
My Goals For A Teacher And Coach

Decent Essays

Ever since I was young, I have always worked hard to get what I want. The hard work that I have put in, has helped me in the classroom and in life. I have set high goals for my education throughout high school and want to carry these goals into college. With my work ethic and determination, I know I will be able to attain my goals. During college, I plan to study secondary education with a focus on mathematics and minor in coaching. Up until last spring, I did not know what I wanted to do after high school, but then I realized I wanted to have an impact on people’s lives. What better way to do this, than to become a teacher and coach? The plans that I have laid out have a promising future, which I will work to get to. All of the goals I have set before myself are attainable and will be a good reminder for me to do my best, always. Since I am going into secondary education, I want to set my standards high in the classroom so after college when I go into teaching, I can say that I did set high goals for myself, and I did reach them. Being on the Dean’s List and being a student that performs their best in every class, is a personal goal of mine. Along with this, I want to learn how to become an effective teacher that students will be able to trust and come to for help. Coaching is very comparable to teaching. It is a great opportunity for myself to be a positive example in many people 's lives. I have always had a passion for sports and great coaches. In the future, I can

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