At some point in time, everyone will experience the pain. Someone that has been there your whole life just vanished. It makes you want to say things that you should have before. I wish I would have. Let me tell you what I went through November 29, 2016. But first, you might want to know… who is it? Well, let me introduce you to my grandpa. Now, he’s not your ordinary grandpa. He’s the grandpa that you can do anything with and he’d do it. He’s the type of person who loves everybody and would help anyone in need. But not only that, he was my grandpa. He was my grandpa that I could laugh with, and spend time with him, for hours on end. His name is James. Everyone calls him “Grandpa Jim”. But ever since that day, I always wonder… “Why did he have to leave us so early? Couldn’t he have stayed a little longer?” Now that you know about Grandpa Jim, I can tell you why he so special to me. first, he’s been with me my whole entire life. We lived about five minutes away from his house so we were there almost all the time. Every time we’re at his house it’s not the same. You can’t just forget someone so kind, funny, and trustful. Ever since I was little we always had our little traditions, and I will never forget them. Our traditions always start in Spring. Every year we always went gopher trapping together. It was almost always just us. While we did that we also got a little four-wheeler ride and I could never complain about those. I’ve been gopher trapping ever since I
This time around it was more unconceivable and included all the emotions that come with losing a loved one. I was only 16 years old trying to make it through high school. This is a time when losing a friend doesn't even seem feasible. A good friend of mine died of a drug overdose. I was in denial when I was told of Chino's death. Everything seemed so unreal as if someone was playing a cruel joke on me. His death affected me and the way I looked at friendship. It helped me cherish those around me because I never knew when I would lose someone else who meant so much to me again. A lot of our friends attended his funeral and there were a lot of tears shed. The fear of losing a close friend soon came again. In 2006 at the age of twenty-five one of my first love died due to a road rage incident. The vehicle he was riding in went over a bridge and landed in a body of water. The other two individuals he was with made it out alive, but he lost his fight shortly after arriving to the hospital. I felt so much anger, my emotions were everywhere and unpredictable. Due to some issues we had not talked for a while but had recently reconnected. There were a lot of unspoken words that we never had the chance to share and for the longest time I lived with so much regret for the way things stood between us at his time of death. It has
The experience of a person losing a loved one is very difficult to accept and then cope with. “He gets all teary telling about the good times they had together, how her brother made the war seem almost fun.” pg. 67-68 (Tim O’Brien). Losing someone close to you is hard to accept because once their gone things don’t feel the same anymore and you just can’t stop thinking about them and the memories you guys shared together. It’s also very hard to cope with because you’re so used to having that person around and when their no longer there you feel so empty and that feeling is so horrible. Having to deal with the fact that someone who was so special to you is no longer there isn’t easy to accept.
For the people that lost their parents or any loved ones, I am truly sorry. Hearing all this stuff is already super hard for me, but
Imagine being told one day a loved one has been savagely murdered. I could not imagine being told something like that, but I have had to go through the deaths of two grandmothers at the hands of cancer. I can personally say watching someone you love day in and day out suffer is one of the hardest things a person can go through. My dad’s mom passed away before I was even born, so I am left with knowing my grandmother loved me so much but I never got to meet her. My mom’s mother passed away when I was eight years old and she was always my babysitter and loved me more than anything, but they were both taken away from me due to breast cancer.
“For, the past two weeks you have been reading about a bad break I got. Yet today I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the Earth…” This is what Lou Gehrig said in his final speech at Yankee Stadium on July 4, 1938. “When Lou gave that speech tears rolled down his cheek as he gave one of the most memorable speeches in baseball history” said Babe Ruth (Greenberger 82). After that day, Lou knew he would not live to see his fortieth birthday (82).
However, one character in my life was never ordinary; in fact, he was the exact definition of extraordinary. My “papaw” became my favorite playmate, my other half, and my best friend. We were commonly referred to as "two peas in a pod" and " each other's pride and joy." I loved my grandpa in the deepest, most sincere way a young child could. As I grew older, my grandpa assumed the role of my confidant and supporter. When my grandmother would scold me or when my sister and I would argue, I knew that I could retreat into the loving arms of my grandfather. The only thing that he ever did to upset me was when he said, "When I go, I'll miss everyone, but I'll miss you the most, Bug." Little did I know, I would soon long to hear these
William E. Gladstone states” Justice delayed is justice denied.” Meaning when justice is not served in a timely manner, it means you receive any justice at all. In the” I have dream” speech by Martin Luther King Jr. he talks about the injustice people of color were receiving in the 1940s-60s. “Cairo: My city or Revolution” by Ahdaf Soueif tells of a family who lives under the rule of a dictator. And the story “Lolita in Tehran” by Azar Nafisi and talks about a woman in Tehran being discriminated against because of her gender. All of these texts give us instances where people were being denied freedom. I believe that freedom should be demanded rather than being given.
Honestly, both my mom and I--whenever we watch you--I know you haven't done all the plastic surgery stuff, but you look incredible. And I know it's not just the physical. You have lots of joy and happiness with what you're doing, and you have that inner light that radiates out.
The United States had struggled with racism and segregation for many years before 1963. However, Martin Luther King Jr had a global goal to end racism and segregation. In the I Have a Dream speech by Martin Luther King Jr, the speech was given on August 28th, 1963 in front of countless African Americans fighting for their right to freedom. Martin Luther King Jr’s argument utilizes diction, imagery, and similes to demand that America needs to change the social norms that have developed over time.
Abraham Lincoln’s first inaugural address was given during a time of crisis. The Southern states feared their newly elected President would soon take their way of life from them, and they would do everything to stop it. The South threatened secession and began electing their own leaders and creating a new constitution. Knowing this would certainly lead to war, in his address Lincoln said, “We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies” (Lincoln). Lincoln knew that war would tear the country apart, and he wanted to prevent that. As he prepared to give the speech, he kept quiet, but others turned around his silence. Many said he was the reason the Union was divided. In preparing for his speech he knew
I come from a big family with many loving aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents. As I was standing there all alone I thought back to the time when I got to spend a week with Fran. Almost a year ago to the date, most of the family was together for my other uncle's wedding. All the cousins sat at the same table and we had such a good time together. He was a busy person, he
A famous speech I have heard and read was the Martin Luther King Jr. I have a dream speech. It will always be known as one of the greatest speeches to go down in history. The quote "I have a dream" was used several times in the speech. I believe it was effective because it ties to the desires shared by many Americans. It also was a quote that allowed listeners to visualize what it could be like if that dream was a reality.
When I was a kid, my super hero was Superman, I kind of admired him because I thought it would be cool to be able to fly and to have super-human strength, but the main reason why I liked Superman is because he helped people, no matter what.
I distinctly remember the weeknights at his house. Sitting upon his lap, walking down the street, getting pulled in my wagon through a park--these were things I loved doing with Grandpa. I was not just another person to him: I was the ultimate grandson, and I was special.
Now I can say that I had never understood others suffering from a bad loss of a dear person. I would hate to hear that anybody died. When this happened to me, when my dear mother died, I started to understand all those people who lost someone they loved. There are perhaps no proper words to describe this pain, This intolerable pain which tears you apart, which is like a stone on your heart, and which make tears run down your face with each moment spent with the dear person who passed away. Time is unlikely to pass so fast this hurt, no matter what others claim.