I've been playing softball since I was 8 years old. My family always been a baseball or softball family. I have 3 sisters and 2 brothers and we all started playing at a young age. My parents signed us up to keep us out of trouble and motivated. It helped keep us busy on our boring days. Not only that but it was fun and enjoyable. Softball has always been a big part of my life. Playing softball always been a family thing, I had many challenges that I faced, and softball can really help through school. How it all started, my brothers and sisters always practiced in my backyard. Looking at them okay made me want to play as well. So when sign ups came for them, I asked my mom if she can sign me up too. Days went by and it was time for my first practice. I remember feeling nervous because I never played before. There were about 12 other girls practicing and 2 coaches. Our team name were called the ''Baby Dolls". We wore a purple jersey, black pants, and purple socks. At practice the coach taught us to run the bases. After that he threw us big yellow softballs on the dirt and I had to field it with my glove. At first it was hard but I had got the hang of it. After practice was over the team all huddled up and yelled "Baby Dolls" on the count of 3. It was time to go home, and my parents asked me "how was practice". I looked at her and said " I loved it". After that I fell in love with the sport and never stopped playing. There are many challenges that I faced during
Becoming an athlete was the smartest and most influential activity I have partaken in which has left such an enormous impact on my life. Developing into adolescence, I learned that I treasured to get dirty and often distributed physical and mental stability. Softball was the perfect sport to grasp onto and acquire skills for livelihood. It teaches detachment, dedication, teamwork, and many other traits. I have played six years of softball all together on three different types of teams, and I cannot remember a time I was on the diamond that I did not achieve a type of educational increase.
Many different things in people’s life can change their lives completely. One thing that changed the way that I look at things is softball. Softball as a whole showed me many life skills needed for my future. Softball changed my life in more ways than one. For example it showed me to have self control, watch my grades, and work together.
The coaches on the other team and all the parents and teams were watching and I got that girl out before she even got to first base and we won the game! I got two outs and the crowd cheered then we got a medal and it said for the best 6th and 5th grade softball players throughout Wisconsin #1 place, but the sad thing was we weren’t going to have the same players on the team next year and it was the last game we would ever played with each other.
Ever since I learned the ropes, I wanted to play because it has always been my dream to play softball. My mom told me I could try out for Lakeshore Playground that got anyone involved in any sport. There was no such thing as tryouts for this playground. During some of the games, I had my good days and my bad days at either hitting or catching. I loved being on that field. I felt that it was just only my teammates and me on the field waiting for our rivals to hit the ball. That season was a good one, and I will never forget it. This is what started my dreams from just playing on a playground field to being on an actual team. To everyone else it may be just a field with red dirt, but to me it is more than that. It is everything I could dream of because the game is about my teammates and me. I loved my passion, and will continue it later on in my
I have always played sports. Softball, soccer, and swimming before I started kindergarten, later, basketball and volleyball. My passion is and always has been softball. I love competing and being able to make friendships and memories with my teammates that will last a lifetime.
I have known Lauryn Banks my entire softball career. Three words that come to my mind when I think of Lauryn are dedicated, supportive, and extraordinary. She is truly one of the most incredible teammates that I could ever have the honor of playing with. Lauryn is the epitome of hardwork. Our high school has an extremely competitive softball team. However, this did not discourage Lauryn. After making JV her sophomore year, she worked incredibly hard to make Varsity her junior. Not only did she make the Varsity team, she was by far one of the most stand out players on the team. Her hard work paid off when she was awarded second team all district infielder. Lauryn is both vocally a leader on the team and a leader by example. Whenever the team is down Lauryn is always there to pick us up.
Ever since I was seven years old playing t-ball I dreamed of playing high school softball. Every year I waited not so patiently for the season to start. My junior year in high school I was the second basemen for my school softball team. That year my team and I were more determined than ever to get our team to the state finals. Before the state tournament we had to win conference, sectionals, and super sectionals. My junior year my team and I had our hearts set on being the first team in Somonauk history to ever win to the state championship.
