade I began to struggle with many things. Self-esteem, friendships, romantic relationships, sexuality, and acceptance, just to name a few. At some point during that year, I decided to join every social media site you could think of. On each site I joined, I chose to follow accounts that posted about depression and had an overall sad theme. Looking back now, I see that I joined these sites because they reflected what I was too afraid to admit to myself – I was depressed. For me, it wasn’t just that I was sad, but I was empty, lost, wandering, and I always felt numb. After my eighth grade year, from the influence of social media and the television shows I chose to watch, I began to self-harm. For a while, no one else knew about it. I would hide my cuts with dozens of bracelets and I would always wear a jacket with long sleeves. Then, I slowly stopped eating. During lunch at school, I would only take a bite or two before I claimed I was full. When I was at a friend’s house, I would always say that I ate before I got there when they offered me food. No one seemed to notice this, either. However, as time went on, I could tell that my closer friends
From worrying about essays and biographies so we could graduate the next year was a struggle and at that I still had to worry about passing the english EOC. I couldn't trust anyone then because they was so fake and messy.Only person that I trusted was my girlfriend and my handful of friends that I had at the time and that's because I was shy to meet new people but I started growing out of that when we had a lot of new kids join our school. Junior year flew by so fast I didn't even realize it was already summer. My brother had already graduated and we were getting ready for his graduation party and his birthday party the next day we got out of school. His party was great and all his friends came out and celebrated with
Junior year; considered the most difficult year of high school. Junior year wants to make senior year as relaxing and stress free as possible. Part of this preparation: community service and then writing a paper and making a presentation surrounding that service. Kennedy calls this project the integrated service learning (ISLE) project. For my ISLE project, I built houses in New Orleans through Habitat for Humanity, a nonprofit organization. I found that when hurricane Katrina and the Levis broke it left a tremendous amount left in its wake. Since the trip would knock all my service hours out in a week and I became interested in the project I went and worked on houses and learned a great deal culture and poverty
In the book Middle School Worst Years of my Life by James Patterson a boy named Rafe Khatchadorian has enough problems at home without throwing his first year of middle school into the mix. Luckily he's got a great plan for the best year ever if only he can pull it off. With his best friend Leonardo the Silent awarding him points Rafe tries to break every rule in his school's Code of Conduct. Chewing gum in class is 5,000 points. Running in the hallway is 10,000 points. Pulling the fire alarm is 50,000 points. But when Rafe's game starts to catch up with him, he'll have to decide if winning is all that matters, or if he's finally ready to face the rules, bullies, and truths he's been avoiding.
The year you were a tiny fish in a big pond. I remember freshman year being a complete disaster, there is so many juicy events that took part in making this year a disaster but the one that hits home the most was during the middle of the year.
Junior year. My junior year I realized things about myself that I hadn’t previously known. Things I’ve never done before and things people thought I couldn’t do. Situations I thought I wouldn’t be in and there I was. Junior year, I did it.
During my sophomore year, the stress of taking all AP and Honors classes made me more vulnerable to having mental breakdowns. I grew increasingly tired of trying to fit the ideal image of a Vietnamese girl and maintaining the best grades so that my family would be proud of me. They had continued to tear me down with any chance that they could despite my desire and efforts to become accepted. Things took a worse turn during the summer before my junior year. My self-esteem became so low that I could no longer jokingly call myself beautiful, even though I had been able to do so on numerous occasions before. That was when depression hit me hard. Mood swings became a part of my daily life and I became immensely dependent on the presence of others. I fell into despair with the thoughts of not knowing what my purpose to live was
Freshman year could definitely be the worst year of High School when it comes to your social life. This is the year where you can expand your friends to more than just people in your grade. This year is also a sad year because it is when you find out who your real friends are. High School is all about gaining new friends and losing what you thought were your friends. When I started my freshman year all I heard when I started was that your real friends will show and you fake friends will vanish. In my case this did not happen. Yes, when I got into Highschool I did grow farther apart to some of my friends, but I would never say that they have vanished from my life or anything like that.
book after book. All titled Middle school, the worst years of my life, how I survived middle school, middle school get me out of here,and the list goes on . As I was nearing the end of fifth grade, I started seriously thinking about how middle school would be and got worried after hearing of so many stories of people's terrible middle school years. However, I have to admit it really hasn’t been all that bad these last three years and in fact, middle school may have been my favorite, compared to elementary school. With more freedom, more people, more homework, more activities, more teachers, more fun classes, more excitement, more everything quite frankly, I have been able to have . I am sure a lot of us have fun throughout these middle school while learning more about yourselves and the people around us each year. I am sure many of us have been able to say for sure that we have had many experiences that can prepare us for the future.
I can fairly say that sophomore year of high school changed who I am completely. This was the year I decided to take on miscellaneous challenges, which have helped me gain valuable work ethic that will help me to persist in college. These include enrolling myself in sports, deciding to start junior year in a different high school and my acceptance into a three year paid internship in which helps me work on my leadership skills, and prepares me for college.
Freshman year I was shy and never really stepped out of my comfort space. I thought I was prepared for high school. I signed up for two honors class thinking that they would be hard but I knew I could figure them out. Reality was quickly thrown into my face.
The end of my Sophomore year was the worst time of my entire life and the main cause of my beliefs and ideas of myself. Depression hit me hard and fast like being in the two minute and twelve-second knockout boxing match with Muhammad Ali, but gratefully received help from my family, school, and a special someone. It played a massive role in my effectiveness in school work and social life, but that became the start of what I would call a blessing. Motivation and ambition came quickly after the second semester after months of pressure and love from others who I am proud to call family and friends.
A lot have people have been nervous about their freshman year but eventually we all make friends and end off the year with a lot of great weird and sometimes depressing memories.
Freshman, sophomore, and junior year of high school could never compare to senior year, though these were the years that molded me! I learned about boys. I experienced my first heartbreak. I got great advice from instructors I will never forget. And those years taught me how to forgive, but never
Being a freshman is the hardest of your four years in high school. Have you ever been pressured to be the best person you can be? This is how my year was as a freshman. Freshman year was the most different I never thought I would of found my way around the school when I first started to go there. Freshman year was the best year throughout my years of high school and it was the only year I had friends. During this year I had a lot of anxieties which dealt with me thinking I’m gonna be alone and not have any friends throughout the year to support me through the whole thing. Also, I would think of the pressure of not doing good in any of my classes so I would think it would affect my GPA in the future. The transition from middle school to high school was a different type of thing to do.
My first year of high school was filled with adventures and difficulties throughout the years. Comparing to my other years, I took challenges, such as taking on sports while finding the time for my school works and achieving my goals. However, I was able to find the way and fight through my freshman year.