
My High School Experience Essay

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When people start high school they’re usually so excited. They can’t wait to experience everything that comes with being in high school, I mean who wouldn’t? Everyone says that high school is the best four years of your life. Now that I’m months away from graduating, I can’t say they were my best years but I can say they were my most educational years, of course I wouldn’t say that they weren’t fun because they were. When I say educational, I mean I’ve learned so much about myself and so much about life. I learned what the words family, love, betrayal, law and life meant. All these events changed me, and I’m glad they happened because I wouldn’t have learned all these lessons. My personality hasn’t changed; I’m still a carefree girl, …show more content…

My freshmen and sophomore year, I had my first real boyfriend. I was completely and totally in love with this guy, he changed me in ways that I’m proud of and ways that I’m not proud of. I revolved my world around him, which wasn’t a good idea. After almost two years of dating, we broke up and it literally shattered my world. During our relationship I became friends with his friends and I even considered one of them my best friends, so when we broke up I didn’t only loose him, I lost all of them as well. It felt so awful to all of a sudden have everything, and then just lose everything in a day. A couple of weeks later, I found out that my best friend was actually dating my ex boyfriend. I couldn’t believe that a person could betray someone like that, especially after everything that she and I went through together. I’m not proud of the events that happened after all of this, and I’m not proud of how I let them change me. The one thing that saved me was my family; they saved me in ways I can’t even explain. They gave me hope and a new life for me that I am extremely grateful for. I’ve learned to be wiser when it comes to picking friends, and choosing who to put my trust in. I also became a stronger person, I don’t let people walk all over me or I don’t let people control my life anymore. The last event is the one that taught me the most about how hard life is, and how life isn’t always fair. My junior year was spent in Tijuana,

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