Statement of purpose
My fascination for science developed at an early age, this was result of a class conducted by the school that taught various scientific principles and other concepts not included in the syllabus. This made me curious and interested towards topics space, nature and its related phenomenon’s, vehicles and various surrounding objects and products that are used in our day to day life. I have always been curious towards finding out working of different mundane and unique objects which is why I got attracted towards the field of science and engineering. Also, with my father being a mechanical engineer himself fuelled my interest of pursuing engineering as a career option.
Throughout my school days I was a really disciplined individual with a liking towards subjects like physics and maths and was always hard working whether it was academics or extracurricular activities. So after graduating 10th standard I enrolled for diploma in automobile engineering branch in government polytechnic ahmedabad which is a very prestigious institute in my state. I chose to do diploma instead of high school because it provided technical knowledge and hands on experience. As a result I have some edge over high school students with the practical knowledge I gained in the diploma.
This course had a great and a well planned curriculum which provided
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The visits were in major companies like G.S.R.T.C, Apollo earth movers, Vishal foundries and more. With the increasing interest in design I also learned to operate creo which is 3-d modelling software, these are used during the starting stage of product development. I have also made project as part of the program, it is user defined project where the problem it is related to is pollution. In this me and my team will design a device that will reduce the particulate matter in the air and try to mitigate smog in the
There are no engineers in my family to persuade me into becoming one. It was my own interest and curiosity that drove me into analyzing how things work. Over the years I have developed a passion for solving complex problems that involve technical challenges. I have learnt that an engineering problem does not have a standard solution to it and that an engineer has to choose the best from amongst the various options. The process of applying scientific methods to solve real-life problems continued to intrigue me throughout my years of study, initially in the context of my own behavior, and later to observe and investigate its impact on an increasing affinity towards Engineering.
I am very much interested in the field of engineering and hope to pursue a career in engineering sometime in the future. Although I haven’t decided which branch of engineering I want to pursue yet, my experiences as an engineering magnet student at Wheaton High school and the different engineering programs I am a part of have ignited within me a passion for engineering.
Ever since I was a child, I have loved science. I learned at a young age to always keep asking questions and to never settle with just simply not knowing something. The thought of how everything works on a molecular level never ceases to fascinate me. I have other interests spanning multiple fields, but none can compare to my love of science. I quite enjoy being in the labs and getting to do experiments to uncover answers that were otherwise unknown to me. It is that curiosity and interest that keeps my fascination towards the realm of science strong.
I cannot remember a time when I was not in love with science. From a young age, I remember searching through the internet to answer every question I had and asking my parents - both with PhDs - about the world around me. One day, I discovered a documentary: Battlefield Cell. In that moment, I was hooked on learning and had a problem I wanted to solve.
Finding out how and why things work and discovering how products are made has always my passion. I regularly watch engineering and science shows on the television. From my childhood, I have always been a very curious person who would not believe just because someone told me, but I had to know the reason behind it. Science always fascinated me, and I always wondered how we remained on the ground and never fell off something that is spherical. In school I was more interested in maths and science rather than History or Arts and this made me choose Chemistry, maths and physics as my Higher subjects. This has helped me appreciate how Science has been utilised to improve man’s life and make it easier. It is because of this that I would like to
Secondly, I love to learn and know more about science in general. When I was a student in high school, I spent most of my time to learn and solve the problems with biology, chemistry, math, and physics. For example, one of my assignment for biology is a research about the genetic disorders
I have always been interested in engineering ever since I was a little kid in science club. How people build such great feats of science such as rockets cars buildings or even a simple bridge has always been a major question to me. Searching for answers, I joined honors physics in my junior year in high school. We started learning about forces and motion and eventually the largest grade we would receive throughout the entire year, the model bridge.
For as long as I could see the stars, I knew I wanted to reach them. Gazing at the stars gave me time to question how the world worked, and kindled my passion for science. The world of science intrigues me because it varies on so many levels. It ranges from the study of the smallest particles in the world to the research of the seemingly never-ending universe. With so much to learn, I never want to be absent in class and miss the opportunity of discovering something new. Science has influenced me to be curious as to why things work, and motivates me to find the explanations behind things.
Staring at engine components of a car as well as holding a smartphone with almost unbelievable thickness fascinated me in many ways indirectly leaded me into getting to know more through different sources about machines ranging from transportation to communication devices. Two years of A-level preparation, further solidified my interest in this area as I found myself very fond of learning mathematics, physics and mechanics in particular. In addition, my curiosity in the operation and dynamics of objects naturally influences my choice of degree, leading me towards Engineering as it is a discipline which satisfy my own interest and most probably bring out the best of me.
My true passion for engineering began when I came across the quote: "Technology are devices that make our lives better". Despite my first love of mathematics, my recent interest for engineering has come from two major influences. The first being my mathematics and physics teachers, both engineers by nature, who have helped me enhance the fundamental skills essential for engineering and embrace the importance of the field. The second being the learning about uses of technology in Computer Science, it taught me the magnitude of which technology contributes to our everyday lives has led me to intensify my desire to improve the lives of others.
Mathematics and Sciences truly enchanted me because they governed everything around me. Participation in school competitions and other voluntary activates like Quizzes, games and cultural activities always demanded an innovative perspective in me. During those years, working of The Television I see, The Telephone I speak, The Music system I listen to fascinated me. It was in my high school that I could reason out that it is because of Electronics that makes these things possible that sealed my interest for higher
I have literally known what I want to be since I was a toddler. Of course, as a three-year old putting together Legos, I could not have verbalized that I want to be a mechanical engineer. However, it was at that time that I began to develop and use the skills that I will need for my desired career. I began to consider how parts went together and the different components necessary to build and sustain various systems. Part of the inspiration was the simple fun that I had while putting together these small toys, but part of my inspiration was my father. He was a maintenance turn-around coordinator at an oil refinery, which led to my own desire to work as a mechanical engineer in a refinery one day. As I grew older, my interest in mechanical engineering remained constant, though I expanded my interest beyond the oil refineries. In fact, after attending a pre-college program, Jackling Introduction to Engineering, offered by Missouri Science and Technology in Rolla, Missouri in the summer of 2011, I realized that engineering was the perfect way to exercise my curiosity and inventiveness in a constructive and productive manner.
It is human nature to question our reality in an attempt to better understand our surroundings. Science, for me, is the devotion to better understand the world we live in, rooted in the natural and inevitable questions that all humans ask themselves. I believe that by answering the most fundamental questions, the potential technological advancements are much greater than that generated by applied engineering. Nowadays we can thank Einstein 's theory of relativity for
I believe I am a person with diverse tastes and experiences, whether in life or at work, that make me a distinctive person. I am a Computer Science Student with a great talent in Cricket. I am an enthusiastic traveler with a profound interest in meteorology. In a period of almost six professional years I feel I am lucky to put on and succeed in different roles. I worked as Business Analyst and COBOL Developer where my primary role was to design and build the application; as Quality Assurance Analyst where I have to break and check the application to find the faults in the design; and as Application Support Analyst to trouble shoot and solve the customer issues.