My middle school years were considerably different than nearly all the experiences of my peers. I did not start food fights, have a first crush, and had few close friends. I was never behind on school work, but could I ever take a sick day or snow day. School was short and sweet. All of this was due to the fact that I was homeschooled. A typical day, especially when I was younger, began at 5:00 in the morning. I woke up, stumbled to the sky blue desk I had salvaged from my old church, and began working on my daily assignments. It was not unusual for me to be finished with all of my schoolwork for a given day by 7:00, when most people are just being to stir. The rest of the day I could spend in a profusion of ways. These were the years that my soccer skills improved exponentially and I began to work part time. I was able to balance school, work, and play with no problem; time had yet to become a commodity. However, when my family began to foster kids, things began to slowly change. …show more content…
When we began to foster, my mother began calling upon me to do more and more around the house, taking away time for me to earn money and train. I did not mind, and have never really minded it at all, I merely saw it as my duty. One baby girl we fostered was born over a month premature, struggled to eat, as well as dispel her waste, and had to be looked after constantly. Weekly trips to various therapist became the norm and, at times, I was the only one that could get her to eat at
I started middle school at Bethany Middle school, I had my two older cousins going to school with me. One is the same grade I am and the other is two years older. It was nice having them but we all hung out with different crowds and sometimes we would not agree on the same things so we would not always get along. My first day of middle school was not as bad as i thought it would have been due to the fact that the Bethany middle school was not big at all. My 6th grade year was tough for me when it came to school work, i was used to the work from Central Elementary school and the Bethany Schools were much more strict and left a lot of homework so it was a big change for me. I remember my English class was the hardest along with science but I
My eighth grade year of Middle school. I had many challenges, with making friends and subjects. But one challenge was mathematics.I knew my eighth grade year was most important when it came transferring into my high school years, yet I didn’t do anything to raise my grade in mathematics at that time. It wasn’t until two I had a very low grade in mathematics on my report card at that I realized I needed to do something about my low grade. So after that report in math, I really was determined to really bring that F up to at least a B or A. So I remember I started to go to after school tutoring to get help with my math subject. They placed me with a teacher named Ms.Alice. And she really helped me with my subject.
Time, like always, blew by. Middle school brought its own challenges, as it does for all kids. You struggled with the person you wanted to be, made hard choices about what you valued. Dad and I tried to guide you, but you made decisions on your own, and they were always the right ones. We could clearly see that you were a natural leader and persistent worker. High school only cemented those traits about you, and then, amazingly, you were again ready to move to a different world.
Middle school just seemed like another round at the elementary school. The year that I was dreading came along, seventh grade. Checking out an AR book was required for a grade and we had to test on the books we checked out even if we didn’t enjoy the book. My english teacher was picky, everything had to be just how she wanted it but other than her checking over the students work every five minutes she was good. Science was my favorite class to take and I was so excited to have that class and Rainie, my sister told me she would be a great teacher. Our class had a couple of class clowns in it, but who would have thought the students would end up making our teacher cry? Eighth grade was definitely difficult my science teacher, Mrs Prescott knew what she was doing and boy that made the class then times harder she was willing to do anything to help me out. She was not hesitant to call home to a kids parent in front of the class if the next day there was no homework brought back. Once a month we went on a field trip to E.O Wilson Biophilia and it was always a blast studying different types of animals and learn about the environment. Middle school wasn’t exactly a walk in the park but it was not too far from it.
The transition from elementary into middle school was tough, in fact I did not do well the first semester of that year. During these school years was unbeliebable the amount of people I met, especially my best friend. We used to play soccer a lot and ride bicycle all day long. Unfotunally, within those cheerful years my brother came to the US, which at the time felt like the worst thing that could've happened to me.
It did not take very long for me to realize that middle school really wasn’t all that bad, there were many aspects that I actually liked more. For me, not wearing uniforms was a big deal, although it rarely strayed from jeans or khaki shorts, being able to wear what I wanted gave me a sense of freedom. On top of this, passing periods gave me the opportunity to roam the halls and talk
Honestly, I loved middle school. I never had any problems to all the school I went to during that time, I had a lot of f friends that to this day I still talk to and ended with having honor roll. My first middle school was here in Arizona at Estrella Mountain that I went to for the first third of sixth grade so I do not have many memories from that year there. Then I moved to Saint Johnsbury, Vermont to attend the rest of my sixth grade at Saint Johnsbury middle school. All of my memories at that school were of my class and I always being outside. We had endless field trips of going snowboarding, snowshoeing, sledding, camping and then do some of the most erratic things such as studying the population of the trees in our forest,
Towards the end of my senior year of high school, I was preparing for the next chapter of my life. I would be attending UC Davis in the summer for a four weeklong orientation program, specifically for first generation college students. This was the first time I would be leaving home by myself to a different country and it was the first time in over eight years that I would be exposed to the American culture. I did not have any roots in any American city nor did I have a so-called “home state.” However, if there was one thing for sure, it was that Germany was my home and it has been for the majority of my life. In this paper, I will be discussing how the following topics in sociology: culture, socialization, and identity are related to my move from Germany to California as well as how I felt during the entire situation.
My first day in middle school didn’t seem that much different than elementary school only thing that was different was that we switched classes but we had our teachers telling us where to go for our next classes so it wasn’t hard. On like the third day of middle school I was very confused because we had all the big 7th and 8th graders there and the teachers weren’t helping us and telling bus where to go anymore so I would be late to class and my teachers would be mad. It was hard for me to transition to having several teachers instead of one because all of my teachers were very different we had some teachers that were cool and then we had some strict teachers. The work didn’t get much harder math did but not any other subjects, math was very difficult
When I was little I thought middle school was scary and hard, but thinking about that topic I’ve come across some interesting things. Including being able to stay up till 12:00 on the week, having wonderful teachers makes 7th grade fun, and for some reasons my parents care about me more than ever which is actually pretty good. Hopefully the verge to become an adult is fun and I’m already playing 18+ video games.
Every school year fifth graders face a big change from the lives they are used to. Middle School. It is our job as upperclassmen to assist these new sixth graders. These students need our advice, and help, to make sure they live out their middle school years correctly. The finest piece of advice I can give any student starting middle school is to plan out all your middle school years.
For me, middle school always had fewer students and shorter class schedules. For example, my middle school had about 300 kids from Kindergarten to 8th Grade. Since there were only a little amount of students at my school, I got to know most of the younger students’ names which was super awesome. A smaller environment made me feel more noticed and most of the kids would play in big groups. Also, middle school had shorter
Though these times were considered the ugly years for a few, this was not so for me. The classes were simple. The teachers were nice to communicate with. There was also plenty of time to spend with family. In my middle school career, I worked, but there was plenty of time have a day of watching television without falling behind or watering the garden for two hours because I didn’t have any homework.
Middle school what a trying time. My mother asked if I was going to be ok with leaving the only life I knew just a month before school started. She made it sound so good. "No dress code Cari" She knew that was the one thing I hated about Warrensville school the dress code. So I agreed to move to Euclid.
Growing up, the only constant was change. My formative years were spent in very diverse environments that were polar opposites of each other, from the San Francisco Bay Area to Orange County, CA to Dallas, TX. Having experienced the various beliefs and ideologies held in these vastly different settings, I have developed a more nuanced understanding of the world around me.