My first response to reading these articles is sadness. It makes me so sad and frustrated that we as educated civilization still treat people this way. Not only the United States or Africa, but the world. I knew America had its problems, I mean we are still fighting to keep what we have. I had no idea what people go through in Africa. We have come so far as humanity why is education so far behind. My hope for Africa is that the government stops violating its own policies and laws, and starts following through with their promises. The people need to keep up the fight for the rights of children and adults with disabilities.
In my experience, I see lower expectations put upon my students every day. I work with the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Many
Deaf students in the mainstream look like they are doing well even if they are not. He begins talking about survival skills such as the “Yes head” or “deaf nod.” Others included being last in line to see what other kids are doing to mimic them to “fool” the teacher and copying facial expressions in class. Most class learning was done by books; again like the student I met at RIPIN. Drolsbaugh stated rather look stupid than deaf; would rather fit in with the stupid people then having people watch the communication struggle. He then went into talking about introjection; internalizing behaviors, morals, and beliefs that one grew up with. This is what he believes happens to Deaf students. They are told they must wear hearing aids, sit in front, and read lips. If they forgot their hearing aids, they would get in trouble. Staff would also introduce kids in this sort of way stating “Susie she cannot hear.” Susie then sees the negative language about herself and internalized it. He stated that Deaf people are told to assimilate to the hearing world and that person should deny their deaf
While reading the article, “understanding Deafness: Not Everyone Wants to Be `fixed`”, Allegra Ringo shine a light on a conflict with cochlear implants within the Deaf community that most hearing people such as myself were probably unaware of. After reading this article I feel a little upset that Alexander Graham Bell Association (AGB) is not telling parents of Deaf children what the Deaf community can really offer to Deaf children. Instead, they are just telling parents how much better off they can be if they can hear and that they could offer it with cochlear implants. I think that the Deaf community is over by parents with a child that is born Deaf or hard of hearing. My opinion is that people need to be taught about the Deaf community and that there is nothing wrong with being Deaf.
Instead, they are marginalised, forced to enrol in mainstream schools and be taught by professionals who have almost no training in deaf education. This is one reason for the increase in attainment.
The first challenge being social dominance patterns and attitude. This challenge is definitely a struggle for many new learners. People think that the deaf are nothing more than handicapped human beings that can’t do normal
The deaf community does not see their hearing impairment as a disability but as a culture which includes a history of discrimination, racial prejudice, and segregation. According to PBS home video “Through Deaf Eyes,” there are thirty-five million Americans that are hard of hearing (Hott, Garey & et al., 2007) . Out of the thirty-five million an estimated 300,000 people are completely deaf. There are over ninety percent of deaf people who have hearing parents. Also, most deaf parents have hearing children. With this being the exemplification, deaf people communicate on a more intimate and significant level with hearing people all their lives. “Deaf people can be found in every ethnic group, every region, and every economic class.” The
There have been some reviews shown that “the barriers such as standardized testing, lack of support services, discrimination, and lack of awareness of deafness among principals in hiring positions are keeping deaf professionals out of schools.” The deaf teachers do not receive support as much as the hearing ones do, making it difficult for a deaf person to want to become a teacher and be continually motivated to complete the program to become a teacher and to ensure that they can also get a job. The journal emphasizes that the deaf students need the appropriate type of teachers, deaf teachers to be
As an American Citizen, my hope for the future of America is that we end the inequality between the haves and the have-nots. It´s just a simple idea, isn't it? Sharing what you have with others who are not as fortunate as you. So many have so little while some have too much. If we, as a nation, were a bit more caring and compassionate as people our country could be a place where everyone had an equal chance to the person behind them, regardless of gender, social class, race, religion, color, creed, or sexual orientation.
Deaf people are minorities and on a daily basis they have to proved to hearing people that they are just as capable
“America was not built on fear. America was built on courage, determination, and an unbeatable determination to do the job at hand,” proclaimed Harry S. Truman. President Truman believed America was built on important values, as do I. Morality, unity, and pride are three such values.
The America I believe in is one where we don’t have to be scared to walk to our cars in the morning to go to work or school. We don’t have to be scared of anything because the American soldiers. They put their lives on the line every day. While they are out there fighting we are sitting in a chair drinking a glass of tea and watching, Keeping up with the Kardashians. While we are in our nice cozy homes. They are fighting every day. We in America have it so nice that we don’t even realize how good we actually do have it. We have a lot of freedom in America, and that is all because of these heroes that may not get recognized as heroes but they are heroes.
High up in the sky swaying in the wind its bold stairs and stripes of red, white, and blue is the American flag. I know it well as, should we all, and when I look upon it I'm filled with a sense of pride and hope. This pride I feel causes me to stand a little taller and walk with my head held high. My vision for America is that people will be able to find the strength from within and have the ability to work and fight for what they believe. A nation where one pushes for greatness instead of worrying about how others may take their idea and quit before they even start.
1.equality . African americans what so different about them, accept their skin color what is so wrong about that. ” I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character” Martin Luther King Jr. need to be equal we live in the same dang country. We need equal rights in this country why because lots of people are disrespected everyday because there is no equality.
The America I believe in, is the America that will fight if they need too, an America that will not fight unless there is a reason. I believe in an America that will not judge people by their race or religion. I believe in an America that sticks up for other countries to show them we are allies not enemies.
Now, the authors have stated three main points in this article regarding improvements to the education of ethnic-minority Deaf college students. First, the authors emphasize the importance of diversity in the work force so that students can make their own decisions in choosing their own role models. This article states that “role models are both essential and critical. They serve several purposes: (1) We talk about the importance of cultural diversity, but having that kind of representation on campus demonstrates a real commitment on
My vision of America is a simple one. A land of freedom, how the founding father’s designed it after. Freedom of Religion, Speech, Press, and to Petition, along with other unalienable rights. My vision of America involves a safe place, where families don’t have to worry about anyone intruding on their property. My vision of America is a land where all are equal, but not to have to sacrifice those with abilities higher than others. Equal, but not stripped of what could give you an advantage.