
My Graduate At The College Of New Jersey Essay

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At my graduate assistantship at The College of New Jersey (TCNJ), the graduate students from Monmouth were introduced to a few of the key offices that work with Residential Education and Housing. Through this introduction, I was able to meet Kelly Hennessy, who is the current Associate Dean of Students in the Department of Health and Wellness at The College of New Jersey. As a future Student Affairs professional, one of my end goals would ultimately become a Dean of Students, so it was exciting to interview Hennessy and see how she got to where she is today. Originally when Hennessy first started her college years, she thought that she wanted to be a teacher. After working with the professionals in her Residence Life Office and Leadership Office at the University of Buffalo, where she received both her bachelors and master’s degrees, she realized that her passion was no longer teaching, but rather to become the professionals she was surrounded and inspired by every day. Hennessy has worked in Residence Life for majority of her career up to about two years ago when the Department of Health and Wellness first started on TCNJ’s campus.
Hennessy’s day-to-day was filled with many meetings back to back, supervising all of the different areas of Student Affairs, case management, emergency meetings, constant planning, and creating a strategic plan for their department. Hennessy said that the first one and a half years of this department was dedicated to creating a safety net for

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