The last relationship I was involved in was incredibly hostile and aggressive. I’m going to analyze a behavioral episode my ex boyfriend had while we were together. The incident occurred in October while he was home on leave from the military. On this particular day I could see that something was off because he was acting anxious and moody. We were sitting in my room watching television when he brought up the fact that he thought I cheated on him while he was gone. He told me he went through my texts and saw messages that led him to this conclusion. In reality, this was invalid because I never cheated on him or talked to another man for that matter. I defended myself and he became increasingly angry. He began yelling at me, calling me names, and repeatedly saying I was a liar. Eventually he stood up and punched my ceiling, which caused me to feel afraid for my safety. I tried to leave the room, but he pushed me back and wouldn’t let me out. The outburst became physical when he got on top of my and began choking me. While the episode was occurring he was talking about his friend that died on deployment. When he punched my ceiling he cut his hand open, which caused it to bleed a lot. During the physical part of the episode he kept telling me that he needed to stop the bleeding. He was pressing on me and telling me I was going to bleed out, which leads me to believe that he was having a flashback to deployment. After deployment he seemed to be dealing with the things he
Some signs of an abusive relationship are being physically hurt or restrained by a partner, a partner
Director, Davis Guggenheim, in the film Waiting for Superman, tells the untold stories of five children waiting for their opportunity to go to a better school. Guggenheim’s purpose is to convey the idea that some schools are waiting for their superman to come save the day. In Waiting for Superman, Davis Guggenheim uses a variety of rhetorical devices to show how the education system is corrupt and what is being done to fix this system. Guggenheim appeals to the viewer’s emotions by providing many heartbreaking stories from the five children being interviewed. There is nothing more pitiful than puppy being kicked or a toy being taken away from a baby.
These flashbacks remind him he is still a child, just caught in an impossible situation. Beah described “Things changed rapidly in a matter of seconds and no one had any control over anything. We had yet to learn these things and implement survival tactics, which was what it came down to” (35). He was eventually taken away from the war environment and escorted out of the village he was stationed at to the Benin home. This home was meant to brain washed child soldiers get the education nack that they missed out on and give them the right nourishment needed. For English they read passages from books, learned to spell words, and sometimes wrote stories in their notebooks. The teachers said it was just a way of refreshing their memories. Upon arrival, he and his friends are already craving the drugs their lieutenant had constantly filled them up with. It had been more than a month and most of the children had completely gotten past the withdrawal stage. Although some kids still had instances of vomiting and randomly collapsing, they were finally able to feel better. This is when their memories of war begins to soak in. From the withdrawal of these drugs, he begins to have reoccurring phantasmic nightmares and stressful visuals being followed by serious migraines. He would busy himself with work all day going back and forth to the nearby river and continuously washing dishes. It was the only way he could distract himself from the thoughts that would give him severe headaches. He tells a example of a visual dream as “In my mind’s eye I would see sparks of flame, flashes of scenes I had witnessed, and the agonizing voices of children and woman would come alive in my head”(103). Often times his nightmares would act as a barrier to remembrances of his family. It took him several months before he began to relearn how to sleep without the aid of medication. Sometimes
Should NFL Players Kneel? Athletes in sports, mainly in the NFL, have been expressing their feelings towards the police brutality on minorities. Athletes showed their feelings toward this subject by kneeling during the Star-Spangled Banner, instead of standing up high while holding their hands to their hearts. But, after this “extremely dangerous” protest, in Alabama at a Trump rally, President Trump acknowledged this controversy and said, “Wouldn’t you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, you’d say, ‘Get that son of a b---- off the field right now.’ Out!
In Eric Bartels “My Problem with Her Anger” (57-63), the author describes the problem he has with how his wife treats him and how woman are different than men. In his memoir type of article, Bartels talks about his personal experiences with his wife’s anger driven outrages that he had to deal with. He explains that even when he was helping out, he always wasn’t doing something right. Also, Bartels talks about how his wife needs to change how she reacts to not only him but to the children. However, the author does not always connect to the reader effectively. Through his use of emotionally driven language, Bartels hurts his argument with some readers, especially female, through the disconnect he creates.
