QP engaged My-Kayla in participating in a CBT activity geared towards social skills. QP explained to My-Kayla that the activity will enhance her awareness of social skills. QP explained to My-Kayla what social skills are and provided an example. QP provided My-Kayla with an online survey on coping skills in which she had to identify the social skills that are important to her. QP asked My-Kayla, if she has good social skills. QP explained to My-Kayla that good social skills can help a person with being confident, and easier to get along with other people. QP asked My-Kayla if she gets along well with other. QP explained to My-Kayla, how communication is a part of social skills. QP discussed with My-Kayla, how respecting self and other can help with social …show more content…
QP provided My-Kayla with a list of communication skills and instructed her to pick some of the skills she would like to do and would like to improve on. QP discussed with My-Kayla, what technical skills are and provide an example. QP asked My-Kayla to list some technical skills. QP explained to My-Kayla the link between self-management skills and social skills. QP assisted My-Kayla in identifying self-management skills people have. QP asked My-Kayla, if she experiencing any difficulties in school. QP asked My-Kayla, if she participates in any sports activities at school. QP provided My-Kayla with a list of behaviors in which she had to rate each with good, average, and cause for concern. QP asked My-Kayla, if she need to improve on any of her social skills. QP encouraged My-Kayla on viewing an online video on conversation cues. QP discussed with My-Kayla the issues presented in the video. QP provided My-Kaya with a worksheet in which she had to explain what she would do in each situation provided. QP provided My-Kayla the opportunity to express her feelings and thoughts during the session. QP thanked My- Kayla for participating in today’s session. QP ended the session by reminding My-Kayla of the next
In this assignment I am going to explain about the role of the effective communication
Review the Communication Competence summary on pages 22–23. Complete the checklist and write a response in three parts that addresses the following using clear headings:
In stage one I started deciding that I was going to carry out a one to one with a patient. I decided to talk to them and begun to think about what I was going to ask the patient. In the second stage I decided that I was going to use verbal communication and then decided what I was going to ask them. I chose to say ‘are you going back to clinic?’Thirdly, I started to send my verbal message across to the patient and ask them
This assignment will be talking about my time at placement (Waltham House) and how i participated in a one-to-one interaction and also a group interaction. Then it will be explaining how I assessed their communication and interpersonal skills in relation to each of the interactions. Finally I will be evaluating factors that influenced the effectiveness of each interaction.
P1 – Explain the role of effective communication and interpersonal interaction in a health and social care context
P4: explain strategies used in health and social care environments to overcome barriers to effective communication and interpersonal interactions.
Task 6: demonstrate strategies and techniques to promote understanding and trust in communication with children and young people.
Explain the role of Effective Communication and Interpersonal Interaction in a Health and Social Care context. (P1)
Explain how own role and practice can impact on communication with an individual who has specific communication needs.
[Describe in a short paragraph how, in a recent conversation, your communication behavior contributed to your physical, relational, identity, spiritual, and instrumental needs. Which need or need took precedence? Why? Page 9]
To develop a rapport with (H.R) an assessment interview was conducted. Through the interview process information about the family dynamics, personal goals and her strengths was discussed. In order to gather information and assess (H.R.’s) needs accurately a getting to know me worksheet was used. This was a serious of questions that focused on her opinion about social issues in and out of school. At the start of the exercise it was difficult for (H.R.) to verbalize her feelings. Latter she was able to shared with me some personal thoughts about the exercise.
The session begin with the client discussing how she was concern about the student. She stated was having a problem with other student. The client noticed this student standing alone during recess, lunch and circle time she said this was a practice that happen every day. The client confer to the student and his answer
Social competencies opportunities need to be provided for group interaction, socialization with guest and friends so that the child learns to accept his strengths and weakness.
This week’s meetings with both of my mentees was a bittersweet moment. I feel like both of my mentees have grown throughout the semester and I am glad to be there to see them grow. This week’s topic was about self-care and meeting with an advisor. I was very confident presenting the materials in both of my meetings because I have already done these topics before. Even though, I have already gone over the materials for both topics before, I still had to prepare the different kinds of questions I am going to ask my mentees. Since, they have different concentrations in Psychology.
Since the start of this class, I have been reminded again and again that the concepts we are learning can be applied to everyday life. For instance, when we talked about non-verbal communication, I realized that it is impossible to not communicate. There are many activities, other than the use of language, that allow us to draw meaning from something we observe. When my mother widens her eyes at me without stating a word, I understand she is telling me to think twice about the action I’m about to take. It has been great to be able to assign concepts and vocabulary to interpersonal relationships and communication activity that I have been experiencing. Now let me introduce you to my friend Izzy and her boyfriend Ken as I analyze the