
My Future Profession Course Analysis

Decent Essays

There is a great deal that I learned throughout the course that can help me achieve the goals that I aim for in my future profession. The class focused on many aspects that I did not consider previously that went beyond just medical terminology, such as a strong focus on race and gender. Additionally, there were several different genres of literature that I had the opportunity to write in. The different array of topics, formats, and goals allowed me to broaden my expectations for future projects in my career and prepared me to be able to undertake any future tasks confidently.

In the course, there was a focus on introducing many different genres and projects to work on. Examples include a community profile, a patient letter, a research paper, a health document and memos. Furthermore, there was opportunity for peer review and collaboration with almost every assignment. Being able to work on a variety of works and also have experience working with others simulated what it might be like as a future health professional. I learned how to adjust what kind of work and writing I needed to do with each project, along with being able to give and receive criticism. This helped me understand what improvements I needed to make with each passing …show more content…

When reviewing the previous projects, I feel that I can explain the ideas and thoughts I have effectively. The themes and claims that I make in my projects are all clear and easy to follow. Particularly, in the area of designs, I provide very clean and understandable formatting. My community profile was aesthetically pleasing and organized, my imRAD followed the proper APA formatting, and the health document I helped design had a striking and effective message thanks to the layout. The ideas I presented in each also had dominant impressions and it did not require excessive inference or thought to realize my point of

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