I am an American Jew born 12 years after the end of WWII. Hebrew school, which I started attending at age 5 until 11, created a sense of difference and specialty between myself and other non-Jews. Arabs, Palestinians and all anti-Semites were the enemy of the Jewish world community and were to be despised. Consequently, 75 percent of my identity was held in place by my membership to the Jewish world community. Consequently, I lived the next twenty years as a Defensive American Zionist Jew. I didn't question Israel for its military actions, for occupying other’s lands, bulldozing houses or refugee camps down, or committing other horrible acts. After all, Israel was only defending itself from terrorist factions that called for the genocide of the Jewish people and whose intent was and still is to wipe Israel off the map. …show more content…
Consequently, after hours of searches and reading articles published from each side on the middle east conflict and its issues two things became undeniable clear to me, one, the Gaza Strip is an occupied territory and two, there really are terrorists in the Gaza Strip who want to exterminate the Jewish population. Nonetheless, Israel, perhaps rightly so given its long history of being attacked and the continued philippic speeches by
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the one of the world’s oldest conflicts, and it is still an ongoing problem in the world. Zionists and Arabs: two groups with conflicting beliefs who both claim Israel as their own. In wake of the Holocaust the U.N decided to gift the Jews a homeland for the lives lost in the genocide. In 1947, the U.N Partition divided the land of Israel (Historic Palestine) into two separate states: Arab and Jewish. Since then, the state of Israel has been the center of conflict between the Arabs and the Zionists. As time passed the Zionists gained more land from winning the Six-Day War, and consequently the Palestinians had to live as refugees in other Arab countries. Additionally, more than 75% of the land belonged to
Choices, the story writen by Susan Kerslake is about how the choices that we make everyday affect who we are and how our life can change by making the wrong decission. But is it always a bad decission? is it always our fault?
In addition, I will examine the current state of political and human rights in Israeli occupied West Bank and analyze how they are approaching a level of apartheid. Finally, I will summarize the effects of these social tensions between Israel and Palestinians in the terms of how potential open conflict could reignite.
According to the Human Rights Watch during July 23 and 24, 2014 in Khuza’a, a border town between the Gaza Strip and Israel, Israeli soldiers were shooting and killing innocent families while trying to force them out of their homes. At first the Israeli military gave warnings to the civilians warning them to flee their homes however most did not listen. Many had nowhere to go and stayed only in fear. Afterwards they used force shooting, and shelling the Palestinians. Killing children and families who only want to live better lives is unacceptable by all international standards. Israel’s excessive force should not be tolerated before any more lives are lost. To add on, Israel has been purposefully denying Palestinians access to basic human resources such as food and clean water. A United Nations report states that In 2010 six ships led by the Turkish Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms and Humanitarian Relief were sailing to the Gaza Strip. They were attempting to bring aid in clean water, food, medical supplies and building supplies to the Palestinian people. However in May Israeli special forces boarded the ships killing 10 activists and detaining several hundred. They took control over the boats and sailed them to Israeli ports. This is purely an act evil against people who just wanted to help. There is no reason for a country to deny humanitarian aid to
Labeled “Zionism,” this movement advocated for the return of Jews to Palestine, and that Jews constitute one nation and should have a state of their own. This was not met with wholehearted support, however. Both Jews and non-Jews disputed the need for, and right to exist, of the Jewish state. Jews that clung to more traditional values emphasized that the Zionists did not speak for all Jews, and that many do not wish for such a state to exist. Additionally, non-Jews disliked the particularity of the Zionist movement, viewing it as holding Jews as separate, and more significant, than other peoples.
