
My Mentor Research Paper

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There are people in everyone's lives who have played a significant role in developing their personality or have been a mentor or a guide or a positive influence all their life. My oldest brother, Kaleb Mortenson, has been all of these as he has helped me with life advice and inspired me technologically and musically. As an older sibling, he inevitably had more experience (six years more, to be exact), so Kaleb has been able to guide me and provide tips for my life in the future. I remember several times over the summer when we would stay up late at night and discuss college. We share a common interest in computers, so he knew which major would suit me best. I wanted to go into game development, but I wasn't entirely certain that a game design major existed. He recommended I search for colleges with software development, then ask about game design when I visited the college. He also explained to me the importance of sleep, hydration, and various other random aspects of life. Of all three of my siblings, Kaleb was the most like a mentor to me. Growing up, I had a somewhat tense relationship with my other brother, David, and my sister Kara is closer to my age, so she was more of a friend than an inspiration. Kaleb was away from home more often, either at work or with friends, so the few conversations …show more content…

With my family's financial status, I didn't ever expect to get a phone of my own, but then he saved up and bought one. Obviously he could do this because he got a job, and that's another thing I'd never considered. He got a job, so I realized that I could and would get one someday. Also, in elementary school I never had more than one or two friends, so I was pretty skeptical about being able to get into a serious relationship, but then Kaleb (raised in the same home by the same parents) got engaged. I guess anything is

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