
My Middle School Years

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My middle school years were considerably different than nearly all the experiences of my peers. I did not start food fights, have a first crush, and had few close friends. I was never behind on school work, but could I ever take a sick day or snow day. School was short and sweet. All of this was due to the fact that I was homeschooled. A typical day, especially when I was younger, began at 5:00 in the morning. I woke up, stumbled to the sky blue desk I had salvaged from my old church, and began working on my daily assignments. It was not unusual for me to be finished with all of my schoolwork for a given day by 7:00, when most people are just being to stir. The rest of the day I could spend in a profusion of ways. These were the years that my soccer skills improved exponentially and I began to work part time. I was able to balance school, work, and play with no problem; time had yet to become a commodity. However, when my family began to foster kids, things began to slowly change. …show more content…

When we began to foster, my mother began calling upon me to do more and more around the house, taking away time for me to earn money and train. I did not mind, and have never really minded it at all, I merely saw it as my duty. One baby girl we fostered was born over a month premature, struggled to eat, as well as dispel her waste, and had to be looked after constantly. Weekly trips to various therapist became the norm and, at times, I was the only one that could get her to eat at

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