Israeli Jews have a strong opinion that, “roughly three-quarters say anti-Semitism is not only common but on the rise globally, while virtually no Israeli Jews say it is decreasing” (Anti-Semitism and discrimination); On the other hand, Americans have an opposing view of the incline of anti-Semitism. Based on a HuffPost/YouGov survey, “Thirty-five percent of
Since the Independence of Israel in 1948, there has been a greater tension between the Israelis and the Palestinian community. It is very important to know that both have been living Israel before it was considered an independent state. Not only Palestinians have been in conflict with the Israelis but also Arabs and Muslims. They might not have the same issues with Israel as the Palestinians do, but they both dislike Israelis for different reasons. Palestinians issue has been over property ownership while the Arabs and Muslims community has been over religious reasons. It is difficult to resist the conclusion that Israel belongs to
Since the early 20th Century, Israelis and Palestinians have been fighting over the land between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. With the assumption that Palestine is a state to facilitate discussion, this report sketches out the most significant elements of the conflict on the three levels defined by Kenneth Waltz, and applies the Realist theory of international relations (IR) to the “Two-State” solution.
After more than 50 years of war, terrorism, peace negotiation and human suffering, Israel and Palestine remain as far from a peaceful settlement as ever. The entire Middle Eastern region remains a cauldron waiting to reach the boiling point, a potent mixture of religious extremism, (Jewish, Christian and Islamic), mixed with oil and munitions.
Throughout the period of World War II, many Jewish people had fled to Israel seeking a place for sanctuary due to Hitler’s reign of terror, but who knew that one of the most largest movements in the history of Europe would cause one of the biggest renowned issues that still remains today. We can easily conclude that both Palestinian and Israeli people both believe that Israel is a land of sacred, where both religions had made history in this land. Although one of the biggest issues that still remains today is who really deserves the land the most. The Palestinian people currently live in the land of Israel before the Jews had made their movement, but after letting in countless Jewish refugees into their land, the Jewish people had realized
Marshak, R. (1996) Metaphors in organizational settings: Impact and outcome. In D. Grant & C. Oswick (Eds.), Metaphor and organizations (pp. 147-165). London: Sage
Bob Hawke once said; “Unless and until something concrete is done about addressing the Israeli-Palestinian issue you won't get a real start on the war against terrorism.” Perhaps Hawke put into a few simple words one of the most complicated issues within our world today, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. As Israel continues to strip the Palestinians of their land and fears it’s very existence because of the Palestinians terrorist acts, there seems to be no solution in sight. The world appears to be split and all over the place when it comes to this matter. According to The Middle East Institute for Understanding approximately 129 countries recognize Palestine as a state while many others do not. Over all the political matters within this issue not only affect Palestine and Israel but the world as a whole, as the Middle East and the West seem to disagree. This has had and will continue to have an enormous impact on many political affairs all over the world particularly in the current fight against terrorism. Personally I feel that the Israeli Palestinian conflict while being a very complicated matter has a simple solution. Within this issue I am a firm believer that the occupation of the West Bank by Israeli forces is extremely unjust and must come to an end. Once this is achieved a two state solution will be the most effective way to bring peace to the area. The occupation of the West Bank violates political and legal rights, human rights, and illegally forces Palestinians
What is a graphic Designer? What do they do? What makes them important? A graphic designer designs items such as; logos, billboards, pamphlets, and other promotional print and digital art work. Graphic Designers can work in just about any field or place of business due to the high demand for promotional items. A graphic designer can work for a company, freelance or both. The job requires talking with clients, computer software, and getting quality products in a timely fashion. The United States Department of labor describes a graphic designer as, “Graphic designers create visual concepts, by hand or using computer software, to communicate ideas that inspire, inform, or captivate consumers. They help to make an organization recognizable by
The conflict between Israel and Palestine is just one of the many facets that have shaped modern day politics in the Middle East. It is a conflict rooted in generations of violence, discrimination and prejudice that is complicated by a history older than any of the modern day superpowers. Ever since the creation of the state of Israel by the 1947 UN partition of Palestine
I grew up in a world with little insight into the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. I knew that it was an issue emblazoned in thousands of years of history and that, for the most part, each side blamed the other side for the conflict. However, rom what I did know prior to the panel, I had been unable to view the conflict in the Middle East from either a pro-Israel or a pro-Palestine light—both groups have committed atrocities, and both groups have been the targets of said atrocities.