Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve had a deep love for art. Whether it was painting, drawing, dancing, music, acting, or building and designing, I was completely into it and I wanted to know everything and anything about it. As I began to grow up, I also started looking more deeply into it and doing more historical research to learn about different types of art, techniques used, the way artists think or what their creations mean, and what inspired them. It fascinates me. When I was 4, my dream was to become a painter. I would wake up early in the morning to watch Bob Ross paint and buy art kits, sketchbooks, paint, brushes, coloring utensils, craft supplies, or anything else that I could get my hands on. I was obsessed.
As I grew older my sketches improved and I began to be inspired by my surroundings, nature, and my imagination. It helped me think more creatively, which helped me in school, especially on projects and writing, even though I hated writing. Although I became better at drawing and art, I also began to have more responsibilities, which became my top priority and consumed up my time. This year I want to focus more on my grades and improving my work productivity, but I also want to dedicate more time to sketching and painting, and also practicing guitar because I’m in love with music. My favorite genre is Classical, but I also enjoy Jazz and Rock. Music and art help me relax my mind and focus, which is why I want to dedicate more time to them this year, to avoid
My parents were never the ones to send their children to classes. While other kids were busy being tutored, swimming at the community center, or sent to a studio for art: I was the one at home staring at the television or playing with my cars as my only source of entertainment. Eventually, I grew tired and would do whatever was available to me, I would pick up pen and paper and I'd draw: and before I knew it, I became obsessed. Every flat surface became a victim of my addiction. Even my bedroom ceiling had drawings taped to it. Gradually, a minuscule spark of passion for art was lit inside of me.
From as young as I can remember I have always been fascinated with bright colors and creating sculptural objects. I lived in a townhouse in North Little Rock with my parents up until second grade. My mother was a nurse and my father worked in a target warehouse. We had a decent amount of money but lived paycheck to paycheck at times. When my parents got a divorce I turned towards art to cope with my emotions but to feel free. I was very young when I started practicing art but could never put into words what it did for me until now.
Ever Since I was a little girl, I dreamt of becoming a skilled artist and seeing the world to uncover the mysteries that ancient artists had to tell. Art has always been a huge part of my life ever since I first held a crayon in my hand. From redrawing characters from
Creativity and art have been a significant parts of my life for as long as I can remember. When I was little and we visited my Grandma Carol in the summers, my favorite thing to do with her was make art. She taught me about so many different media, such as: acrylics, oil pastels, and the ink press. Sometimes, I would bring my sketchbook from home and she would help me set up art shows around her house. I would sell my art for a few dollars each, and then use the little bit of money I earned to buy more art supplies. As she introduced me to more artistic styles and mediums in the
I started painting the summer going into my freshman year of college. I had no clue I could paint, but with the help of some emotional situations, my feelings began to pour out onto the canvas. It was a way to express myself. And quite frankly a way for me to be in charge; I got to pick the colors, the way I wanted to strokes to go, the style. For once, nobody was picking for me, but instead I got to pick for myself. I became an artist, amateur of course, but I was still so proud of it. Today, I have painted around 60 paintings for family and
Art has always been a part of my life for as long I can remember. Art class was what I anxiously looked forward to in grade school. I recall the sadness that I would experience when my teacher did not pick my coloring sheet to be put on the wall of my second grade classroom, but I also remember the immense pride I experienced when I discovered that my seahorse sculpture had been picked to be put in the Zane Grey museum in the third grade. I participated in Chalk On the Walk every year. I loved it so much that I even had a chalkboard wall painted in my bedroom. My dad would even lift me up onto his large shoulders so that I could draw on the parts of the wall that my little arms could not yet reach. I remember drawing a series of pictures, marching down the street with childish conviction, and selling my drawings to anyone who would buy them for a quarter a piece. When I look back, I realize those drawings certainly were not as amazing as I believed. The people who had bought those awful drawings were just trying to be nice to a cute little child. Nevertheless, it started a confidence and dedication that eventually led to who I am today.
Everyday we learn a lesson, but it it is a process that we must go through. It can feel overwhelming at first since the beginning is pretty much a blank space. At a young age my passion for art really showed; however, I didn’t quite understand how to start or knew any techniques that I could use. In time I was able to learn completely. I had many people there to help me in the process and once I did, it felt like I was taught to do something that could only keep progressing in. I learned that my artistic abilities were not automatically exceptional; I needed time and dedication to develop my talent.
