When people start high school they’re usually so excited. They can’t wait to experience everything that comes with being in high school, I mean who wouldn’t? Everyone says that high school is the best four years of your life. Now that I’m months away from graduating, I can’t say they were my best years but I can say they were my most educational years, of course I wouldn’t say that they weren’t fun because they were. When I say educational, I mean I’ve learned so much about myself and so much about life. I learned what the words family, love, betrayal, law and life meant. All these events changed me, and I’m glad they happened because I wouldn’t have learned all these lessons. My personality hasn’t changed; I’m still a carefree girl, …show more content…
My freshmen and sophomore year, I had my first real boyfriend. I was completely and totally in love with this guy, he changed me in ways that I’m proud of and ways that I’m not proud of. I revolved my world around him, which wasn’t a good idea. After almost two years of dating, we broke up and it literally shattered my world. During our relationship I became friends with his friends and I even considered one of them my best friends, so when we broke up I didn’t only loose him, I lost all of them as well. It felt so awful to all of a sudden have everything, and then just lose everything in a day. A couple of weeks later, I found out that my best friend was actually dating my ex boyfriend. I couldn’t believe that a person could betray someone like that, especially after everything that she and I went through together. I’m not proud of the events that happened after all of this, and I’m not proud of how I let them change me. The one thing that saved me was my family; they saved me in ways I can’t even explain. They gave me hope and a new life for me that I am extremely grateful for. I’ve learned to be wiser when it comes to picking friends, and choosing who to put my trust in. I also became a stronger person, I don’t let people walk all over me or I don’t let people control my life anymore. The last event is the one that taught me the most about how hard life is, and how life isn’t always fair. My junior year was spent in Tijuana,
“Average? Who wants to be average?” (Rose). During my high school experience, I went through a ton of stress trying to figure out my path to educational success. I was a decently good student with grades consisting of C’s to A’s. Dealing with problems in high school made me realize what I should had done to obtain a proper education. Author Mike Rose of “I Just Wanna Be Average” and article writer Jessica Lahey of “Teaching Math To People Who Think They Hate It” both state solutions to my problems. During high school, I was not very interested during lecture and had a love and hate relationship with math. How I would improve my experience is to do more hands on activities and to learn math in a different way.
During my elementary and middle school experience I don’t ever really recall doing reading groups, however, Accelerated Reading was enforced in my elementary schools and one of my middle schools. In 5th grade I remember that there was a school-wide competition for most points accumulated and most books read. I won first place for most points accumulated but took second for most books read. Through my elementary school experience I had read the Harry Potter series, The Series of Unfortunate Events, a thirteen book series, and the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series. There was a state-wide writing contest during my 5th grade year in which I made it to the state level. The topic of writing was about bridges. The story could a literal bridge
My overall high school experience has been okay. My high school experience wasn’t the best, but it wasn’t the worst. I’ve had some good experiences in high school, and I’ve also had some bad experiences.
Students who are becoming freshmen often ask “what’s it like to be in high school?” High school is not what you think. Freshmen don’t get pushed in lockers, there's not that one popular girl who shoves other students books out of their hands, and the cafeteria is not the most embarrassing place to be. High school is not an amicable. If you really think high school is a amicable place where students smile at each other, think again. Here is some advice from my high school experience.
1. Provide a short description of your high school experience. How have you grown/evolved from 9th grade to this point? List some of the highlights of your high school career.
I have to say, during my middle school years of fifth through eighth grade there have been many ups and downs, goods and bads, new and old. During these four years of my life, I have learned a great deal of lessons. I have experienced many moments that have shown me the importance of something that I know will help me throughout the rest of my years in school. Not only will these lessons help me throughout high school, but in college, and in life as well. Because of these events in my last four years, I have become a more independent person. I’ve learned to look fear in the eye and be brave when I’m scared.
I never truly did have a high school experience, sure I had a dozen or so friends, but my relationships with them lacked depth. We may have seen each other on the weekends and laughed at each other’s jokes, but in the end it was entirely meaningless. We had almost nothing in common besides the fact that we attended the same school. The only reason I had made friends with them in the first place was simply out of necessity, after all, no one wants to be that kid that sits alone at the lunch table. Had we not become friends, each and every one of us would have been that kid.
