There are people in everyone's lives who have played a significant role in developing their personality or have been a mentor or a guide or a positive influence all their life. My oldest brother, Kaleb Mortenson, has been all of these as he has helped me with life advice and inspired me technologically and musically. As an older sibling, he inevitably had more experience (six years more, to be exact), so Kaleb has been able to guide me and provide tips for my life in the future. I remember several times over the summer when we would stay up late at night and discuss college. We share a common interest in computers, so he knew which major would suit me best. I wanted to go into game development, but I wasn't entirely certain that a game design major existed. He recommended I search for colleges with software development, then ask about game design when I visited the college. He also explained to me the importance of sleep, hydration, and various other random aspects of life. Of all three of my siblings, Kaleb was the most like a mentor to me. Growing up, I had a somewhat tense relationship with my other brother, David, and my sister Kara is closer to my age, so she was more of a friend than an inspiration. Kaleb was away from home more often, either at work or with friends, so the few conversations …show more content…
With my family's financial status, I didn't ever expect to get a phone of my own, but then he saved up and bought one. Obviously he could do this because he got a job, and that's another thing I'd never considered. He got a job, so I realized that I could and would get one someday. Also, in elementary school I never had more than one or two friends, so I was pretty skeptical about being able to get into a serious relationship, but then Kaleb (raised in the same home by the same parents) got engaged. I guess anything is
The amazing thing about my parents is that they truly and honestly only want to see me happy in life. They never once got mad at me for swinging a ball or making a bad grade because they know that I am trying my best. I am so grateful for this and so lucky to have parents like you guys. Okay, now my dad may have taught me the whole marathon thing but nobody showed me how to sprint to the finish line like my brother Tyson. I don’t think anything prepared me for high school more than Tyson’s reality of forgetting to do UT quests becoming my nightmares. He is not here today so he can’t get mad at me for saying that plus it is the truth. Tyson was by far my biggest inspiration throughout high school. Whatever he did I simply attempted to emulate. But when you have a brother who finished 6th in his class and now attends the United States Naval Academy that is not such a bad thing to do. To this day, my brother never ceases to amaze me. His hard work and dedication to everything he does in life is quite admirable and I am so proud to call him my brother. Next we have Meredith. Meredith is a freshmen here at Ridge Point and as a
I grew up with five brothers – Peter, Chris, Sean, Kyle, and Riley. When I was younger, I always wanted to be like one of my brothers. I wanted to be like Peter who dropped everything to follow his dream
I got a job. While this began to solve the financial problem, a new challenge arrived. I had to learn how to balance all aspects of my life. On top of working thirty to forty hours a week, I had to help babysit my brothers, complete an online class, maintain my grades for both my senior and junior classes, perform with my high school band, and continue my social life. Balancing all of these responsibilities has definitely made me more mature and helped my transition into adulthood. It gave me the skills necessary to live independently, and achieve the goals both my family and I have set out for
Thesis Statement – The person who has influenced me the most is my older brother Damon.
At John Tyler, once a student chooses their major, they are assigned an academic advisor who has expertise in that field. This allows students to relate to their advisor, and their advisor will be better suited to aid a student in their college journey. In addition to having an academic advisor, new students can visit the academic advising center, where they can ask questions that their advisor may be unable to answer. In other words, help is always available. Without allowing an advisor to help, a student will be at a great loss.
Why are you interested in serving as a peer-mentor to support graduating seniors in enrolling in college
He was the perfect example of how to wear an armour into work and always take it off when you come home. He taught me values such as how to create boundaries, and how to understand that bad people do not make up the majority of the human population. My father taught me that the human race is instinctively good. This idea is engraved in me and dictates how I choose to live my life. My sisters represented the delicate balance of love and hate. Most days, we played together. Sometimes, they thought I was annoying or different. For the most part, our relationship is healthy and continues to grow in different ways as we get older together and learn that we have each other for life. My step brother and sister float in and out of my world as events such as marriage and having children happen. I believe that the family dynamic my parents created was healthy, and the values that my parents instilled in me would be very useful when working with family
Johnny My brother Johnny has affected my life so much. By helping me with sports, especially by keeping me out of trouble. He told me don’t ever let people talk you into stuff that’s bad.
The person that has probably influenced me the most throughout my life is my best friend, Jalen Williams. We grew up doing everything together ever since kindergarten. We’ve only had two of the same classes, in kinder and first grade, but outside of school we would hang out 24/7. There was even a period of time when I had to live with him for two years because of financial issues. Jalen has not only taught me what a great friendship is, but also how to find the brightside in any situation.
Samuel Seium. My parents had come to America from Eritrea in 1973 as students to get an education with the purpose of returning back to their home country. Unfortunately, a war started between Eritrean and Ethiopia and my parents were unable to return, so they filed for refugee status and it was accepted by the American government. I have one older brother who I am not close with because we have different interest and hobbies. I grew up between two different cultures but my parents wanted me to attach myself to American culture more because they felt that I would be more successful that way in the long-run. Our family started from poor to lower middle class to middle-class status. The atmosphere of our house was caring, supportive, and loving.
The character traits that I have, accomplishments that I have made, and the amount of passion I have in my heart, all relate in some sort of way. My brother, Peter, has helped me find out who I truly am. Peter has been the center of my life for as long as I can remember. He was diagnosed with autism at the age of two. I did struggle with his autism and became easily frustrated with him when a simply situation became a disaster.
In Scott Russel’s essay, The Men We Carry in Our Minds, he discusses some of the men that impacted his life while he was growing up. Like Russel, almost everyone has an adult figure that impacted them while they were growing up. I was lucky to have many positive influences as a child. Not many people had the same opportunities as I did.
My Brother - Personal Narrative My brother is the most influential person in my life. His name is
Do you have someone in your life who motivates you,encourages you,cares about you or inspires you? Because I do.My brother wyatt has made a huge difference in my life. Wyatt was always there for me when was younger. Wyatt is one of the most caring and selfless person I know. He always puts others before himself.My brother Wyatt inspires me to be careing and to always try my best to help others.My brother Wyatt is 12 years older than me. Wyatt is the eldest of his three siblings.Wyatt has a younger brother mitchell who is 10 years older than me he has two younger sisters shelby and I.
My brother is not just someone I share blood with but someone I can rely on and look up to. Patrick, my seventeen year old brother, has been by my side since I was a little baby. My youngest memories are of Patrick and I running around in our backyard laughing. As he grew older, I began to look up to him. He was everything I aspired to be: intelligent, passionate, and athletic. Patrick always seemed to know what he wanted in life, and I admired how he chased down his goals. There were points in my life when I was very unmotivated, especially when I was seven years old. Insecure and unsure, I did not believe in myself from a very young age, and Patrick was there for me when no one else was. He made me believe in myself and my own abilities above anything else. I have my big brother to thank for finding the strength to persevere through my struggles and overcoming my obstacles.