Activism Project To discuss my involvement in the various communities, I will start off by explaining how my involvement impacted me innumerable ways. Furthermore, the community service that I was involved in deals with the social problem of poverty and class inequality. This issue is something that a vast majority of Americans is always facing all the time. Correspondingly, this issue often correlates with constant discrimination that is happening towards the minorities especially African Americans and Hispanics. That is the reason why activist constantly tries to deal with this issue by conveying their message through various methods. The organization that I was involved in is the Atlanta Community Food Bank. This organization, along with other organization to distribute millions of foods across to metro Atlanta and north Georgia. The Atlanta Community Food Bank also delivers several foods and other critical information that contains various resources to help people who are low-income earners. For example, “the agencies that receive the stuff is constantly being provided by the Atlanta Community Food Bank is food pantries, community kitchen, childcare centers, and senior citizens” (Atlanta Community Food Bank). These are the agency that the Atlanta Community Food Bank most commonly provides. However, that is not the only thing that the Atlanta Community Food Bank does; this organization also tries to educate and engage with people who are in
My most defining community service activity is my volunteer work at Kaiser Permanente. One time when I was escorting a disabled patient to the pharmacy, I chose to stay past my shift and take a detour to the cafeteria to help her purchase lunch as she did not have spare time throughout the day to eat. Being the only two people in the cafeteria, I wheeled her around, assisting her in ordering her food and carrying her meal. As she graciously thanked me for being patient with her, the expression on her face showed genuine appreciation for my action which filled me with satisfaction from my selfless deeds.
The acts of community service I have participated in FBLA has taught and strengthen my belief that charity is the most important gestures any person can due to have a beneficial impact in the world; is to help a person in need. For instances, our organization has collected Christmas gifts for underprivileged children in the Henry County community each year and the act of giving a child without access to toys for the holidays something as simple as a toy car has brought the greatest
Harvesters Community Food Network is an organization that “provides food and related household products to more than 620 not-for-profit agencies” around the Kansas City metropolitan area (“Harvesters”). It is such a wonderful organization in that it really focuses on making a change in our surrounding cities. I am
The Great Depression of 1929 was One of the worst time in American history.There are many different views about the reasons of the Great Depression.As for me,I think this depression is inevitable.My reasons are as follows.
What does community service means to me? Well, to me community service mean helping your community become a better place. When you do things for your neighborhood, it makes you feel like a better person. There are all sorts of activities you can do in your community. You can work with children at school, work with the elderly, or help people that are less fortunate and make their day very special. Community Service is very important because it gives you a chance to bond with the people in your neighborhood. It will also give you a chance to give back to your community , you’ll learn a lot from your experience, and you’ll make a difference in someone’s life. I recommend a lot of people to go out and make a difference.
Community service has been part of my high school experience from the start of my junior year. Helping people had always been my passion. Although I was constantly assisting my peers with minor situations in school it wasn't until later that I had my very first eye opener on what I can truly accomplish. Chick-fil-a Leadership Academy helped me recognize how big of an impact I have on the community by giving me life lessons. When I pondered about community service before Chick-fil-a Leadership Academy it revolved around my local community, however after the completion of the Kick-Off Ceremony my point of view of the community included every person that I could help even if they are half way around the world. During the Kick-Off Ceremony I was able to assist packing over 1 million meals for children in need with the continuous effort of other members. This resulted in the realization that food is something thousands of people take for granted.
