I like to think of myself as someone who would help others only out of the kindness of my heart. I want to believe this because it allows me to think of myself as a kindhearted person. Unfortunately, I am not able to be that kind of person at home. I am mostly sarcastic, rude, irritable, and aggressive around my family. Because of this, my family doesn’t think of me as a loving and helpful person. Instead, they believe that I am a coldhearted monster because of my “inhuman” strength and also because of how rarely I cry. Additionally, I get very grumpy and stubborn when I get yelled at to do something, which would explain why my family does not think very highly of me. Although I do try to do the right thing at home and be a responsible child …show more content…
My identity to other people would be much different if I didn’t think about the results of my actions and acted on impulse. Sometimes I want to hit someone in the face only because they annoyed me or said something dumb, but I know that that isn’t the right thing to do. Also, if a group of people walk slowly in front of me, I want to shove them out of the way and scream loudly about how slow they are, but that is rude to do. If I didn’t care so much about my image, I would most likely be the most selfish and disrespectful person …show more content…
If this person was not inside of me, I would be the nicest and most helpful person in the world, but they are stopping me from being that by existing inside of me. Fortunately for others, I am able to stop this person from completely controlling me and turning me into a spiteful person. If one day I lose control of this person, it would be chaos for the people around me. So many people would be hurt emotionally and even physically. I probably would not have any friends either, because everybody would hate me. Luckily, the good inside of me knows that it’s best to be nice to everyone, no matter how badly they treated me. Even if I don’t like a person, I still try my best to be nice to them, but the worst side of me still shines through and they can tell that I don’t like them. It’s as if there is a battle between the best and worst side of me, and somehow both sides shine through until one
Personal identity is essential in the human experience. Identity is complex and can be broken down into two main groups: introspective identity, and bodily identity. Introspective identity is based off of the groups, mentalities, or beliefs that you align yourself with, and bodily identity is based off of the physical side of yourself. Whether physical or introspective, your identity impacts every action you take. Whether choices ranging from what colors you prefer to which college you want to attend are primarily based off of your introspective identity, which is a combination of both memory and consciousness, physical identity impacts how others perceive you. Consciousness is mainly the awareness of bodily identity as well as continuous introspective identify, while memory is awareness of introspective identity. These two different facets of identity are imperative in the distinction between bodily identity and introspective identity. In means of personal identity introspective identity (which is evident in memory), is essential, while bodily identity (based partially in consciousness) has less credit.
What is personal identity? This question has been asked and debated by philosophers for centuries. The problem of personal identity is determining what conditions and qualities are necessary and sufficient for a person to exist as the same being at one time as another. Some think personal identity is physical, taking a materialistic perspective believing that bodily continuity or physicality is what makes a person a person with the view that even mental things are caused by some kind of physical occurrence. Others take a more idealist approach with the belief that mental continuity is the sole factor in establishing personal identity holding that physical things are just reflections of the mind.
My identity is something that that no one can take away from me. As I am still growing and learning, I can say that I have found many things that appeal to me. My interests will help define my personality and express myself in ways that I can’t express through words. I enjoy finding new things to do and doing my best in aiming towards my goals. I have many goals, but I know that I can only accomplish them through patience and perseverance.
Identity is what defines us as a person. Everyone one on earth has their own unique identity. To showcase my identity, I created a collage of images and descriptive words, called an identi-kit. This identi-kit shows what I feel like is my identity to myself and the others. My identi-kit identifies me as a mixed martial artist. The identi-kit has images of a deadly shark with mixed martial arts gloves on that say mixed martial arts on the front and fight shorts with the words competitor and warrior on them. It also has descriptive words like “killer instinct” and “fight” which describe my spirit. There are three assumptions that come to question when asking about one’s identity. The first is if you were born with this
In sociology, ascribed is a position or identity that is neither earned nor chosen, but assigned at birth or assumed involuntarily later in life like race, sex, or having a disability. On the other hand, proscribed is a position or identity that is earned or chosen such as gender, parenthood, or being a student. Having a minority ascribed and proscribed identity in a society that has not moved on from racial, economic, and gender inequality becomes challenging for those who are not the majority. However, there are also advantages to having a minority ascribed and proscribed identity. I have experienced the benefits and disadvantages of having a minority ascribed and proscribed identity. My ascribed identity is Afro-Latina, while my proscribed status is being a poor single young mother who is a student.
One of the most obvious advantages of being true to ourselves is that people will see us, perhaps for the first time, without a mask. People will see what we are really like on the inside. They will see our talents, imperfections, and preferences. Then they will have the opportunity to accept us on our own terms. As we work to show our true selves to society, we may discover things about ourselves we did not already know. If we want to be great, we can safely assume that we must be willing to be misunderstood. However, we cannot be misunderstood if we conform to the standards of society. If we act and think and talk exactly as everyone else, we will never run the risk of being taken the wrong way.
