
My Involvement On The Community Service Essay

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Activism Project To discuss my involvement in the various communities, I will start off by explaining how my involvement impacted me innumerable ways. Furthermore, the community service that I was involved in deals with the social problem of poverty and class inequality. This issue is something that a vast majority of Americans is always facing all the time. Correspondingly, this issue often correlates with constant discrimination that is happening towards the minorities especially African Americans and Hispanics. That is the reason why activist constantly tries to deal with this issue by conveying their message through various methods. The organization that I was involved in is the Atlanta Community Food Bank. This organization, along with other organization to distribute millions of foods across to metro Atlanta and north Georgia. The Atlanta Community Food Bank also delivers several foods and other critical information that contains various resources to help people who are low-income earners. For example, “the agencies that receive the stuff is constantly being provided by the Atlanta Community Food Bank is food pantries, community kitchen, childcare centers, and senior citizens” (Atlanta Community Food Bank). These are the agency that the Atlanta Community Food Bank most commonly provides. However, that is not the only thing that the Atlanta Community Food Bank does; this organization also tries to educate and engage with people who are in

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