
My Identity Research Paper

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I like to think of myself as someone who would help others only out of the kindness of my heart. I want to believe this because it allows me to think of myself as a kindhearted person. Unfortunately, I am not able to be that kind of person at home. I am mostly sarcastic, rude, irritable, and aggressive around my family. Because of this, my family doesn’t think of me as a loving and helpful person. Instead, they believe that I am a coldhearted monster because of my “inhuman” strength and also because of how rarely I cry. Additionally, I get very grumpy and stubborn when I get yelled at to do something, which would explain why my family does not think very highly of me. Although I do try to do the right thing at home and be a responsible child …show more content…

My identity to other people would be much different if I didn’t think about the results of my actions and acted on impulse. Sometimes I want to hit someone in the face only because they annoyed me or said something dumb, but I know that that isn’t the right thing to do. Also, if a group of people walk slowly in front of me, I want to shove them out of the way and scream loudly about how slow they are, but that is rude to do. If I didn’t care so much about my image, I would most likely be the most selfish and disrespectful person …show more content…

If this person was not inside of me, I would be the nicest and most helpful person in the world, but they are stopping me from being that by existing inside of me. Fortunately for others, I am able to stop this person from completely controlling me and turning me into a spiteful person. If one day I lose control of this person, it would be chaos for the people around me. So many people would be hurt emotionally and even physically. I probably would not have any friends either, because everybody would hate me. Luckily, the good inside of me knows that it’s best to be nice to everyone, no matter how badly they treated me. Even if I don’t like a person, I still try my best to be nice to them, but the worst side of me still shines through and they can tell that I don’t like them. It’s as if there is a battle between the best and worst side of me, and somehow both sides shine through until one

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