My involvement with Colorado Mountain College encompasses much of my service. Naturally, I started volunteering with Wo/Men in Transition when my mother became a beneficiary of the program. My involvement included minor tasks like arranging donations in storage, helping set up and run yard sales to raise money, and making phone calls to reach out to women who had attended the Go To Workshops and did not speak English proficiently. Eventually, I worked my way to helping organize a Christmas party for the children whose parents were graduating from the program. Dressing up in an elf costume and reading stories to kids after baking gingerbread cookies for them was so rewarding that I did it for two years. I feel that community service is not just about the volunteer or even the people who benefit from it, but the ripple effect that follows. My favorite activity was delivering Christmas presents to the families we worked with. I enjoyed knowing that the presents had come from more people who cared about these families and that the children who received them would have a good Christmas with plenty of presents under the tree. There were several other events, including Rural Philanthropy Days at the CMC Rifle Campus when I helped sort through waste and
It is apparent that the individual is out of touch with his/her environment, as we live in a time of isolation. This view of a frightful outside world is a common mindset in people, prompting them to stay home with the excuse that some things are not worth experiencing. Beyond this misconception, is a world that although may need some work, has opportunities for every kind of person. In fact, a "frightful outside world" can change with the contribution of a helping hand; this is what makes community service imperative. There is no better way to encourage students in assisting their communities than implementing service requirements in High School, and various sources explain the benefits behind these standards. A few of these excerpts include "Community Service
I have been a part of different activities for my community service. I have helped the TLC preschool afterschool with cleaning tables and toys once all the children have gone home. I have also been to the shelly baird school where they disabled kids go for schooling and helped out there with the students doing their work and played games .I am currently in “Dude Be Nice Club” and recently we participated in project night night where we would gather donated security blankets a book or stuffed animal and deliver them to children who have very little in homeless shelters. My community service in this case helped me realize that there are people out there who need some encouragement to help them get back on their feet and realize in life that
There are many ways to give service to your community. I have had many opportunities to do a part of my community service work. For example, I have participated in many fundraisers for good programs and causes, such as a spaghetti dinner fundraiser for the Ocean City Intermediate School Music Program, where I had the privilege to serve others on behalf of my music community. On another occasion, I have helped set up for a fundraiser to raise awareness about the Holocaust, specifically the children that lost their lives in the Holocaust. I have also done performances for nursing homes during the holidays.
In regard to community, I have volunteered for my clubs, DECA (Distributive Education Clubs of America), BPA (Business Professionals of America), NTHS (National Technical Honor Society), Cross Country and others. From helping the club itself to representing the club through charitable acts, such as making christmas a little better for military families, or helping at assisted living centers. My parents taught me at a young age how to be a considerate
As a student, I have demonstrated many works of service to my community and school. Service opportunities have shaped me into the person I am today and these projects have made me realize how fortunate I am for all that I have. While I've been doing these service projects through the years, it has been a pleasure seeing the joy on the faces of people that aren't as fortunate as I am. Service projects that I have completed include managing the fish booth at the St. Leo's Parish Festival, being an altar server at St. Leo's Parish, helping cook dinner for the Ridgway Fire Department during carnival day setup, participating in the St. Marys Light Up Night by dancing, and Christmas caroling to local residents. I also participated in a zombie/princess
At first when I found out I was going to have to do this essay I was not too excited. I had no idea what I could possibly write about because I did not know that things I did on the average day could be considered community service.
At the beginning of this course I wasn’t sure what was meant by social responsibility and civic engagement. During this course I realized the meaning of both and the responsibilities that both imply. A definition of social responsibility that I found particularly poignant and concise comes from Entrepreneur Magazine, “Acting with concern and sensitivity, aware of the impact of your actions on others, particularly the disadvantaged” (Entrepreneur Social responsibility can be as simple as paying your taxes or recycling your glass bottles. Social responsibility can be as complex as finding solutions to global warming or hunger in Africa. You can be personally socially responsible or you can be socially
More than a destination at the end of the day, a community is a place people feel at home and a place where people want to feel safe at. Community responsibilities area unit a personality's duties or obligations to the community and embody cooperation, respect and participation. The thought goes on the far side thinking and acting as people to common beliefs concerning shared interests and life. A basic community responsibility is voting in elections. Being socially accountable means folks and organizations should behave ethically and with sensitivity toward social, cultural, economic and environmental problems. Striving for social responsibility helps people, organizations and governments have a positive impact on development, business