From the young age of five, through the eleven years full of learning curves and numerous injuries, I was shaped by my self motivation and peers. Softball was a profound component in my daily life. When I was younger I would have never thought softball would have such an incredible impact on my character. Today, my past experiences shape me into an individual who can be seen as not only a leader, but as someone who can work as a team to achieve goals and standards. I remember learning to pitch for the first time.
Have you ever had so much passion for a sport you have been playing for almost your whole life? I love playing all positions of softball and I admire everything that comes with it that includes battle wounds, road trips to games, making memories to practicing out on home field getting ready to bat some love into their lives. Softball is not an easy sport at all but it’s my passion and a privilege to be able to stand on that field. So much love, effort and hard work has been put in over the years. After 12 years of truly knowing the sport these are my favorite things out on the field such as pitching with strength, sliding with passion, and batting to hear all of your support to make a home run!
This season of softball is my second season of school softball. Last year was my very first season of softball ever in my life. Over the summer, I played summer softball in Morton,IL. There was only 2 teams total, us and one other team. That was the only team we played against over that amount of time in the summer. We ended up winning all but two games. Then there was the All-Star game were the 8 best people from both of the teams and formed one team and the people who didn't get picked, formed another team. I wasn't there for that game but my team won, and we were the ones with the better people. It was played at the Eastside Center in Peoria. It was really fun. Fun to play, fun to watch, fun to hit, fun to catch, fun to play! Unless you get hit, then you have the pain from where the ball hit. You know what they say, no pain no gain. The best part is hitting the ball, running to 1st, staying safe. When you hit the ball you get this oh-my-gosh-i-just-hit-the-ball feeling.
To whom it may concern: Next fall, I will be attending Lansing Community College. I have been accepted to several universities in addition to LCC; however, I knew I wanted to pursue my softball career at the next level while being able to afford my schooling. With that being said, I chose a community college not only to play softball but because I am still uncertain about my future career. That way I can play the sport that I love while paying less than I would at a university to take my basics.
Softball has taught me many life skills like how to get along with twenty girls and have a friendship with each and every one of them. Also, I think it has really shaped my life a small amount; I don’t think I’m the same person I was two months ago. Even though my team didn't win every game or even most of our games, we still acted like a unit and didn't give up easily and we played our hardest at every game. Honestly from my own opinion, I think losing made us even closer to each other and we weren't a cocky team either we were just really confident.
The softball field was painted with players. (Passive) They were the coaches daughters. I'm not really a self-effacing (shy) person, but that day, I was. When the scrimmage began, I was put on third base and fourth batter. No big deal at all. I was use to those positions. It was as easy as A.B.C. (Simile). I have done this a thousand times before (hyperbole). One thing that was cool though was there was another Marissa on the team. I got stuck with the nickname Mo so they weren't confused. The scrimmage went well and I started to slowly talk with some girls on the team. One was from Polson which is about 15 minutes North of Ronan. I really fancy (enjoyed) these girls. I traveled to down to Missoula twice a week for practice. We usually practiced in a gym in the winter time. More on the fields in the spring time.Over the course of those practice times, I got use to the girls real fast and they made me feel needed (wanted). Also at those practices, i became better at batting, fielding, and throwing.(Balanced) We really enjoyed the summer season. we didn't win much, but it was still an amazing season with some amazing
The day of my last softball game was the most terrifying day of my life. I have been playing softball for my whole life, Usually your last game is bittersweet and sad, mine was the complete opposite.One reason why the day of last softball game was absolutely horrid, was because it was the championship game and the whole game the score was back and forth, neither team could keep the lead.Another reason the day of my last softball game was extremly scary is because my dad who is the coach, randomly disappeared as well as my mother. The assistant coach came up in between innings and told the team that he would be taking over because my dad did not feel well. Next thing i noticed both my parents were gone, and i heard the fire truck and ambulance
As a child, I grew up playing softball and that 's it. My mom played softball, my cousins played softball. It’s just all I knew. When I reached the seventh grade at Gardner Dickinson (my elementary and middle school), my friends all played soccer and I reluctantly joined as well. Each year I had my ups and downs with soccer, but it grew to be a part of who I am and has taught me a lot of things. For example, to try new things, to work hard, to never give up, and to step up and be a leader.