I have developed a philosophy of ministry through my studies at Vanguard university, experience in ministry, and personal reflection. There are 7 points of emphasis that I have established as the foundation of ministry for me. These are elements of ministry that I am passionate about pursuing and will constantly embolden, and inspire, my character as a Christ follower, believer, and pastor.
I believe the purpose of ministry is to help others become faithful apprentices of Jesus.
I believe ministry should be a public array of a personal and steadfast relationship with Jesus.
I am in ministry because I believe Jesus is the only way to the Father and my heart's greatest desire is to help others know the heart of their Father.
I believe I am ministering to the “sought”, those who God is constantly seeking for relationship and new life in him.
My goal for others is to see them embark on a journey of daily becoming more like Jesus and helping others do the same.
My goal in ministry is to create a space for people to encounter the Holy Spirit in a real way that will lead to relationship and intimacy with Jesus,
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I believe the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus has dramatically changed the way we should live our lives. We are eternally forgiven for all past, present, and future sins, and because of this we now have a means of grace to live a life of intimacy and freedom with Jesus. Our lives should be a beautiful reflection of the grace and forgiveness we have received from Jesus by pouring the same out to others. I believe this is why ministry and pastoral care are so vital. Being called to ministry, I believe God has called me to represent him to others through my character and lifestyle and equip others to do the same. However, I do not think this makes me better or more worthy of God’s grace and love. Rather, I want to do this by living a life of humbly serving people and taking the lower
According to Ministry Is…, chapter 27, "_____ _ ____ seeks the best for others before the throne of God by bringing their needs to the
Ministry is more than just choosing a vocation for life; ministry calls the individual and beckons them to follow. At 53 years of age, I have taken a long journey to get to where I am today in ministry, yet I can say with all honesty, "I have not yet arrived." In describing the ingredients to a lasting ministry, Kevin Miller states, “A ‘call’ to ministry is not easily defined, but nothing could be more solid to most pastors. The call of God is
The mission of ministry should be “that we exist to know Christ, and to make Christ known.” This primarily is accomplished and becomes reality through creating healthy churches that also plant new churches and revitalize existing churches. As the Apostles were united together in ministry, so should God’s people be united in one purpose, vision, and mission! I believe in the essential function of Ministry Action Teams in the church, given that, a key element is found in the word “action.” The church exists so that something might be accomplished.
He has given me the understanding that to love Him is to love others and to serve Him is to serve others. He has called me to be His ambassador; to
It has been said that worship is the core or center of mission. The ultimate goal of any missionary is to bring people (entire people groups) into a passionate, relationship with God. John Piper states,
God equips us with Spiritual gifts, a heart, abilities, personality and experiences to help others. “Each one should use whatever gift he’s received to serve others.” 1 Peter 4:10
With the proclamation of the Kingdom of God, Jesus seeks to bring about God’s plan for humanity through physical, spiritual, and social healing. His purpose and mission is to prepare the hearts and minds of the people so they can build new lives in God’s kingdom. Jesus often uses stories to illustrate his message
My call to ministry was actually not my own doing. At the start of my Christian life, my mother and grandmother raised me in the church where I would sacrifice my life to be a part of ministry. I participate in different ministries as a child. I became a choir member at an early age. Then, I became a praise dancer, a junior deacon, and a Sunday school teacher. This transition to different ministries became a part of my true purpose for God: to fulfill His purpose in my life.
My personal mission theology is disciplining and proclaiming the pure word of God in the correct context to those that claim to be abiding in Jesus Christ. This includes pointing out and warning them against false doctrine and belief systems. Contrasting what the modern institutions preach about what it means to be a child of God against what scripture actually says it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ.
Relational. The ministry of Jesus was focused on people and meeting their needs. Spending time with others, both individually and through corporate gatherings, is modeled throughout the Bible. Fellowship with other believers in small groups allows individuals to forge relationships and develop accountability at some level. These deeper bonds demonstrate to others their love for God and others by loving God’s Law, obeying it by God’s grace, and allowing it to lead to Jesus Christ for transformation into His image.
My future ministry is and always has been, the continued work of the Lord. To share His name and the great love that He has for all of His creations. That in my work I will be able to continue to do what God has given me the ability to do in the past. Share His name, bring more people to Him, pray for and help all of the lost find their way to salvation. Show those that have never known what the true love of Christ is all about and how to love them unconditionally through Christ. To continue to help those that are less fortunate. To feed those that are hungry. To give coats and blankets to those that are cold.
The main task of the Church and of the Christian minister is the true preaching of the Word of God. Additionally, Paul in Colossians 1:25 makes the point the central purpose of ministry is the preaching of the Word. Preaching the Word of God also includes protecting the sheep from false doctrines.
First of all, any missional mental model should be derived from missio Dei itself, which is "the mission of God to bring about redemption of the world" (Sunquist 2013, 7). When we carry this mission out in suffering for God’s eternal glory, we need to imagine how in the future his goodness, his beauty, and his harmony will cover the entire creation. I think it’s necessary for us to have this vision of his glory and be aware that whatever we do is not our own ministry. The idea of us joining the ministry of Jesus Christ is
Evangelism is a wide field of ministry that is captivating many, many ministers have been called into the field. It is one of the many fields we as believers are called into. We all have been given assignment before the beginning of time God knew what he would have us to do. Evangelist’s work in many different environments in their local community, nation, and abroad. We are being the hands and feet of Jesus. we should treat it as each and every person’s salvation is important to you.
No matter what path God calls a missionary to, the initial goals are the same. These goals are: 1) Build and edify the church, 2) Meeting needs, and 3) Spread the Gospel. The task of utmost importance is that of building the church, a community of believers. It is through evangelizing that men come to hear, know, and accept the redemptive plan of God through Jesus Christ. This is done by preaching and teaching this message when opportunity arises. It is also done by living out your faith in the day to day of mission life. We are to make the book of Acts our living example in growing and edifying a body of believers (Warren 26-31) (Hodges 61-62)