When I was three years old My mom and I got into a huge accident. It happened when we were driving home and I don’t think that I have ever been so scared. This memory has affected my life. This single moment has been one of the scariest times in my life, and I know that I can never do it over again. “Lyli do you have your bag?” my grandma Alice asked me. I nodded and gave her a hug goodbye. I put on my shoes and took my mom’s hand. “Bye grandma, thank you!” my mom said as she shut the door. My mom took me to the car and put me in my car seat. It was a toddler seat with black stripes going across it. She buckled me in and started the car. My mom clicked in her seatbelt, and started to drive out of my grandma’s driveway. We were just about home. My mom and I were talking about what I did today at my grandma’s house. Suddenly, a red truck flew over the hill. My mom tried swerving off the road, but the truck was going too fast. It hit us really hard and for a while, everything went black. “Mom? Mom are you ok?” I asked, starting to cry. The front window was broken, but I don’t know why my mom didn’t answer me. Two men ran up to the car and pushed their faces against the window. I had no idea who these people were. I was full out crying and my mom wouldn’t talk. “MOM!” I yelled louder and louder noticing the blood on my hands. The man on the left side of the car tried to get the door open, but it wouldn’t budge. At the time I was thinking, “Hey idiot! I’m over here!” I
Previously we were assigned a critical thinking exercise that consisted of reviewing a PowerPoint over Appendix 14A. Appendix 14A covered different debt restructuring and modification of terms options for companies and how you would go about recording them. The most theoretically challenging aspect of this material for me had to deal with the problem I was assigned in class. I did not understand why there would be no interest expense recorded even though there was a gain. I would assume theoretically that since Barkley is still paying off the note an interest expense would have to be recorded, however, I learned otherwise. An interest expense is not recorded because the payable is only being reduced by an amount
Later that night, I wean't to bed kinda worried. I Didn't want to show it though. I fell asleep and the next thing I know the thunder was rumbling and I heard a whirling of a plane engine. It was getting louder and louder. Then, BANG. The whole house shook and we all rushed outside. We saw a plane crashed in the front yard. The plane was on fire and everything was let up. We heard tons of moaning and groaning. We were devastated. Then we heard and saw some metal moving. A older man came out without a scratch.
I thought I was gone died that day cause I never experience’s something like that before. We open the washroom door there were two huge trees in our living room and the roof cave in. My mother start screaming and crying, and the house down there street was all gone, but it was some houses that didn’t get hit. I come out and I could do was fall on my knees and start crying until I just couldn’t cry no more. My mother hug me so tight and I said I love you so much and I told her I love her too. There were power lines down in the street so my mother sent me for help and as I’m walking in the street and I see this lady on the ground and then I run to her to see she was ok but it was too late she was already gone that’s when I knew she were dead. I didn’t know what to do so I found this blanket that I found in the street and I just cover her body. That was my first time seeing a dead body without it being in a casket. I couldn’t find nobody so I headed back home and told my mother what I did and she was in shock. But there was houses that didn’t get that’s when the neighbors came out and everybody was asking are you ok. I was so mad I didn’t want to say
“MOM WHERE ARE WE GOING!!!” I said, feeling like I could burst at any moment it's a horrible thing to be car sick when you don't know what to do about it. “Don't worry dolly we will be there any second now” said Sharon, but I just know her as mom. “I think i'm dying!” I said, sinking into the back car seat. Mom didn't say anything as with my brother they just smiled. I wondered if they could see something I couldn't so I forced my body to sit up and unbuckle my seatbelt as my eyes lit up as if I saw an angel. It felt like everything was in slow motion. For months now I've been dying to go to Six Flags for one day and today was that day! “Do you feel better deer or should we go back home” mom said with an evil smile glancing at me through
It was taking a long time to find the right address because the GPS had taken us to the wrong house. We pulled into the driveway and typed it in again. Mom was so tired that she kept dozing off as well, so Callie was in charge of keeping her awake. Every time she’d tap on her shoulder, Mom would say something along the lines of, “I know, I know! We are almost there.” It was around one in the morning when we arrived at grandpa’s house.
“That’s good, Amira. Now quiet down and brush your teeth,” Grandma said. She sat in a soft blue chair in the living room, while Amira’s older sister Sara read a book on the floor.
When I was about five years old I had something happen to me that would change forever. My life before this was not the best and was really confusing to understand and that was because I was always moving into different houses with my mom and would always have a new dad which as a little kid you don’t really know what is going on and have to just deal with it. My mother was not the best and did not take really good care of me.
Don Quijote de La Mancha: Idealism in Real Life Alonso Quijana is an average man whose idealist delusions transform him into a knight, Don Quijote, combating fictional danger with fictional power in a much more realist world than he realizes. There are many idealists in this world and in history. One man with idealist views in history was Woodrow Wilson, 28th President of the United States. During World War 1, his idealist views became prevalent in his attempts to regain world peace.
“Skylar, come on! The truck is about to leave!” my mom shouted as she walked outside to the U-haul truck containing precious memories of the past thirteen years of my life. “Alright, mom!” I aggressively shouted back to her, knowing full well she would not appreciate my tone. Despite my resistance towards the events of the day, I trudged out of my bare room with the last of my Vera Bradley luggage and loaded up the truck.
Propaganda is described as the act of persuading other people into believing what you believe. In regards to its application in the World War 2, propaganda was used to persuade other nations about the military and political might of the Nazi. "Propaganda" enforces the doctrine to all people. It employs a plethora of mediums such as speech, rally, mass media to achieve its purpose of “brainwashing” and makes it extremely compelling and powerful. Hitler and the Nazi advocated for the spreads of ideas using propaganda as the platform.
I had just gotten out of school for winter break at Greensburg Public School in Greensburg, Kentucky. We had a four day weekend to do whatever my family and I wanted to do. The three of us decided that we would take the time off to go visit my sickly grandmother who lived at a nursing home in Louisville about two hours away. So we packed our bags and left for Louisville. It was a cold, rainy mid February day in rural Kentucky. I was riding in the back seat of my parents car. My dad was driving and my mom was reading a book in the passenger seat. We were only about thirty miles out of Louisville, Kentucky when the joy of visiting my sick grandmother was replaced with fear for our own lives. We were totally blindsided when the semi-truck
Katelyn went to the front door opening it wide and peered out at my grandmother. My grandmother then called to her, telling her to come out into the yard, telling her that the boys had left and wouldn’t be back again. That she had nothing to worry about any longer. My grandmother then picked up one of the chickens and began petting it—Katelyn did the same.
The most memorable moments of a person’s life are created when they are frightened. I have to admit, I did get quite a scare that day. My family and I got onto a small yellow paddle boat with barely enough space for all of us to sit. My younger sister and I were sitting in the front, paddling, and my parents were sitting in the back with my baby sister, steering the boat. Before I go further, I should mention that I was a girl who was very scared of spiders, scared enough that when I large spider climbed into the boat I was ready to jump off without even knowing how to swim!
For me, this accident happened when I was twelve back in 2009. Every Labor Day weekend my family packs up essential camping gear and spends the weekend roughing it in the great outdoors. I remember the day clearly. Serenity and relaxation flowed through every bone in my body as we pulled into the circular 100 feet by 100 feet clearing
Both my parents burst through the doors, looking slightly concerned. “Mehak, why are you screaming?” My mom questioned. My eyes started to get watery, thinking of all the terrible possibilities, and I got a feeling in my gut that something was wrong. “Grandpa... H-he...w-were t-talking a-and h-he started c-coughing a-and the l-line w-went d-dead.” I stuttered, not knowing what to think. My dad flew out of the room, probably to contact my grandma about what was going on.