Everybody wants to find their perfect other halves. I'm here to tell you, it's not always where or even when you're looking. Sometimes love shows its glorious face when you're least expecting it. I just so happened to find it in a barroom and it changed my life forever. Even though I never thought I would be in another meaningful relationship and I tried to "hook him up" with my friend, Jordan has become, not only my significant other but my best friend and soul mate.
I am no gluttonous reader, but a lazy English student who finds the process of reading and writing to be quite tedious. Months at a stretch where I don’t flip a page is uncommon. My displeasure from books was driven off of how much interest I have and the content I choose to read. A lack of interest makes it difficult to initiate and finish the reading. It also makes me less attentive as I am prone to distractions. Consequently, I wound up not understanding a single thing I just read and my writing becomes unorganized, not knowing where I left off. After all, interest sparks motivation, and no motivation equals zero attention for the book, hence I’m unable to follow the storyline. When deficient in inspiration, I’m restrained from writing passionately. Furthermore, my interest plays a role in choosing a content I enjoy reading. Not all texts are equally challenging, so the selection of my content declines improving in English.
When I first glanced at the prompts and saw the one that asked me to speak of a passion of mine, I knew that this was definitely the prompt I had to choose. My passion is my love for comedy. Comedy has always been a huge part of my life and continues to be to this day. It has encompassed my life for as long as I can remember. Whether I was looking to others to make me laugh, developing laughter from being around my family, or myself making others laugh the memories are embedded in my mind. With these memories I have come to the conclusion that I have always found a way to make others laugh. I really don’t know if I make people laugh to gain friends or some other reason; whatever it may be, it has sparked a realization that this is something I love to do.
I like kids but I don’t want them. Me liking kids lead to the enjoyment of me wanting to teach. Seeing a child grow and learn is very special. My love for kids and wanting to help others is my reason for wanting to be a teacher. Being a teacher could fill the void of me not wanting kids being able to return them after a long day. Being able to affect someone's life a very young age. Not being able to give my full attention would be selfish knowing my job revolves around other kids and their needs. I really do like kids. The way I like kids, though is very specific and short term I was able to experience the joy of teaching at a young age. I was able to introduce lesson plans to young kids between the ages 3 and 4 impacting their life and
Throughout most of my life I have had one consistent goal; to become a veterinarian. I have had a continuous and solid passion for animals in all respects. This passion and love has fueled my in striving to achieve the dreams I have for myself after high school. The beginning of this story begins long before high school though.
I am not gluttonous reader, but a passive English student who finds the process of reading and writing to be a pain.Weeks at a stretch where I don’t flip a page is uncommon. Insufficient amounts of reading aggravates my writing ability, making me incompetent, and taking a toll on my confidence. Thus, I credit myself as an intermediate level English student because of how much interest I have and the content I choose to read. After all, interest sparks motivation, and without any motivation hinders me from paying attention to the book, hence I’m unable to follow the storyline. When deficient in inspiration, I’m restrained from writing passionately. Furthermore, my interest plays a role into choosing a content I enjoy reading. Not all texts are equally challenging so the content of my choice can pose as a barrier to growth.
My whole life I have had a strong passion for literature and animals. As soon as I learned how to read on my own, I would spend hours upon hours in my room immersed in books. My first dream job was to be a veterinarian. Growing up I would always find stray cats and dogs in the neighborhood and bring them home where they would become my pets. My love for animals has not subsided in my years but has grown exponentially.
My love of being in a laboratory started with my increasing interest in science when I was a child. Being from a single parent home, we did not always have money to purchase toys or do activities; so most of my younger days were spent outside and in the kitchen. During the daytime, I would catch insects, frogs, small fish in the stream behind our home, or help my neighbor on his farm. My neighbor taught me various things about the forest; he showed and named all the trees, edible and poisonous plants, what time we could harvest such edibles, taught me how to clean fish. One of favorite lessons he taught was where the best place to find salamanders. At night I would spend my time in the kitchen doing at home experiments, such as leaving an egg in vinegar, making slime, or a baking soda volcano. However, as I grew up and attended school, I became unsatisfied with my science courses. I wanted thorough explanation of why things are the way they are. Once I enrolled in college, I was excited at the endless possibilities that awaited me to reach my goals.