How is my life like Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey? I can really relate to Joseph Campbell’s story because I was put into a very similar situation. There were many stages that were always challenging so to speak the, “call to adventure” or “crossing the threshold”. I might not be a hero, but my life still faces journeys and conflicts just like a real hero. Also, when i reflect my life as a youtuber to his Hero’s Journey, I can always see some type of similarity. Lastly, there was a point where i started finding my true friends and/or allies. In that time I could see who my enemies were as well! My life’s journey as a youtuber has put me in a situation like Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey because I stepped out of my ordinary world to where I would different than everybody else. I met my mentors from youtube and they helped me through a lot of the bullying from school. They were more like a mentor than just a youtuber to me. From being who I want to be …show more content…
Being a youtuber isn’t exactly like it considering I’m not a real hero. However, becoming a youtuber and taking that role that sometimes you never knew you might have, you are there for people that need it in some cases when they might be suicidal, they might know you as their hero. That means in some way you made them change their mind of the bad thoughts even when you have no idea you did. You don’t have to have a cape or the ability to fly to be a hero. For instance, my hero wears camouflage and hunts, my hero is my boyfriend, Steven. Try putting yourself in a situation where you are now the hero and you find that you have saved someone but you were never personally there to fly in and save them from the giant spaghetti monster. The point is, maybe being a social media hero is as powerful as one with a cape and super strength. In my mind, I can totally say that, being a youtuber does relate to Hero’s Journey in some
Small or big, everything we do in life is part of our journey. Reg Harris’ “The Hero’s Journey” describes the voyage one takes throughout life to grow and change as a person. He breaks the journey down into eight steps leading to the return. It starts out as a goal that isn’t always easy to reach, one goes through hardship and personal doubts only to succeed and become a better person. An example of this journey can be found in the movie, Troy through the character Achilles. Achilles is a strong fearless warrior in the movie, Troy who goes through “The Hero’s Journey” and ends up with a change of heart.
Joseph Campbell has a theory called The Hero’s Journey in where an individual is shown in a mundane world, called to an adventure, and goes on the adventure. In the adventure, the individual goes on the path of trials that consisting of making new friends, new mentors, new enemies, facing new challenges, gaining new skills, and new knowledge. When the individual comes back to their mundane world, they are the master of two worlds through their new experiences they've gained in the adventure. The Hero’s Journey has been repeated in literature and films through many years: two examples that have The Hero’s Journey are the films, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief.
From what I have learned about the Hero’s Journey, I could relate it to myself as an example in numerous ways. I believe that the day since a person is born until the day they pass away is a hero’s journey. There are different situations that a person has to deal with during their journey of life. During a person’s life, there is always at least a mentor. For me, my mentors are my parents and teachers. The mentor's job is to help and guide the hero. My parents, who act as a mentor to me, provide guidance, direction, and protection. They motivate and support me to see me reach my goals and be successful in our lives. When I am going on a wrong path, they will assist me to put me back on the right path. They teach me different skills in order
Joseph Campbell is a leading mythology expert and philosopher who studied all myths from around the world and found the “Hero’s Journey,” a pattern or algorithm that appears in common in myth, religious ritual, and storytelling. The Hero’s Journey has three elements, separation, initiation and return. If I think about myself, coming to Hawaii by myself was a separation from my comfortable zone where I was surrounded by my supportive family. First time when I came here, I could not say anything and became quiet because I thought people would think I was a stupid and not understand me. I was afraid of how people think about my language skills. However, I tried to speak from myself, asked people to collect my mistakes, accepted what I cannot do
One weekend, my friend Hannah and I wanted to go on a quad ride during the night. It was during the summer and we were at Hannah’s house and we were bored. So we thought it would be a good idea to go for a ride, so we asked her step dad if we could and he said yes. We both thought it would be super fun to go for a quad ride. So, we get all geared up in proper clothing because it was cold out and off we went.
