
My Killed Cousin Had A Name Analysis

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In My Murdered Cousin Had a Name (June 29, 2015), Charles M. Blow argues that he wants society and law to change their view on L.G.B.T.Q people and to not criticize a person’s dignity based who they are attracted to or who in communion with. He supports his claim by first stating how his cousin died just because of living as a gay human-being, then states that if you are a black gay male you have a higher risk of being attacked by homophobes, then states that a black person who is gay to society can be hunted just because he/she is black; it intrigues danger for all black people, and finally M. Blow wishes that all L.G.B.T.Qs could and should be gratified for their difference. Blow’s purpose is to persuade readers in order to clarify the problem between racism and homophobia. He creates a righteous tune for the media and the homophobes. …show more content…

Blow argues that childhood sex abuse should never happen and could be avoided. He supports his claim by first invoking when a child is sexually abused it breaks the bonds of trust, then he expresses that children could develop exploitation of when he/she was abused and would remember the tragic moment, finally he states that children that have been abused never say a word about the attack and never seek professional help, any child that has had a relationship with an abuser can remember how he was treated and would never forget. Blow’s purpose is to inform readers that sexual abuse should be focused on being prevented in order to protect other children in the future. He establishes a pessimistic and sympathetic tone for readers and mainly for child

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