
My Life At The Nurse's Clinic

Good Essays

My chest hurts. I can barely walk as I stumble my way down to the nurse’s clinic. I realize I shouldn’t have left class alone. But it is only the first day of a new semester, so I barely know my teacher or classmates. I feel like I have been walking for hours. I finally reach my school’s office. I attempt to make my way through the main office to the clinic. But as I open to door to the main office the secretary looks at me. She is in the middle of a phone call. But suddenly the phone drops out of her hand, falling to the ground. She jumps to her feet, as her normally cheery and warm face, turns pale and terrified. I begin to wonder; do I really look that bad? Before I can even say anything I find myself whooshed away to the clinic. Only its not just the nurse and I in the clinic. But rather the clinic is filled with people. I see the head principal, all four assistant principals, two secretaries, my school counselor, and my school’s police officer. The room seems in complete chaos. The principal barks out orders to the assistant principals. The first runs off to call 911 and see what they should do as we wait for the ambulance. Then another assistant principals runs out to wait at the curb for the ambulance, as another begins trying to get all the people peering in the office windows and doorways, both students and staff, to leave. I still have no idea where the last assistant principal went, but the principal yelled at her to do something, perhaps she tried to call my

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