In a world full of imperfection and hardships, I am just another guy striving to be the best that I can possibly be. My life is not perfect. No One has a perfect life. I'm not perfect as an individual along with the rest of us. My life can be recognized as a sidewalk, being unlevel, and having potholes and cracks. The unlevelness represent the ups and downs that many of us experience including myself, the potholes being an event or experience that has marked my life and the cracks where there is a lot of pressure on us during our lives.
The pothole that marked my life was the passing of my Grandma. She was a great and kind loving lady and was the most outgoing person i knew for me and anyone else. Her passing hit me hard because she played a big role in my life along with her son, my dad and of course my mom. She was a hardworking lady and she was a fighter of cancer for eleven years not once letting that obstacle affect her life, always holding her head high with the expectation of defeating what life threw at her. After my Grandma passed, and now as i look back as a young adult i realize while it is
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My ups and downs are for example going through some good days and some bad, I still overcome the situation I am faced with on them days. The ups and downs are the situations altogether in general that I am faced with throughout my life, such as the passing of my Grandma, learning to be thankful for what I have, and becoming a young adult faced with real life challenges. As I get older I will face more of these ups and downs and some of which are meant to try and make me feel like giving up, but will not give up because giving up is not an option. If I have no self confidence or motivation I will not move forward in life. I know that no matter what life throws at me to never let go and to keep my head
Likewise, people struggle with ups and downs every day. In my life, I have experienced this a lot. For example, my ups are when I’m playing basketball or getting good grades in school. My downs are when I lose a game or don’t achieve what I planned to achieve. Everyone has their ups and downs in their lives, but we all continue to live and strive through them.
In my case, tragedy struck me like a lightning bolt. It happened a year and 2 months ago, when my late spouse, of six years passed away due to the horrible cerosis disease. After her death I lost
Imagine having the perfect life- you get into all honors classes, you get straight A’s, you are the first chair in the orchestra, you get into the A Cappella choir, you are on the varsity volleyball team, President of the Student Council, and you have a perfect home life. You have never had to face a single obstacle throughout your journey in life. When your whole life is like this, you do not know what failure feels like and will never experience the need to rise up after a downfall. There are many types of journeys one can take in life and dealing with obstacles has a prodigious impact on the outcome. The obstacles and hindrances are the things that shape us as we experience the ups and downs in life.
Life has up's and down's but you can get through because people come together to help. For instance, in the book Fever, 1793, the Free African Society went around to help the yellow fever victims. The doctors thought the Africans were immune to the disease because hardly any Africans died. When people come together, like the Africans helping the victims, you can get through it. You can get through it when people come together, because everyone starts working together instead of avoiding the
Obstacles will always come through and your insecurities always make it harder to get through them. Not loving yourself brings low-self esteem. Low-self esteem brings failure. I never set that inside my mentality but it was somehow there without even realizing it myself. Not talking about my grades because I’ve been doing way better in high school and probably the only success I’m proud of.
In life a person will go through ups and downs, good times and bad times. When they are down or in a slump it may seem like the world is fighting them everyday; bearing down on them. Within these periods a person may start to lose hope and fear that life will not get any better for them. These periods do not indicate failure because it is only temporary because whenever life gets down it only means the future is due up to get back on track. If things are going bad now that means that times are due up for the better.
At surface level, the unfortunate experiences in life can appear to be obstacles and setbacks. I disagree. Labelling something as an obstacle implies getting over it rather than seeing an opportunity to work through it and learn. Looking beyond the surface level, I've learned everything has a silver lining and everything ultimately manifests for a reason. Some of the worst things that have happened to me ignited the most profound periods of growth in my life. Through it all, I learned to see the beautiful in the ugly.
The greatest adversity that has made the biggest impact on my life was the passing of my mom. She passed away from cancer when I was nine. Losing her was the worst feeling that I ever had to endure. I was thankful that I had a family who cared for me and my younger brother, who was only three at the time. It took some time for me to understand that my mom couldn't come back, but that she no longer had to suffer with the pain. So after learning to cope with her no longer being here with me, I promised to always do my best to make her proud. Even though I had my family, I felt like I had to grow up and be strong for my brother. I felt that he needed me more than anybody. I had to learn that it was okay not to be strong like I thought I should
Potholes what are potholes. Potholes are those things that you sometimes run over while you are driving that causes a bump that most of the time we try to avoid but, in my opinion we need more potholes. Why do we need more potholes? Because it could help drivers in the long run.
It was Friedrich Nietzschehas who said, “What doesn’t kill you makes, you stronger”. I like to call these moments in a person’s life, “defining moments”. Additionally, I like most people, have had a few of these “defining moments”; probably more than one person should. Growing up, I had a hard time accepting one of my “won’t kill you-make you stronger” moments. It was a moment of betrayal and deceit, inflicted upon by a person I trusted fully and completely, with my life. My mother.
On May, 22 2009 an unthinkable event that changed me occurred . My sister got into a car crash, and was in critical condition at the hospital. I came home early that day after my dad checked me out crying, we went home and he told me. The words hurt like the coldest frostbite and red hot needles all over my body. I was only five then and when my sister passed away that night I couldn't handle it. She was only seventeen and she was my rock when my parents got divorced, I could go to her for anything. Today I still live with he same pain I
The first reason I believe hard times give you determination, is because I had a hard childhood growing up. Beginning with my father abusing my mother and he was never around, a mother who was struggling to figure out who she was and what she wanted in life, and how to take care of a teenager with so many bad experiences. My father was murdered in front of me and passed
I’m not perfect, I have strengths and weaknesses, just like everybody else. One thing that makes everyone different is how they grow up and who is in your life. My parents have a substantial impact in my life. From a young
Just by looking at me, you can tell I have it all together; I have an easy perfect life. In high school, I had straight A’s, lots of friends, a smile that could light up a room (I still have the smile), and I lived in a house with a loving family. While I was living my perfect life, there was something everybody didn't know. I was living my life in fear.
Some people let tragedies that they experience affect them in different ways, some are drawn to some sort of release such as drugs and alcohol. I, however, choose to let my life tragedies shape me into who I am today. I have been faced with death in which one of my favorite people in the world was taken from me, my former drug addict of an uncle was faced with the consequences of his decisions, and my grandpa was looked in the eye by a stroke he a had shown different symptoms of. I have chosen to let these misfortunes shape me instead of affect me negatively.