When I was little, having an identical twin was so exciting. We wanted to wear the same clothes, watch the same movies and just be identical. As we got older, it seemed less appealing to be exactly like someone else. By the time we were teenagers, I fought to build and maintain a separate identity. Pausing to reflect on my life, I see that it was those small, seemingly insignificant moments that sparked my interest in human development and behavior.
One of the first classes I took during my freshman year of college was Anatomy and Physiology. This class introduced me to the different brain structures and functions. It was so fascinating that I started looking for every Psychology course available. My interest exploded after studying Developmental Psychology. I remember watching Albert Banduras “Bobo Doll experiments” and thinking about the impact of social learning on children.
I decided to intern in the counseling department at Sandra Day O’Connor High School. I worked with the lead counselor and observed her sessions with students. It was emotional to hear them open up about their lives. Many revealed root issues at home that extended into the classroom and social settings. This often led to lower grades and more visits to the counselor’s office. I realized that I could make a larger impact if I was able to work with the entire family.
I continued with my education and maintained high academic standards, attaining a 4.0 the last three semesters of undergraduate studies.
Identical twins are many times seen as genetic reproductions representing variations from twin to the other twin and are created because of environmental factors (Cervone & Pervin, 2010). Since identical twins share identical genetics, his or her personality seems to also share similarities. Moreover, the environment can impact fraternal twins, resulting in fraternal twins personalities and his or her characteristics similar to each other. For example, identical twins. Some research shows twins that are raised in the same residence have little differences from those who are raised in a different home.
One of the most unbearable dislikes of being a twin is the occasional mistakes people make when trying to remember their names. Often at times, people who have known them all their lives tend to forget as well as try desperately not to admit that they do not know which twin is which. Another factor is that people give their intact on who the most prettiest, smartest, nicest, or most athletic twin is. These types of characteristics set off many problems and
The one drawback of being a twin is making an identity for yourself. Many assume that since we are 99.9% genetically identical, that I am the same person as him. I have to show that I am separate from my twin for my family, my peers, my teachers and others. Just because I come from the same egg as him does not mean I am a unique and separate human being. Making an identity for myself is one of my main struggles in life as I try to shine out and I have come a long way. Yes, I have a different favorite color than him, orange instead of blue. Yes, I like and dislike different foods than him. Be being proud of my accomplishments with my twin make those that I make on my own that more special. I was a Committee Chair in Youth and Government in a program area that my brother was not. I partook in the Chemistry Olympiad that my brother could not as only one person could go. These standalone activities help shape who I am, but it is my twin who had given me the marble to sculpt. I know that going to college is a big step of me branching out from my twin and I'm ready as it is coming quite
In college, I have taken rigorous classes in biology and psychology. I have had to push myself to succeed in these classes, and the rewards have been worth it. Some of my favorite classes have been classes in which you need to think outside the box, where more than traditional problem-solving skills were
I knew I was most interested in my Clinical, Experimental, and Abnormal Psychology courses. Learning about the various mental disorders and working with the DSM is my passion.
Throughout history, across all cultures, people have been fascinated with twins. In addition to interest in the close emotional ties and biological similarities that twins may share, reports of special twin languages and twin extrasensory perception (ESP) help people to explore ideas of what it means to be human. How similar or different are they to each other? How important are genes and environment for development? Because identical twins share all of their genes, it is the environment—rather than genetics—that accounts for any differences between them.
What's the true meaning of being a twin? Some would say a mirror image, a replica, or as in Biology; a didymous. I can honestly say that none of those descriptions represent my twin brother and I. People naturally, and erroneously conclude that twins will look, think, and act alike. Often forgotten are the obvious facts that we are not one, but two unique human beings leaving our own footprint on this planet. We leave different imprints on this earth with our varying talents and goals. We share ourselves with others in contrasting ways, and leave distinct impressions on everyone we interact with.
