As everyone grows up and learn new things. They also travel and get to see new places. There are different places that people admire, whether it is close or far. My favorite place that i've been to is the big island of hawaii. Although I don't go to hawaii that often ,it is still a special place to me . The first and obvious reason why the Big island of hawaii is my favorite place is because its far away from the mainland. The other 49 states are both unique and interesting in their own way.However on the east coast, life can be stressful and busy. In places like NYC and philly drivers always needs to be somewhere and can't relax or take their time. Not to mention its heavily populated. What makes Hawaii different from mainland america is that it's far away on an island with not that many people. The big island of hawaii especially has fewer people and they are all native to the island. Hawaii was a whole different culture and life from The states. …show more content…
As we make our way to the front of the hotel my mother goes to the tour guide,
“I'm so sorry we're late , we just got here last night and still feel jet lagged”. The guy was playing the guitar and singing and looks at my mom and smiles.
“Don't you worry mam , here in hawaii we go wherever the wave takes us. My mom was confused what he meant by the comment and i told her that he means there is not rush in hawaii. When we got into the tour bus and driving around. Our tour guide would pull over or slow down whenever he recognized anyone he would open the window and say good morning and the people would wav and say good morning back.
As we were going on the tour bus there was a girl who would say to her mom,
“Mommy i think im getting hunary”. The tour guide soon turned his head around quick as a road runner and said to the
There is a different feel about entertainment on the islands. Hawaii emphasizes their culture through entertainment offering numerous Polynesian shows and the traditional Luau. They too have night life if you visit Honolulu or Waikiki but the other islands are more rural with little night life. Unlike Florida, you won’t find many bands that come to perform because of the distance it takes to travel to the Islands. Also, if you grow bored then you are “stuck” on the island causing many people to feel like they have “island fever”. There are a lot of sights to see in Hawaii, so if you are into exploring there is plenty to do to keep you from getting bored. Hike to a waterfall or up a mountain, zip line through the forests, go snorkeling, paddle boarding, or surfing. Hawaii is the home of surfing with all the world class surf spots of Pipeline, Sunset Beach, Waimea, and Jaws. There are big waves, and big surf. With all the outdoor activities in Hawaii the entertainment is endless. Hawaii and Florida both have fun things to do for entertainment but you will have to decide what you like and which lifestyle you can afford.
When it comes to Hawaii, Hawaii is a place where many people wish of visiting and a place where many dream of living. This is because of our beautiful scenery, its
The last state admitted into the United States so far is Hawaii. Hawaii became the 50th state in 1959. The Hawaiian Islands were settled by the Polynesians first, about 2000 years ago. Then, in 1778, James Cook stopped in the Hawaiian Islands on his way to China. This is the first time the Westerners find out about Hawaii. After that, American ships began settling there, in the early 1800’s. From there, American missionaries come to the Hawaiian Islands, and they wanted to convert the Hawaiians to Christianity. Over time, Americans became very trusted advisors for the rulers. Eventually, in 1840, America would help Hawaii write their first Constitution. This helps them become even closer with the Native Hawaiians. 10 years later, the sugar
I have a lot of affection for Waimanalo, yet I am one-sided in light of the factthat I love everything about Hawaii.
I live on a beautiful island in the Caribbean with pristine white beaches and turquoise waters. People save their pennies and their vacation days for a chance to visit where I call home now. Moving from a vibrant city filled with young professionals and happy hours galore. Always something to do, somewhere to be, someone to meet and full with many opportunities.
Cook and Captain Clerke. They went to the shore of Kealakekua Bay, where they were
Hawaii is one of my favorite places because you can see a lot of intersting sites their. Hawaii has sites to visit like Pearl Harbor, and diamond head mountain. I love seeing these sites because their historical and beutifiul a tthe same time. Hawaii is also one of my avorite places because of its weather. Hawaii is hot all year around even in the winter, which makes it vistable anytime of the year.
Hawaii is my home and my first love. It’s a very unique place to me because we have a very diverse population,which also makes the music one of a kind. The sound of Hawaii is very distinct and enjoyed by people all over the world whether they speak English or not. There are no boundaries as to what an individual can do with music.
I have been to Hawaii before and there are many tourist places. Additionally, there are plenty of exotic fruits and food that are interesting to try there. It is a place where I wouldn't need to learn and can relax and have a get away from high school. Hawaii has many places for Luau and being able to watch Hawaii interesting culture and eating a change of food would be nice. Tt would be awesome to be far away from infants and crying toddlers;the last thing I need is a crying baby ruining my plans by giving me a headache. Hiking would be awesome too because you can see stunning waterfalls.
If I had a ticket in my hand the one place I would chose to go to out of all of the places in the world is the small tropical island of Hawaii. Personally I would chose to go to the island of Hawaii because from an early age I have always have enjoyed being able to experience what it is like to be temporarily in a different place that has its own unique atmosphere, culture, historical significance and personal experiences that you can have that no other place in the world has. Another reason why I would go to Hawaii is because I personally have always enjoyed the feeling of being in a place that is small, isolated and separated from all of the other places around them. I would also go to visit Hawaii because each of the state's eight islands offer something of its own that is unique and different that none of the other islands of Hawaii can offer.
However, most citizens feel like Hawaii is a way better place to visit because it is a beautiful island, with many fantastic beaches, fantastic weather, friendly people, the culture is very exclusive, and it is well known for its tropical beauty. The location of a trip is meaningful when choosing the ideal vacation because that will determine where you are heading to and it will help the vacationer plan other vital concepts for the journey. New York is located on the east
Have you ever been to a place that you did not want to leave? This is the way I feel when I go to the lakefront. This is one of the most beautiful places that I have ever been. At night you can almost reach out and touch the stars and the sound of the water splashing is so peaceful.
Everyone wants to go to Hawaii, well, unless they don't like the perfect weather, gorgeous oceans, and beautiful plants. When I found out I was going to Hawaii for the first time, I almost died, figuratively speaking of course. When people say they almost die, it is almost immediately assumed that they are joking. Before going on my dream vacation, I could say that I was always being over dramatic when saying that, but in January of 2013, it all changed.
As a child, people will always remember certain destinations that stick with them that made a good impression. I have a place that not only made a good impression, it changed me. It made me think off all the things in life people take for granted; places, people, activates. This place brought all though special things in life to one place where I can enjoy them all at the same time. The Oregon coast. Traveling there, as a kid was always special. Waking up early in the morning and driving the long trip there, going through forests, valleys, and cities.
Another place I have loved visiting was Los Angeles during a delivery trip with my dads commercial truck which we saw lots of cool stuff during our way down to Los Angeles we saw new cool stuff out in the west new foods , new culture we tried out this weird food I have never tried fried squirrel which was amazing food I wish they served in New York it kinda tasted like fried chicken. While we were out on this trip we saw one of tournaments for my favorite video game which was awesome to watch. My favorite team won during the tournament. After the tourney we delivered our load to the destination and while we were coming back we got more of our favorite food fried squirrel. We loved go out to Los Angeles its our favorite place to deliver a load to because you find so much stuff out to west and instead of the south which is much interesting to look for.