
My Love For Reading And Writing

Decent Essays

I am no gluttonous reader, but a lazy English student who finds the process of reading and writing to be quite tedious. Months at a stretch where I don’t flip a page is uncommon. My displeasure from books was driven off of how much interest I have and the content I choose to read. A lack of interest makes it difficult to initiate and finish the reading. It also makes me less attentive as I am prone to distractions. Consequently, I wound up not understanding a single thing I just read and my writing becomes unorganized, not knowing where I left off. After all, interest sparks motivation, and no motivation equals zero attention for the book, hence I’m unable to follow the storyline. When deficient in inspiration, I’m restrained from writing passionately. Furthermore, my interest plays a role in choosing a content I enjoy reading. Not all texts are equally challenging, so the selection of my content declines improving in English.
Subtitles from shows in another language are what I relish because I appreciate the storyline from animations and dramas. I prefer reading subtitles over listening to the English dubbed (having the show translated), because I have a harder time listening than reading. I find that my love for reading subtitles helped me read a lot faster, making that my strength. In addition to my strengths, when stumbling upon words that I have no understanding of, I have a good habit of using context clues to define troublesome words. Conversely, my enjoyment does

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