There are twelve stages a hero goes through before he goes on his journey. the first stage they go through is the ordinary world by showing the hero’s background and introducing the hero’s dilemma or a situation he/she is going through before they get called to adventure which is the second stage they go through. The hero is first given notice that his/her life is going to be different but most of the time the hero often refuses to accept the call to adventure because of a sense of duty, obligation, fear, insecurity but once they stumble into someone who teaches and guides them to become better and helps build up their confidence the hero then realizes that he can rise to the challenge. Then he/she goes through the crossing the threshold
Zachari's grandmother showed the QP the court documents the probation officer left that reports he has 20 hours of community services, have no contact with the co-defendants, curfew set by the parent, and contact with his probation officer.
Once there was this red house at the end of the street. Who lived in there you ask well there is this 17 year old girl and her mom. The girl's name is Z she plays baseball she loved baseball till one day she went blind because when she was walking home with her friends suddenly there are a gang of girls from her school went to go pick a fight with her.
Throughout life, it has become evident that people are shaped by the experiences and actions of the people around them. It is merely impossible to survive in complete isolation; the actions of others create long lasting impacts on how people live. This is evident both in fictional and nonfictional scenarios. As literature progresses, it has become seen that almost all fictional stories, and sometimes even nonfiction, are based around the same recurring storylines. This theory, brought about by Joseph Campbell, has been explored tremendously within the last century. Joseph Campbell, an American mythologist and writer, has become known for his theory of the monomyth, also known as “the hero’s journey”. In this theory, there were eighteen stages that each common hero was known to undergo before achieving an ultimate success. After further research, Campbell reduced his theory into twelve stages. Each of these stages are known to evidently lead the hero to their goal, and these stages include struggle as well as parts that are not too difficult.
With_the_fiery_Aventador trailing_right_on my tail, I shifted on my leather seat pressing down harder on the accelerator pushing my Koenigsegg to its utmost limits. The speedometer was vibrating tremendously_that_it_seemed as if it was about to fall off. It was astounding that the fact the beastly car_was_still_on the road and not flying. The two masked men had been on my pursuit for the past week. I had not the faintest of idea on why they were chasing me.
While she lie staring at the cosmos painted on her ceiling, she remembered her question about the crime scene. Just her luck; she had left her things downstairs. There was not an ounce of willpower to persuade her to move. A groan of a new caliber of grief left her throat. She’d found herself rather comfortable in her current position, and the idea of moving was less than appealing. She knew if she moved she would never again acquire the comfort that she felt at that moment. Moments like these brought to her childhood dream of having telekinesis. While she was incapable of moving objects with her mind, she did have a brother.
My stomach ached with excitement. My hand clenched so tight my knuckles turned white. I felt as if my heart is about to burst with glitter and happiness. This is the moment I had been waiting for ever since I joined in the band. We were sitting and chatting so loud I couldn’t hear what my classmates said right next to me. I looked out the window with a big smile plastered across my face. I couldn’t stop smiling.
Do you ever sit and ponder, what would I do with an express ticket anywhere your imagination could take you? My first thought was let’s go to Hogwarts, but as I sat and thought about it. An express ticket beyond my imagination? I know exactly where i’d go, or when i’d go.
Change is inevitable. Whether it be positive or negative, change is constantly happening. More than often change can take you from the known world and spit you into the unknown, where you return a changed person. While embarking on the journeys provoked by change, you are on a hero’s journeys. The hero’s journey was popularized by Joseph Campbell. When describing what prompts hero’s journeys, Joseph Campbell said,
The article, “The Hero’s Journey Defined” is written by Joseph Campbell. “The Hero’s Journey Defined” includes a series of departure, initiation, and return. In these stages of the journey, the participants must illustrate courage, acts of selflessness, and be caring towards others. This article tells to have a main idea of selflessness, selflessness is an act of concern/help of another person rather than helping themselves first. “The Hero’s Journey Defined” explains, for anyone to be announced as a “hero” they must put others before themselves, also it demonstrates that ordinary people can become a hero. Alike selflessness, another main idea is courage. Courage is the ability to have strength to perform tasks that one is afraid