Question 2: Jessica, a 24 year old, who grew up experiencing child sexual abuse now finds herself involved in an abusive relationship with her live-in boyfriend. She has been living with her current abusive situation for four years. She has tried to leave the situation before, but has returned to her boyfriend each time. She demonstrates a wide range of symptomology from hyper-vigilance to dissociation. She is at times tearful and agitated and at other times she is distant as if “in a dream.”
He was concerned that I was going to be unfaithful to him and ruin everything that we had. It was a slow and gradual with the subtle comments, but he was starting to separate me from all of my friends. I had plans with one of my friends he would always be communicating with me during the time that we weren’t together. My ex-boyfriend would always be asking me who I am with, where we are, and just being very anxious about who I was with without him. I agree with Dr. Joseph Carver because I think this is one of the first steps that “the loser” may use to get his victim alone and try and receive full control over the victim.
Aggressing: Aggressive forms of abuse include name-calling, belittling, accusing, blaming, threatening, ordering, and stalking. These behaviors are usually direct and very obvious. Through this behavior, the abuser undermines the equality and autonomy needed to have a healthy relationship. The relationship takes on a more parent-to-child pattern of communication. A more indirect form of emotional abuse can be disguised as “helping.” Abusers may use criticism, advice, probing, and questioning as a sincere attempt to offer their partner help. In some instances, however, these behaviors can be used by an abuser as an attempt to belittle, control, or demean their partner or spouse rather than to help them.
Early on in a relationship, when the controlling behaviors are typically less intense. less severe, and are imposed under the disguise of good intentions, it may be very difficult to clearly identify them as part of a pattern. Often the victim views the first violent incident as an isolated incident. This coupled with the batterer’s likely remorse and promises to never repeat the behavior can cause a victim to be easily persuaded to stay and “work it out”.
This is difficult to identify abusers at the beginning of a relationship. The abusive nature of the
Welcome to my blog, Perfect Love. Throughout my blog posts, I will discuss my personal experience with an abusive relationship, how to realize that you are in an abusive relationship, and how to leave. Aside from using my own personal experiences, I will also add credible sources to my posts.
According to statistics 11% of children 4-17 have been diagnosed with ADHD at one point in their life. In 2003 that estimate was only 7.8 percent. Boys are three time more likely to have been diagnosed with ADHD than girls (5.6 percent). In adults the rate is much lower 4%. Over the years the ADHD rates are seemingly increasing. ADHD includes a common factor for all of those who test positive from 3 to 5% of the school-age population is referred in any given year, 92% of those referred are tested, 74% of those tested are placed in special education. Numerous practices in the typical general education classroom conflict with known effective interventions for students with special learning needs. Undifferentiated large-group instruction appears
Relational aggression (RA) is defined as nonphysical behaviors that aim to deliberately cause harm to another individual by destroying relationships, harming social status or self-esteem, or public embarrassment (Crick, Werner, Casas, O’Brien, Nelson, Grotpeter, & Markon, 1999). Examples include behaviors such as purposely ignoring a peer, spreading rumors, creating undesirable gossip, and excluding a peer from group activities, (Crick, 1996; Crick & Grotpeter, 1995; Crick, Ostrov, & Werner, 2006). RA can occur as early as preschool years, and plays a huge role in the interactions among this population with behaviors such as covering one’s ears as a sign of ignoring another peer (Bonica, Arnold, Fisher, Zeljo, & Yershova, 2003; Crick et al.,
Lavinia et. al. (2010) describes a study that calculated physiology factors on a person’s predisposition to aggression in intimate relationships. The study looked at physiological reactivity, which is defined as changes to a person’s body brought about by a stimulus. The study found that individuals that are antisocial and violent are
For months everything was perfect just like most relationships, we weren’t fully comfortable, we didn’t argue, we didn’t have a lack of trust. It was absolutely perfect. Once we came to about 6 months he left for the first time, and it broke my heart. We had our space, worked things out and eventually got back together. After a couple more months of being okay, he left again. Once again we gave each other space, worked through it and got back together. After finally working everything out i had a concern of a girl he was around and had been talking to. He had promised that it was nothing and that they were just childhood friends, i believed him at first until it started to become more frequent. After fighting about that many times, he ended up leaving, and that third time had me absolutely shattered from the inside, out. I had a very low self esteem, and couldn’t find it in myself to stay healthy and happy. I let myself fall through very deep cracks, and wasn’t sure how I would back out.