
My Life : My Mother

Decent Essays

My Life
I was born February 8th, 1998, in Lisbon, Portugal. I lived in a very pretty beach town my whole life called Ericeira. My mom, Maria, was born in Cuba, and she currently works as a translator for Neogen. Because she spoke in Spanish to us almost every day, me and my sister learned to understand and speak a little bit as well. My dad, Antonio, owns a dairy farm in Portugal and also fixes computers as a hobby. I have one little sister and two half sisters. My little sister’s name is Patricia and she is 17 years old. She currently attends Okemos High School. My older sister’s name is Inês, she is 28 years old, and works with the government, and Raquel, my other sister, is 23 years old, just graduated University, and she currently …show more content…

They always incorporated healthy meals with either pasta, mashed potatoes, or rice, meat or fish, a side of soup, fruit, salad, and water. We could never leave the table until we showed our teacher that we had eaten enough. After, we were able to enjoy some free time outside, eat more at the food bar, play volleyball or soccer in the very spacious school grounds, or sit on the tables outside the cafeteria. We were not allowed inside the school during break unless it was to speak with a teacher or use the bathroom. On Wednesdays, we finished school at 12pm, only had 3 classes, and we ate our lunch at home. We did not have school sports, but we were always evaluated in our gym class, which was required. We did a variety of sports in gym class, and in the middle of the school year, if the gym teacher thought we did a good job, we could choose to participate in the school competitions. I always did running, and won 2nd and 1st place in my two years at the school. If one got 1st, 2nd or 3rd place, they were qualified to go and participate in races with other schools. We were also required to have music, religion, and english classes. This was a small private school, but it included people from grades 5 to 11, so there was a big age difference. For the two years I attended the school, I also had the same students and same class teacher, but we did move to another part of the building. I became really good friends

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