At my graduate assistantship at The College of New Jersey (TCNJ), the graduate students from Monmouth were introduced to a few of the key offices that work with Residential Education and Housing. Through this introduction, I was able to meet Kelly Hennessy, who is the current Associate Dean of Students in the Department of Health and Wellness at The College of New Jersey. As a future Student Affairs professional, one of my end goals would ultimately become a Dean of Students, so it was exciting to interview Hennessy and see how she got to where she is today. Originally when Hennessy first started her college years, she thought that she wanted to be a teacher. After working with the professionals in her Residence Life Office and Leadership Office at the University of Buffalo, where she received both her bachelors and master’s degrees, she realized that her passion was no longer teaching, but rather to become the professionals she was surrounded and inspired by every day. Hennessy has worked in Residence Life for majority of her career up to about two years ago when the Department of Health and Wellness first started on TCNJ’s campus.
Hennessy’s day-to-day was filled with many meetings back to back, supervising all of the different areas of Student Affairs, case management, emergency meetings, constant planning, and creating a strategic plan for their department. Hennessy said that the first one and a half years of this department was dedicated to creating a safety net for
Throughout my 3-year employment at Penn-Mar Human Services, I have assumed several different roles. After being hired for individual supports, I quickly transitioned into a group position as a Program Instructor, where I would be better able to utilize my unique skillset and grow professionally within the organization. After only a few months, I was promoted to a Program Instructor II, accepting greater responsibilities. In this position, I flourished
This is a short essay written by Keymyrly Sanjurjo, on the history of Delaware State University, and its band program. This will include information about tuition costs, enrollment requirements, various majors and minors offered at Delaware State, along with details about the school in general and a brief autobiography of the current band director as well as the first band director to teach at Delaware State.
Southern Connecticut State University (SCSU) is a nonprofit university that offers exemplary undergraduate and graduate education in the liberal arts and professional disciplines. During my time at SCSU, I am fortunate to have worked as a student worker and currently I work as a graduate assistant for the Community Alliance for Research and Engagement (CARE) program. Being able to serve as a graduate assistant in a nonprofit university encompasses a great deal of responsibilities and reward. For instance, I work with New haven residents to identify and tackle social and health issues identified by the community. I also work alongside the resident partners to build relationships with other neighborhood leaders and community organizations who have diverse knowledge, expertise, and skills. In addition, I help to create health activities with community residents, conduct outreach about neighborhood-level projects, and assist with research-related activities.
The role of a Residential Advisor at Allen Hall is crucial in shaping the lives of the students they mentor, as well as creating an uplifting, accepting atmosphere to nurture acceptance and diversity so every resident prospers. It is even more vital to cater to the needs of the students. At Allen, this means extra emphasis in inclusion and diversity education because the hall is regarded as very diverse and forward thinking. To create a positive atmosphere is needed for the students from different backgrounds. Not only this, but Allen Hall is my own residence hall, and also a hall I have found that I fit best with. When I first came, I was unsure of how I would feel because it hadn’t been my first choice in living options. It turned out to
The walking tour of Elizabeth City State University is a study of the university’s history from the perspective of student education landmarks, dorm landmarks, and attraction landmarks.
Being nominated for Michigan Junior Honor Society is a big deal and accomplishment for me. I really value education and I feel that this will really help me with my education and in being a better person. As my teachers did, I believe I would be a good student for MJHS. I do all sorts of activities in and out of school and in the past I’ve done many things to give back to the community.
Manhattan Beach Unified School District is often lauded as an “exemplary” school district due to the relative degree of achievement in its extracurricular activities, its electives’ successes, and its objectively high API (Academic Performance Index) score. This, however, is a misnomer. Manhattan Beach Unified School District, particularly Mira Costa High School, is lacking in a variety of sectors.
Selecting a university is an important thing to do during and after high school, so this is a step to a whole new life. After this you’ll go on a journey into learning new things and discovering new ways to simple things life and also meet new people.
Virginia Tech has become a prestigious, affluent, and spirited college because of the compassionate Hokies who have influenced the world. As a residential advisor, I want to ensure that incoming students respect and treasure the college experience and embrace all that it has to offer. I am compassionate about the student body and want to fulfill our motto, Ut Prosim, by encouraging new students to embrace the school, try new things, and receive a well rounded education, intellectually and socially. Young college students need a mentor to encourage them to make intelligent decisions, but still promote social exploration.
On the other hand, Holland, Michigan has an exorbitant amount of wealth. But, the dynamic of the culture is not as intense as New Jersey’s. Overall, while living in Michigan I have noticed less of a social battle in who has the better clothes, houses, lives, or friends. Here in Holland, I see people using a tote as a backpack, but this is rare occasion. In general, Michigan is not as materialistic as New Jersey is. Many people in Michigan could care less about what you are wearing and do not have even close to the quantity of clothes that me or my friends do.
In order to support the costs of my education, I began working in the Housing Department. My student worker experience led me to become a Resident Assistant (RA). Through this position, I dealt with various situations involving many different people from diverse cultures. My tasks included building a community with the freshmen while handling students’ relationships, suicidal thoughts, study strategies, parties, and overall adjustment from high school to college. This position has been one of the most rewarding opportunities as it has allowed me to develop and improve skills I will use for the rest of my life. I take great pride in knowing that my residents can depend on me and come to me in times of
To the logical, systematic, and organized eye, doors devoid of paint and baring old wood smoothed and molded from constant contact, archaic heating systems bellowing out frigid air in the dead of winter and clacking so loudly you would think a student was kicking it, and rusted water pipes so boiling hot they warp the linoleum tiles in the dusty band hallway would be enough to drive even the most stoic man mad. But to me, these quirks have become a sense of comfort and homeliness throughout my four years as a student at Attleboro High School. Though it may sound odd, the decrepit state of our school building was one of the strongest unifying forces for the class of 2018, causing a great amount of student action ironically in an effort to
national Bill of Rights. He was a planter from Virginia, had grown up rich on
I grew up in an environment, which provided opportunities to observe great servant leaders. My retired mother served as a college counselor and supportive services coordinator, fulfilling the roles of informing and supporting students as they chose lifelong learning programs and appropriate career paths. My father serves as a pastor and a Child Development / Home Health Care Director, providing program services for spiritual, developmental, and the quality of life needs of individuals. Coupled with this foundation, it is my purpose to pursue a Master of Arts in Higher Education/Student Personnel to prepare personally for a college level career in the field of student services and student
Stepping upon a simple stage was the best thing I could have ever done. Overseeing the multitude that was there to witness my every word, every tremble, every emotion, and every heart beat, was then that I realized that the sentiment was real. It was essentially the end of time and I could not bear to hold back what I no intentions of doing. Cry. Tears of joy darted down my face as I walked across the stage and received my ultimate gift. With fancy inscription, my gift was entitled “Class of 2009”. I had just graduated.