When I was growing up in India I always fall into technology. Technology has always inspired me to learn more and more in every part of my life. India is developing country so it is hard for middle class family to afford high-end devices. I use to learn with what I have and always try to fix things that I might have to take to computer shop. By coming to USA my life has given me the biggest opportunity to get education and most of all from better college.
I had to start from community college to get familiar to college education and environment. Before getting enrolled in high ranked college or university it was very to important for me to get familiar to education. Choosing major was not that difficult for me because of my determination and
In Katy Hopkins article choosing a university or college is important because you have to go to college and start training for your career. As Katy Hopkins stated in her article choosing a college always make sure to look at the courses they have to offer, college rankings, students life, athletics, and financial aid.
Life is full of choices. Everyday people are forced to make choices: waffles or pancakes? Jeans or leggings? Most of these choices are trivial, but the few that are important affect your life in the long run. Your major or college you choose is one of those choices.
My parents never pressured me to choose a certain major or even a specific college, except that I wasn’t going to MTSU. They didn’t think it gave a poor education, the problem was it’s practically in our backyard. Chances are I would have lived at home and not been able to experience the social aspect of college. In his article, “Colleges Prepare People for Life” Freeman Hrabowski states, “Yes, colleges prepare people for jobs, but more critically, they prepare people for life.” I have always believed that you learn more from college
First of all, from personal experience, college is a struggle for those who know what they want to
I further considered what the major was all about I thought more to myself about it. I was motivated by how passionate my high school agriculture teacher was while teaching his students. He never doubted a student and their ability to do something and always motivated students to do things they normally wouldn’t. This would be the greatest influence while making my decision to become an agriculture teacher in hopes that someday I would be half the teacher Mr. Schraufnagel was. A week later I would talk to Mr. Schraufnagel about the decision I would be making to attend college in River Falls.
Everyone who decides to enroll in college must, at some point, think about what area they want to major in. There are many things that students consider when choosing a major. Some make their decision based on what they think can make them the most money once they begin their lives in the work force. However, many students believe that if you choose a major that interests you and challenges you then you can use those skills that can help you in any career. (R. Landrum & S. Davis, 2014) Let’s face it. Employers know that when they hire someone straight out of college they are not immediately going to know
When you focus on a career major, you have to have a reasonable picture of what you are getting into. You have to get correct data and assess it. Numerous components go into picking a school or college major including parental or peer influence,
Furthermore, many general education classes do not give students a taste of what their intended major is like. Only after several courses of general education classes and a couple of years do students really begin to study their major. When it finally comes down to taking the upper division and major specific classes, students sometimes find out that their intended major is not the right fit for them.
Moreover, someone once told me “major in something that will make money and minor in something that you love”. When choosing a major people need to understand the financial side of a career path. Students should also do research on the employment rate for future years of their desired major. A physiology major cannot expect to make the salary of an engineering student. The university can only help you so much. While in college, students should focus on networking, becoming involved on campus and doing internships in order to obtain a job and not solely rely on the university because it is a competitive job market and companies want to hire the best of the best. Students need to “brand themselves”. Furthermore, SUNY Buffalo created a program known as the “Finish in 4” program should be incorporated in universities nationwide. Through an extensive but yet rewarding program students have the ability to graduate debt free, but they obtained it through hard work. It is a stress reliever for students because now they will graduate knowing they have a full time position waiting for them upon graduation. When students graduate they receive this paper known as the
My father was a photographer back in Vietnam and also he had a love for computers. My father fascination with technology became what is my passion today. Ever since i was a child, as far back as my memory can go, i have always been surrounded by technology. Even though we had lived in a third world country and our technology was not advanced as other countries, I was still fascinated by how these machines works. Moving to The United States of America had a bigger impact on my passion than ever before. America is a first world country with all the new technology, in Vietnam, we still had big box TV, landline phone, motorcycles, big computers and more, and that all have changed in America, where everything is smaller and more compact, such as
The college major that you select impacts the types of jobs you will be qualified for upon graduation.
Once you understand the differences and similarities it is easier to choose what type of college you want to go to. College is expensive anyway you look at, but if you go in with a plan it might make it a little easier. Whether it is a community college or university, at least you are getting an education. It is nice to know that at least you went to college and you have some type of higher education background. It is hard and stressful choosing a college but it doesn’t get any easier from here.
Going into college as an undeclared major is, while common, a bit intimidating. It seems like everyone around you knows what they want to be. While your classmates talk about their future careers as a podiatrist or a chemical engineer, you sit back and try not to freak out because you're still not sure what you want to do. The reason I chose Indiana University is because I know that while attending, I will receive the guidance to explore different majors and find what fits me.
Now, most of the people decide to go to college or university after graduates from high school. College major is the compass for a student in future. The major is variable in a lot of fields; everyone should pick at least one. I realized I chose biology as my specific major is a good advance for me later. I want to follow my passion for the medical field; I feel interested in learning more about science; it will support me well in the future.
After reading several “This I believe” essays, I took out a piece of paper and pencil and jotted down some of my beliefs. As a child growing up in Belize, I recall conversing with my elders about the different many beliefs and values date back before there was any radio or television. I figured it would be an easy task to complete. Boy was I wrong, how does one sum one’s belief in less than 500 words?