When we were on the bus again we passed by an asteroid that had animals like a unicorn, griffin, and even more creatures. When they got to the planet Ceres, the planet in the asteroid belt, there was blood everywhere, bodies on the floor and fights of civilian and the guards. When they landed on the planet, fights were starting and civilians on the ground. When they got on the planet, guards were killing were on the bus. “Get on the ground,” Dark whispered . “Ok,” Fawn whispered. Slowly they ducked and got on the floor acting dead. “Do you think that they will check for the dead and the alive,” Ace cried out in a low tone. “I don’t think so,” Dark started, “ the planet Ceres has a corrupted government, …show more content…
I turned around to see who fell was it Fawn, or Dark, in was not me because I feel fine. Then I saw the bus driver queue us to get in on the bus. I ran for the bus afraid like last time. They died because of me, it was my fault. “Ace,run,” A voice screamed at me. “Dark,” I whispered to myself. ‘Wait, that means Fawn got shot.’ I thought to myself When I got on to the bus I turned around I saw Dark run and Fawn following after. I looked towards the guards and they were all dead. ‘That means that the bus driver shot the guards’ As Dark and fawn enter the bus the doors shut and the bus started to move slowly and slowly, I saw more guards come out and shot the bus but we already left the station. “Where are you going to,” the bus driver murmured through the intercom. “Mars,” Fawn stated to the intercom. The bus was off to the planet Mars, a planet in the solar system. When we got to the planet the bus driver called out, “Mars,” We all got off. The bus drove away. “I thought you guys were going back to Jupiter,”I said in a steady tone. “No, we're,” Fawn began. “Very happy to meet you again,Ace,” Dark finished Fawn’s sentence. “What do you mean by ‘again’,” I
When Claudette and her friends went onto the bus there weren’t any white on board so didn't have to pay then get off and go through the back door of the bus. They were free to go down the aisle. Claudette and her three friends sat in the same aisle. But as they went down every block the bus started to fill up with more and more white and black passengers. Then she realized that a white lady was standing up on the aisle and as usual the bus driver told them to get up and move to the back.
When we got to the train we tried to get on top and snipped them off one by one. the train started leaving and we had to get inside the cockpit but there was a multitude of guards there
Cap started to drive the bus to the hospital while everyone was in panic mode. The radio started to make noise then a voice came in asking whats going on. Hugh took it and said our bus driver had a heart attack and Capricorn Anderson is driving the bus. They said pull the bus over now.
He heard what he thought was the bus boy taking out the trash, slam the back door shut and ignored it He suddenlt felt a chill on his neck as he realized someone was behind
Red and blue lights flash in the reflection of the man’s eyes, who is now seated on a bus. The breaks of the vehicle squeal as it slows down. The camera moves, following the heart of the morbid scene outside of the bus windows: the dead man’s body surrounded by police.
The light then began to go pitch black. Then lights come back on with one person wearing all black.Once the two boys see it the lights turn off and it get closer every time the light goes off and doesn't turn back on. The two began to scream for help, but no one responds. They then begin to hear a voice quietly saying “the bang bang chicken goes bang”. Alex then says what could he mean by that what does that thing want with us out of all people. Also what does it mean about bang bang. The lights turn off and on again. With that thing nowhere to be found, suddenly i see it behind Jasper. Then the lights turn off for about 10 seconds. When the lights come back on neither of the to is nowhere to be found. I began to panic and worry next thing you know it i begin to feel someone grape me. Next thing you know i passed out and fell to ground, but while falling i see a glimpse of the thing that was after us. Never in a million years will i have thought for it to
Some people just think softball is as simple as someone swinging a stick, hitting a ball, and trying to get back to where they started. They don’t see what softball really means to someone like me. Someone who has dedicated their life just to be able to play on that field at a certain level. Someone who wants to go to college and play the sport that they love. Well, I play softball because of the love I have for the sport.
Steaks came through the doorway of the bus garage first and then followed by Pamela and the first of the train of children. Albert leaning out from the doorway of a bus uttered, “Oh, thank God,” when he saw them, and then added, “come on,” motioning with his hands.
The fact that the traveller is waiting for the bus, in my estimation, justifies that the bus exists beyond the mind of the traveller waiting for it, or being in the company of the fellow travellers who are waiting for it so that they can board. It cannot be a coincidence that all the travellers on the bus stop are deluded by the illusion of an existing bus that is only presented in their minds. In essence, it is the relationship between the traveller and the physical bus that defines reality, and if one chooses to attack my dis
After a couple of stops the bus went on. No one paid attention but soon the bus came to the dreaded boys stop. 5 boys jumped ran and pushed until they were on the bus.
A school bus skids on black ice, leaves the road and rolls into the ditch on its side. All 55 students on board are belted. The gas tank ruptures and there is danger of fire and explosion. The frantic bus driver begins to help students out of their seat belts. She opens the emergency exit and encourages the children she has helped to exit the bus. Other drivers stop and try to help the children to safety. Fire erupts. The driver and half of the children are trapped inside the bus.
The back of the bus was like a school bus without all the seats at the fount was the driver she wore a black shirt and black paints with a patch that said FBI. To the right of her was computer mounted to the wall it was turned away from my view but i had a good idea what was on it. Along the left side of the Bus was seats and on the right was the cell holding 0 and me.
Shattered pieces of glass lay scattered all along the street. The light pierced my eyes as I noticed the remnants of the two vehicles. I remember three, no, four bodies. Time ceased to move as I could only watch. I struggled to understand what had just occurred. The experience was surreal, and I could not believe my eyes.
Despite the rain,I would only have to wait around 5 mins at the most for the bus that would take me to class. Low and behold, there it was approaching and with a driver who seemed more accustomed to the norms of Chinese bus driving. On the bus I got a seat which is unusual at this time of the morning as rush hour is in full swing. After a short while I noticed the bus taking a right in a place it had never taken a right before. Probably road works I thought. We kept heading in a direction that was taking me further and further away from where I wanted to go. In my less than perfect Chinese I asked a fellow passenger what was happening. Didn't completley understand all that was said,but basically the bus company had changed the
My father while looking at the bus getting filled very quickly makes a startled expression. He saw his father being the last one to get into a rusty old bus. So, he was not able to be on the same bus. I can see my father getting anxious.