As a recent new graduate I have had several different mentors through the process of obtaining my license. The one that stands out the most is one of my coworkers who I worked under during the new graduate residency program. This individual was not only my preceptor, but a mentor to me. She had qualities that I aspire to have as I grow as a nurse. She was a leader, loved to learn and teach, encouraged, and was very supportive. She is one of a few nurses that I can always turn to when I need assistance and she is always willing to teach and help.
A mentor should be selected to match what the mentee goals are (Altamirano, 2016). This can be difficult to assess, but finding someone who is going in the direction you want to go in during your
Reflect on the type of mentor who could be of assistance to you and how you might select
Excellent mentors, along with the opportunities I have been provided to advance my education are my motivating factors to become a better nurse. When one door closed, such as when I broke my back and was no longer able to provide bedside care, another would open, such as the opportunity to work in the field of research. By working to develop drug and device therapies, I am able to reach far beyond the patients I would treat during a hospital shift. I am now working in a realm where there it is possible to provide life-changing therapies to millions.
God placed a desire in her heart to make a difference in the lives of children specifically to help heal and show love to those who are products of broken homes such as single parent homes. This has led Keah to become the COO of Sage Kids. She diligently works alongside the mentors of Sage Mentoring to create programs that are similar but uniquely formatted just for the children of the mothers who receive mentoring through Sage Mentoring. It is clear to Keah that God has called her for a purpose of nurturing, teaching and building up the children who at times are the forgotten, overlooked and fighting an uphill battle due to the circumstances they find themselves surrounded
Often times the first thing that is need to accept to change is that something could be better. This is the case with my scholastic experience so far, when I was in high school I didn't study much. Going into my college experience I wanted to make sure that I could succeed, that's when I found the Framework for Success class. During the meet the mentor night I was introduced to my mentor Avery and he was very experienced and helpful. I learned many things during the meeting and las opened to new ideas as well.
The biggest challenge for my mentor has been getting her students to engage in the activities and to reciprocate what they’ve learned so far. Her sped student is not getting the help he needs at home to further his education, which pushes him behind in class. He doesn’t do anything that she sends him home with because he has no one there to sit him down and do it. It is still a challenge because his mom refuses to get him help, so he’s not getting the attention he
I choose different mentors in each area of my life, however, each one must clearly possess one specific trait. That is, they must love Christ openly and walk a path that reflects this love, just as I devotedly require of myself. At church, and within smaller church groups, I look to certain women to keep me accountable. Out in my community, I affiliate with women who are involved in Christ-centered business, ministry, and/or lifestyle. I steer far away from detractors. Even my main kickboxing instructor outwardly proclaims his dedication to our
I agree that mentors are the key to a teacher's survival. Humility is essential to a strong relationship. A willingness to listen and learn for each other is beneficial. I learn so much from the teacher’s I mentor. Sometimes they help me more than I help them. I like to think of it as life coaching. Lastly, I want to add on to your last point. Professional development based on school discipline has moved our school in a positive direction.
I called my mentor at 3pm to let him know I was on my way to his apartment. When I got to his place, he opened the door and welcomed me in. We talked about our week and decided to look at the list that we made together. The list has activities that he wants to do before we terminate our relationship. I read the list aloud reminding him that I’m reading some of the ideas we came up with together. When I was finished reading the list he said, “I wanted to make dinner together.” He already thawed the chicken legs in the refrigerator. I asked him what he wanted to make out of the chicken and he wanted hot wings and chicken broccoli rice. I found a recipe on the Internet for Buffalo wings. I started putting the chicken legs on a baking pan. My mentor
I hope your day is going well. I justed wanted to thank you for notifying me that my documentation was delivered successfully, and the possible mentorship opportunity. I am currently in the process of scheduling the first meeting with Dr. El-Shall. I've never had a professional mentor before and I'm exted about this new opportunity. I'm looking forward to hearing from you throughout the school year.
"Um, why does any of this matter to you." Disbelief swept over my mind, I couldn't believe the attitude. It was my first day as a mentor in success when I quickly realized this was not going to be an easy year. The girl that I was chosen to mentor became my biggest challenge. She refused to work, much less talk to me. Over time she began to open up, I soon found out what no one wants to hear, she did not have a very stable, content home life. Although it was difficult to keep her motivated with these struggles constantly in the back of her mind, I knew I had to be understanding. We worked together day after day, on her grades as well as her overall well being. The university motto, Ut Prosim - (That I May Serve) was the foundation of our learning
The aim of this essay is to discuss on how the reflection on mentorship will be undertaken, how and why the model of reflection will be used and the importance of confidentiality. I will reflect the mentorship by ensuring that the mentee during clinical practice is put at ease throughout the learning experience of four weeks (Quinn, and Hughes 2007, p. 29). Also, I will use the principle of Kolb’s learning cycle as my model of reflection because reflecting is an essential element of learning. As I am the mentor, I will follow this cycle in a clockwise direction with Jude, so she would have to reflect on the skills learnt by reviewing the whole situation (Kolb’s learning cycle 1984 in Rose and Best 2005, p.129). This would enable Jude to
For the past several months, my internship has been at a standstill. Although, recently things have started to move along. Connection with my mentor was not the best, but now it has been re-established. I know now which days are best for my mentor, which days have the most customers who seek naturopathic advice, and my mentor is giving me access to reading materials. These materials and time spent with my mentor will give me much needed knowledge about naturopathic and holistic solutions to ailments.
Not quite as often in life, we encounter a special someone that without you even noticing, makes a great impact in your life. This special someone was one of my teachers. It was not so long ago when I met my mentor. It was a dark and rainy day, the first day of Fundamental, my heart was pounding so hard, that I was able to hear every single beat; it was impossible to relax. I was sitting in the room with no friends around me as I told myself, this is not for me! But there she was sitting at her desk waiting for all her students to join the class. She looked very confident and very patient. As soon as the last bell rang, she said; ”Hi everyone, my name is Ms. Burgos, I will be your Fundamental instructor, by the end of this course
As we are coming towards the end of our nursing program, I have been thinking what type of mentor I would like to follow. I picked some criteria based on my past experiences from my clinical rotations and decided that I will chose my mentor by several criteria. For one, the person needs to be willing to teach. Due to my past experience, I know many nurses does not know how to teach a student; they don’t even try to find out what the student needs improvement on or the things that were new to the students. Many of them don’t even want a student to follow them. This type of nurses is not the one that I will pick as my mentor. Secondly, the person has to understand that we are human beings and human beings makes mistake. If the nurse is constantly
A mentor is there to provide expertise and experiences. The experiences include not only the successes, but the failures as well. As the failures are identified and discussed, the mentee comes to realize a person can't always make the correct decision, but that the application of lessons learned are part of the growth process and will lead to better and stronger decisions. Mentors remove the personal doubt, allowing failures to be isolated and examined, and learning applied, while others may chastise the mentee for bad judgment or careless decision making. Mentors work for success. (OPM.Gov, n.d.)