High School: A time in our lives that sets the mold for who we are going to be in this world. It does this by teaching us great lessons about life, ourselves, and other people through various experiences. One of these experiences I chose to take part in was football. It was this decision that led me to this fateful day. A day in which my left leg was shattered and my perspectives on life were drastically changed. The journey I had embark on to deal with all of the after effects of this event taught me life lessons I’ll never forget.
For many people change is full of stressful and not welcome. Not a lot of people handle change well. It’s difficult to make changes when you are uncertain of what you want to be doing. Life is full of changes that are big and small. Some changes are taken solely by yourself, and others with a group of family or friends. Life is very dynamic and it always will be.
The high school experience is something that will forever dominate the psyche of most American adults. It was an unforgettable time of fun, rebel-rousing, summer loves and parties. It was a time of warm summer days at the pool and chilly autumn nights, watching the football team and wondering were the party was going to be that night. School dances and hotel parties. Seems like all I can remember are the good times. High School is a very emotional time for many teens and everything matters. The insidious problems that I had to face are but a smudge on my memory, things like too much homework, zits, mean people, gossip, and algebra. The social atmosphere that permeated every aspect of high school could
Have you ever wanted to know what you're gonna do after your out of highschool? Well, in my mind, what I picture as of getting out of highschool is it's gonna be the best thing ever, but in reality, high school is better than college in some perspectives. I think high school is easy for now, and I'm enjoying the amount of work we get now, because in college I'm gonna have a lot of tests, a bunch of homework, and I'll have a job that I'll have to go too. I just am gonna have to face the fact that when I get out of school it's gonna be rough, and I’m gonna have to get used to it. I'm not gonna lie, I am super excited to be on my own in some ways, but I'm a little nerve wracked as well. I feel that college will be a great experience for me, and
I didn’t always suffer from anxiety. My childhood was bright and vibrant and rarely was I seen upset or irritated. I’ve played sports my whole life from only 5 years old. Everything from T-ball, to gymnastics, to soccer between the ages of 5 and 12. After school, if I didn’t have practice, I loved to ride my bike or play with my border collie, Molly, on our 5-acre property. When middle school came around, I was the starting server on the volleyball team, I averaged a rough score of 60 for a 9-hole round of golf, and my tall thin build made me a great addition to the basketball team as well. The sky was the limit in my young eyes and I already knew I could achieve great things if I put my mind to it.
Who would’ve thought that out of all the times life could possibly make you question your morals and beliefs, that one of those times it would be your own teacher being the one making you question them? Throughout my entire middle school experience, my music teacher, Mr. McKinney, and I never really had any issues or problems with each other, up until my last year at UNO in the eighth grade. It was then that I realised that it isn’t always necessary to abide to authority, in fact it is sometimes essential to question it in order to know what’s right.
For my curriculum placement I was at Granger Elementary School in Agawam MA. I got the opportunity to work in a special ed classroom with the wonderful Mrs. Alvord. My field experience this semester I would say has to be my favorite placement yet. Some of the reasons why this is my best placement yet is because first I absolutely love my teacher, the kids have been awesome, and working with them has been so much fun and rewarding. My beliefs about teaching learning were confirmed as a result of this experience with my teacher and the classroom environment. My beliefs that I have had in mind for my future classroom that was confirmed in my placement right now is 1) Creating a classroom environment where everyone is included and treated the exact same way, 2) Getting the time to know your students interests in and outside of the school/classroom, and 3) Installing a love for learning in the classroom. My teacher has created a comfortable classroom environment where I noticed she treats every student the same way and is a believer in all types of inclusion. I have seen her take the time to personally connect with the student and their interests that are involved inside and outside the classroom. Since it is a small group of children she works she said it isn’t very hard getting to know the students on a personal level. My teacher has installed a love for learning by incorporating lessons based off of students interests, she gives all her students positive feedback and promotes
Almost 9 years ago, I was just an average teenager fresh out of high school, just living life with no responsibilities other than the mediocre restaurant job I obtained during my high school years and a girlfriend I have been with since the 11th grade. After my senior year of high school, things took a drastic change in my life, which took a toll on how I can live my life. I found out that I was going to be a father!