“Congrats, you are pregnant with twin girls!” the excited medical tech yelled, with her smile warming up the room. Can you imagine the mixed feelings that came over my parents as they went in to find the sex of their one child, to only find out there were two. From that moment on, inside my mother’s womb, I knew I would have to fight hard to be an individual. All my life, everyone always questioned, “Which one are you again?” or “There’s two of you, that’s so cool”. It seemed like a slow carousel that keeps going around and around and never stops. We were both intelligent and always did everything together but that didn’t mean we were the same. When you have a twin, everyone thinks you guys are one person and for the last 17 years, I still
In reading stories about identical twins my point of view is easily understood. Various types of psychologist have analyzed the study of identical twins. It shows that individuals with the same genetic make-up can be totally different, when it comes to personality. Nurture promotes the twins to grow up as separate individuals. Its a lot better if a twin has his or her own personality rather than the same exact personality of the other half. I think this great debate weighs heavier on the nurture side. As a child my parents, and sibling overshadowed my genetic make-up. No matter how much I thought my physical traits made me behave. It did not affect me more than the things that I had seen and been exposed to. The more things that I had seen around and experienced made me the person that I am today. If my genetic make-up was totally different, to a certain extent, I am sure that I?d behave the same way that I do presently. There are exceptions to that. For instance if I were six foot five and one hundred and ninety pounds, I?d most likely be in the NBA and be really rich. I think if I was really rich and in the NBA I wouldn?t have the same worries that I have today. Even if before I were in the NBA I would have lots of attention and have a lot more confidence. So to an extent I would change a little if my genetic make-up were different. In a sense, genetic make-up is just a competitor to the environmental factors
It was during my senior year of college that I decided I wanted to become a school counselor. Up until my senior year in college at Penn State I did not know where I wanted to take my career but I knew I wanted to work in a school setting and I knew that I wanted to work with kids. When it came time to choose an internship site for my last semester, I chose an alternative school called Buxmont Academy in Bethlehem where I would be shadowing two of their school counselors as well as engaging with the students themselves. I got to work with these children on a more personal level, gaining an understanding of their emotions, experiences, and difficulties, as most of these children came from broken homes, and drug and alcohol related settings. I am interested in becoming a school counselor because I want to help. When I become a counselor I want to make a difference in a child’s life whether that be by simply giving them support that they might not have in their lives or helping them make changes to better themselves and their futures. A counselor has such an important role in helping to shape young children and that is something that I want to be a part of.
My interest in School Psychology is a sheer result of my experiences at various workplaces and certain decisions I have opted for in my life. These experiences have prepared me to pursue advanced studies in the field, while strengthening my passion and in providing me with the background required to succeed in this important area. In order to achieve my full potential in the field, I look forward to entering MEd/EdS program at the University of Massachusetts, Boston.
For years I have been fascinated by that mysterious quirk of nature called twins. In my family, there are several sets of identical twins, and I have always concentrated on their similarities. I did not realize that identical twins also have many differences. My identical twin cousins, Sue and Heidi, appear to be perfect mirror images. They love to dress alike. They can feel each other's pain. They sound alike and can complete each other's sentences. But upon taking a closer look, I have found that they are as different as day and night. Aside from Sue and Heidi's outward characteristics, they possess several distinguishing traits that allow them to be viewed as two separate, independent
As I walk through the crowded mall with my sister, little children stare, most adults do a discreet double take, and some bold adults question us outright. “Wow, are you twins?” “Do you know you look the same?” “What’s it like to be a twin?” “Do you have, like, psychic powers, or something with each other?” These are the most common questions twins hear. Almost all twins don’t really mind them and sometimes the attention is cool. Mostly, we just smile tolerantly at each other and answer them as best we can. After all, we don’t really know how to describe being a twin. We have never known anything else. Nonetheless, here we are. So, as a person who might not know exactly what she is talking
Scientists and psychologists everywhere study twins. The argument most commonly studied is nature versus nurture. The focus of this essay, however, is whether or not to separate twins in schools. Some believe the separation is demeaning and traumatic to the twins. The side about to be proved however that is this separation is a necessary step in the individualization of twins. Often, separation sparks the path to individualization.
Identical twins may share the same DNA make up and grow up in the same household, yet they have very distinct personalities. On the other hand, twins that may have been separated at birth, find that years later when they meet up for the first time that they have very similar character traits and experiences. Researchers have been trying to figure out for years if DNA or environment has a bigger factor in determining a twin’s personality. When researchers try to determine how personalities are developed, they often look to twin studies to determine if DNA or life experiences are influential in personality development.