
My High School Career

Decent Essays

Throughout my high school career, I have been involved in numerous clubs and organizations where I held several leadership roles and participated in a number of community service events. If I were asked four years ago why I am interested in leadership positions at school or volunteering, my answer would have been simply because I needed community service hours for school and need to build up my resume. It Now that I am a senior in high school and I have been exposed to nuance service opportunities, I have finally grasped the concept of true leadership and service. I am a former volunteer at the Arnold Palmer Children’s Hospital and I currently serve as the SGA vice president, and a member of the POPS program. Through these leadership positions and volunteer programs, I have been able to make a difference in the lives of a number of families and learned something new about myself through each opportunity. …show more content…

I decided to volunteer at the hospital because of my passion for ill children and my passion to pursue a career in the in the medical field. Through my volunteer service, I served as a transport assistant and worked on the nursing unit assisting nurses with newly admitted mothers. The hospital is a busy place and by volunteering I was able to make sure that each patient was attended and ensured that they were satisfied with the stay in the Hospital. It was my duty to help alleviate the workload of nurses and comfort the patients the best way that I knew how. Not everyone take pleasure in going to the hospital and as a volunteer I was the friendly face that a patient would see that was not there to prick them with needles which helped me to feel a sort of accomplishment and

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