
My Grandfather Speech

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At some point in time, everyone will experience the pain. Someone that has been there your whole life just vanished. It makes you want to say things that you should have before. I wish I would have. Let me tell you what I went through November 29, 2016. But first, you might want to know… who is it? Well, let me introduce you to my grandpa. Now, he’s not your ordinary grandpa. He’s the grandpa that you can do anything with and he’d do it. He’s the type of person who loves everybody and would help anyone in need. But not only that, he was my grandpa. He was my grandpa that I could laugh with, and spend time with him, for hours on end. His name is James. Everyone calls him “Grandpa Jim”. But ever since that day, I always wonder… “Why did he have to leave us so early? Couldn’t he have stayed a little longer?” Now that you know about Grandpa Jim, I can tell you why he so special to me. first, he’s been with me my whole entire life. We lived about five minutes away from his house so we were there almost all the time. Every time we’re at his house it’s not the same. You can’t just forget someone so kind, funny, and trustful. Ever since I was little we always had our little traditions, and I will never forget them. Our traditions always start in Spring. Every year we always went gopher trapping together. It was almost always just us. While we did that we also got a little four-wheeler ride and I could never complain about those. I’ve been gopher trapping ever since I

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