
My Hero's Journey

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When we were on the bus again we passed by an asteroid that had animals like a unicorn, griffin, and even more creatures. When they got to the planet Ceres, the planet in the asteroid belt, there was blood everywhere, bodies on the floor and fights of civilian and the guards. When they landed on the planet, fights were starting and civilians on the ground. When they got on the planet, guards were killing were on the bus. “Get on the ground,” Dark whispered . “Ok,” Fawn whispered. Slowly they ducked and got on the floor acting dead. “Do you think that they will check for the dead and the alive,” Ace cried out in a low tone. “I don’t think so,” Dark started, “ the planet Ceres has a corrupted government, …show more content…

I turned around to see who fell was it Fawn, or Dark, in was not me because I feel fine. Then I saw the bus driver queue us to get in on the bus. I ran for the bus afraid like last time. They died because of me, it was my fault. “Ace,run,” A voice screamed at me. “Dark,” I whispered to myself. ‘Wait, that means Fawn got shot.’ I thought to myself When I got on to the bus I turned around I saw Dark run and Fawn following after. I looked towards the guards and they were all dead. ‘That means that the bus driver shot the guards’ As Dark and fawn enter the bus the doors shut and the bus started to move slowly and slowly, I saw more guards come out and shot the bus but we already left the station. “Where are you going to,” the bus driver murmured through the intercom. “Mars,” Fawn stated to the intercom. The bus was off to the planet Mars, a planet in the solar system. When we got to the planet the bus driver called out, “Mars,” We all got off. The bus drove away. “I thought you guys were going back to Jupiter,”I said in a steady tone. “No, we're,” Fawn began. “Very happy to meet you again,Ace,” Dark finished Fawn’s sentence. “What do you mean by ‘again’,” I

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