The sport of football is viewed by many as the most exciting and greatest sporting event of all. Although they're many other sports that are also entertaining, football is in my eyes is the best. Why is football my favorite sport? The coaches can inspire others to achieve greatness, you'll get the best fitness without ever buying a gym membership, and the discipline you will earn will help you throughout life. If it wasn't for my coach believing in me I would not have known the talent I have nor would I like football.
My love for football wouldn't have even come to my sense if it wasn't for my coach believing in me. The talent I had was very natural. I didn't have to try as hard as the other players to understand the plays. I devoted myself and time to football I put in the work. I would wake up get there early and get extra reps in, run extra laps, or catch up on the playbook. I really love football when we do Oklahoma drill. The drill is when you have offense and defense hit each other. My coach helped me realized how much football means to me.
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We need to endure through it all unpleasant or not. Agility is the most important thing you will need for football. We need footwork, hand-eye coordination, speed, and strength. The fitness of football can be unpleasant, But you gain so much from it.Workouts also help you to in better
Although life is overbooked and filled with stressors, I can relax and enjoy playing soccer. Wearing the colors and badge of the team I’m on is something I hold with pride, and I work to play well while representing my team. At the same time, I train and work hard to excel and reach higher levels of competitive soccer. Even with the constant ups and downs and quiet car-rides when we lose, my passion for the game still tends to bring me back to the game and take my mind off of all my cares. Many a time I would sit and want to quit, but all the adversity and strong work ethic shapes who I am today. Through all my experiences, soccer is one of my favorite things to do and a passion I fully enjoy. Playing in the high-intensity travel and school games, plus coaching of my little brother’s team all are activities I love.
But the learning of these skills takes commitment. The commitment of your time and your willingness to do your best. “Another disadvantage to playing football is that the sport requires a significant commitment of time. Often, during the season a player's schedule revolves entirely around the team -- practices, gym workouts, games, film breakdown -- and it makes life considerably more hectic”(Goldsmith). The hectic schedule can cause the players to lack behind in their classes and can also stress the student out because they have to be able to perform their best both in the sport and their
Nothing means more to me than spending quality time on Sundays with my family, sitting on the couch and watching football. Even as a young kid, before I knew the names of the teams my Dad would say, “We’re rooting for the blue team!” I had no idea what was going on but I was so interested by the game that I would cheer and yell whenever my Dad would. This natural attention to this great game gave me the desire to prepare myself to eventually join a team. I learned how to motivate myself to workout, study plays and annoy my Dad enough to throw a ball with me in the backyard. I felt it was my purpose in life to become a professional and play football as
Something that ticks me off is that people think football is hitting people with the ball and to beat the other team. There is more to football than that. It is about brotherhood and having each other's backs and making sure that when one of them does their job wrong you can help them out because you won't let one of your teammates fail. It is about waking up and doing intense workouts and finishing it with your teammates and getting better while everyone else is still sleeping.
I’ve always been an avid lover of sports, but the one sport that has always drawn me in easily is football. I’ve been part of many athletic events in my still young life, but football is by far one of the best. First and foremost, the feeling of playing in an actual football game is unlike any other. Making a big clutch play is one of the best feelings in the world. Finally, winning a hard fought game makes the victory that much sweeter.
“Football is like life - it requires perseverance, self-denial, hard work, sacrifice, dedication and respect for authority” (vince lombardi) For me football started during the seventh grade, and is with me to this day, it take countless hours and many bruises to have a chance of succeeding on just a single play but what i think you must have in football and in life to succeed at your dream is perseverance.
Many things changed after joining football. By joining the football team it taught me never to give up. When I messed up on something the coaches would always push me to do better. Every day I got better than the day before.
Everyone has that certain thing that makes them who they are. That certain thing for me is soccer. It’s my hobby, my biggest interest, and my passion. Soccer isn’t just a sport for me, it’s my life. It has been part of my life for as long as I can remember. I have played the intriguing game of soccer since I was four years old, and I have loved it ever since.
My love for baseball started a long time ago when I was still a little kid, I Must have been six or seven years old. I could not have been younger than this, although I can vividly remember the experience as if it was yesterday. It was actually the very first time that my dad volunteered to take me to a real baseball game, he must have seen my love for baseball due to the fact that I loved playing catch when I was a young boy. From this observation he must have seen a future baseball player. He was also a baseball player, so baseball was not actually new to the family. I had the thought that I might have been a basketball star, however i enjoyed baseball too much and was much to short to be much good at basketball.
Boring. That is the first word that pops into someone's head when I ask them to describe this beautiful sport. They either say the sport is too boring, too complicated, or just lengthy to both watch and play. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, no doubt. But the sport of baseball is one that has always mesmerized my brain when I play/look at it. It is perhaps the best metaphor to describe life, and also the best metaphor to describe me.
Football is a great sport for getting fit because it has running, throwing, jumping it is a really good sport for getting fit. Football is more of a fast pace game that involves most of your muscles which helps you work out. When you throw the ball it is a fast motion of the arm which and you must be patient. Running in football is more a short burst of running every few minutes instead of running which can go on for miles. Football is a great sport for getting fit because it has running, throwing, jumping it is a really good sport for getting fit.
Going into my freshman year I thought I knew what football was all about, boy was I wrong. I thought hard work was lifting a little, running a little, and doing some plays. In high-school we started speed training at six in the morning for two hours and then lifted for two hours after speed training, the older kids would go back in the evening to lift some more. I did not understand why they did extra work until they won state that year.
The vast majority of people think football is just a sport. However, to me it has been one of the greatest things I have yet to do. It has given me a surplus of life skills I can carry to my adulthood. The time I have so far spent on the sport is time I would not want back, because of how useful it is to me. Throughout the past couple of years, which I have spent playing the sport, I have gained a love for football. The love is so massive, that I want to pursue a career that affiliates with the sport.
According to stack Article. First off football gives people a lot of exercises, and the activities you do in football burn fat and calories and makes you very fit, for example, football is healthy because you are always doing activities that keep you active, which has benefits towards your overall health and could lower your risks of health problems. Secondly, football builds a lot of characteristics that build good character. For example, it builds, teamwork, corporation, and selflessness and for example, it is overall an enjoyable sport, and football is a good workout, and people don’t even think about that. This helps football players not get bored and stops them from giving up.
“Basketball is my favorite sport, I like the way they dribble up and down the court” – Kurtis Blow. My love for basketball started when I was very young, fifth grade to be exact. Growing up I always wanted to try out for my school’s basketball team. When I was young I use to always hear stories about my mom playing basketball throughout junior high and high school. Some of which made me want to play and do something that she loved to do. I eventually started loving the sport as much or even more than she did. This story goes way back to the fifth grade when I first tried out for the basketball team at my elementary school.