
My Interview With Diversity Essay

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Diversity is a topic that people don't want to talk about. There are many attitudes involved and many of them are just differing perspectives. After speaking with my interviewee I found out diversity is defined very different based on the part of the world you grew up in. People who grew up with a similar type of people could see the United States as very diverse, but others who lived in here their whole life could see it differently. This is the type of response I got from the interview that I did not think of until reflection. Diversity is used and mentioned everywhere, including college and job applications as well as in the news and social media. This is an important topic that is sensitive as well. Most people agree that diversity is a highly debated topic and many disputes and discussions have been made to …show more content…

I came in with some misconceptions that limited my scope until I learned more about my interviewee. The person that I interviewed was Joshua Johnson and he is an Electronics and Instrumentation Engineer. He currently works at a company in Plano, Texas that specializes in control systems. He graduated from college a few years ago and he has had a few jobs in the engineering industry. He actually got his degree from India and worked in many industries. I did not know coming into the interview, I thought he worked in the oil and gas industry exclusively, but this was not the case. Since I am a petroleum engineering student, I talked about that industry until he explained to me he has had experience in other areas as well. This was actually a great opportunity for me since I could learn how different industries approach diversity. As of the interview date he was working on a project for a wastewater disposal plant, and told me stories on how he worked with others. He has experience working in India and the United States, and the information he provided was interesting and fit with my diversity

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