Many people throughout the world have wondered what makes us us. Due to this they ask themselves questions and think about the situation. All of this relates to what is personal identity? Personal identity is the characteristics of what a human being is. Personal identity deals with philosophical questions about ourselves, for example Who am I? How do I look? When did I begin? What happens to me when I die? The argument that I will make in my paper will be that personal identity consists of three parts: body, memory, and soul. The premises for this topic are the following: the body is what we see and others see which let's us know who the person is by their body characteristics, thanks to the memories from the past it makes us have an
My family shaped my personal and social identity at a micro level by being the first set of influencers the moment I was born. My personal identity is significantly influenced by my family through the approach that my parents have taken to raise and nurture me. The results of my parents raising me is shown through the behaviour and beliefs that I embody. For example, because of my family I have always been aware that there is a God. In consequence, my compliant behaviour towards religion has already been constructed at a young age. Moreover, my social identity’s structure was shaped by my family through they way they have socially interacted with me. My micro level interactions with my family throughout time has created a deeply rooted influence within me. The influence that my family has had on my social identity is demonstrated in the way that I respond in certain social situations. For example, through behavioural observation as a child I have learned not to speak back to my parents when they are lecturing me.
Every individual has a story of their own, and in a sense there is a resemblance to novels with all its ups and downs, and truths and fictions. Even more, there is this notion of “do not judge a book by its cover;” each page within a person’s life weighs more on one’s identity than the outer surface one perceives does. Despite this, how much of each page is determined by the individual and how much is determined by outside forces? In “Selections from Reading Lolita in Tehran: A Memoir in Books,” Azar Nafisi describes the necessity of identity in a world where fiction and reality are intertwined. While Oliver Sacks in the excerpt, “The Mind’s Eye,” points out the physiological changes in an individual’s mind when facing a challenge more or less changes the identity of a person. Continuing on the development of identity, Jean Twenge in her text, “An Army of One: Me,” highlights how social standards can shape and limit an individual as what embodies “the Self” becomes more defined. All three authors tackle the scope of identity, since the individual, “the Self,” and the “mind’s eye” are the center of discussion. The matter of identity can be shaped by circumstances and experiences when the individual’s environment is volatile, and has changed dramatically, or the individual’s surrounding society is prevalent in the actions of its subjects. However, identity is something that is already predetermined to each individual, and the factors listed above reveal the true identity of each individual more rather than shape it.
Identity is a state of mind in which someone recognizes/identifies their character traits that leads to finding out who they are and what they do and not that of someone else. In other words it's basically who you are and what you define yourself as being. The theme of identity is often expressed in books/novels or basically any other piece of literature so that the reader can intrigue themselves and relate to the characters and their emotions. It's useful in helping readers understand that a person's state of mind is full of arduous thoughts about who they are and what they want to be. People can try to modify their identity as much as they want but that can never change. The theme of identity is a very strenuous topic to understand
A person’s identity is shaped by many different aspects. Family, culture, friends, personal interests and surrounding environments are all factors that tend to help shape a person’s identity. Some factors may have more of an influence than others and some may not have any influence at all. As a person grows up in a family, they are influenced by many aspects of their life. Family and culture may influence a person’s sense of responsibilities, ethics and morals, tastes in music, humor and sports, and many other aspects of life. Friends and surrounding environments may influence a person’s taste in clothing, music, speech, and social activities. Personal interests are what truly set individuals apart. An individual is not a puppet
If they don’t perceive you as a good person, they will just not treat you very well. Since family is forever, the perception of you by your family is extremely
Over the course of my life I have had many life experiences which have made me who I am today. When I was in my middle childhood, most of my life revolved around playing and having fun. I did not have to put forth effort in hardly any area of my life or work hard in order to achieve specific goals. As time went on however, my own life experiences began to have an effect on me, and shape the person I am today. My life started to change the most during middle childhood when I was around the age of seven years old. At this point in my life, I had to adjust to several big changes.
I am the kind of person who works hard and never gives up when things get rough. I learn to build this mentality from my mother at a young age. Probably at around six, in the beginning it didn’t sink in. All I cared about was running wild and making a mess and not having a care for the world. Man I use to get in trouble and never work hard in anything and almost always gave up when things got rough. Examples of this was when I use to pretend to be a chef and would make a mess and almost started a fire at eight years old because I wanted to copy what I saw on TV. Another example is whenever I use to think I was going to lose in whatever video game I was playing I was throw my controller and then press the reset button and start all over. Later on as I got older like around thirteen I can say my mother’s words started to sink in. I can name many times in my life where things were really hard and difficult and thought I would never overcome what was in front of me and I did. For example grade school I use to get teased for everything. Things like how I talked, the fact that my mother use to cut my hair and I didn’t have a shape up and it got worse in middle school and went on into when I was in high school I would get mad fun of for things I couldn’t afford like expensive clothes and the kids would bother me and tease me every day. They wouldn’t stop there just because I didn’t have cloth they would find other things to bother me with. For example I am Haitian and for some
It is tough to change the way people perceive you, and I know this for a fact. Growing up, I was considered an irresponsible person. No one relied on me, not my family, and not even my friends. I didn’t consider myself as a selfish woman, but others said I was. They would constantly point out how immature I was. This highly irritated me, because I knew i’m not that childish woman they think I am. I didn’t know how to prove that I am a reliable person and I could take responsibility.