Another busy day, the same hecticness on a Monday through Friday. I woke up around 6 and took a shower. I was planning on wearing a stunning dress today, instead I wore a blue sweater and jeans to work. I ironed my sweater and jeans and John’s white shirt, black tie, and black pants as well. We always help each other. For example, he washed the dishes for me last night, so I ironed his clothes today.I got dressed up quickly, so I could make breakfast for Bob and Susie but it was already 7:50. My work starts at 8, and I was late to work because I was getting coffee and breakfast from Dunkin Donuts. While I was driving to work I was listening to hip/hop music. I was playing the music very loud, knowing that it was probably irritating other
Present examples of the two kinds of violence found in literature. Show how the effects are different.
Finally it's friday. Everyone going to prom skips today just so they can get ready. First, I went out and get my hair done. They braided it in a side pony tail. It looked so pretty. Hopefully better than Sally’s hair. I kept checking my phone incase Sally posted anything. After I got my hair done I carefully drive back to my friend Alexsia’s house. When i walked in a wave of hair spray slapped me in the face. They were all talking about how Sally is trying way to hard to win.
Today was another tough day. It is cold and windy outside and we do not have enough money to keep the heating system running. I guess I am lucky to still have my ripped winter coat…right... but whatever I have, I know I have to be grateful for. Mother and father have taught me and George very well. Even though he is still very young at the age of 8, he has great manners. I’m still a very stubborn young girl and get a lot of punishments for my sarcastic behavior, but I usually don’t think much of it because I’m not that bad and mother and father are too kind to give me horrible punishments. I may be a “rebellious teenager going through a phase” as my mom always says but not a bad kid. Back to
Today, was just another day i went to school i suffered through class and finally i went home to tend to my usual agenda which usually included reading for such long periods of time that you forget that youre alive or binge watching a show on netflix that you probably will never finish. Today, i chose neither i had homework to do, a bedroom to clean and problems to neglect so of course i tackled the easiest one first, i turned on my music and got to work cleaning everything i could. By the time my room was done it was spotless and i was tired so i decided i would do my homework later so i grabbed my phone laid down on my bed and checked all my social media accounts,while i was scrolling through my tumblr my phone buzzed telling me that Greyson had tweeted and since im a dedicated fan i immediately clicked on it allowing my phone to open twitter
Over the two-day period I was busy. I had gone back home over the weekend to see my family. I left Saturday morning and came back Sunday evening. I had a relaxing day on Saturday but did my work Sunday. I started off with doing my English paper and then I had to help my dad move cars from one spot to his shop. The whole day until six I was working on my English paper. I had written a rough draft but on Sunday I wanted to make it even better so I re-did it. When I came back to my dorm I organized and cleaned my room. I wanted it to look clean so I can work in there and so it can look nice for the week. After that I did some of my other homework and then did the English paper again. Neat two o’clock in the morning I planned everything out for
While I was growing up, my grandmother developed Alzheimer’s. She still has it today. It is hard to see her not remember who I am. I know that I am not the only one with a story like this so I want to help teach people how to help people with Alzheimer’s. I learned from my research of studying Alzheimer’s, people can learn how to prevent the disease, learn about medications for the symptoms, and learn about future medication trials, so Alzheimer’s can be prevented, delayed, and treated.
Today was a good day; believe it or not there was not a time that I did my worst thinking. My thinking was rather clear today and I was able to get all of what I needed to accomplish done. I took a group of students on a field trip to a food show to sample different foods for them to choose from for their lunches next year. They were able to vote on what they liked and did not like. But also my thoughts were directed on a 12 year old boy that attended our school that was shot in the head last weekend when someone broke in their house. My thoughts were how can we help the family in their time of need. So I (we) did a fundraiser called “$1.00 for Devin day” and the student brought a dollar for him. The teachers contributed also, and the art teacher
Last week, Jimmy made an appointment with me and we planned to board the cruise ship to Coney Island on Saturday evening. When I finished my intensive work in the store, I went back home in a hurry and replaced the long pleated skirt into that evening gown. Then, I checked my pocket watch, I found it was time to leave. I went out of the house in a rush to make sure arrived there on time.
Today was a hard day for me. I wasn’t feeling well when I got up this morning, but I push through and I’m glad that I did. There is one baby in the infant classroom that want go to anyone except for me; which make me feel good in a kind away. Mrs. Wright keep on trying to work with her, but she’s very slow to warm up to people. It will just have to take time for her to adjust to the teachers. Maybe next week once I’m not in the classroom she will start to warm up to them. I know for me at times it was hard hearing her cry for me, but I couldn’t do anything because I was attending to the other babies in the classroom. It was a challenge for me, but I got over it and learn how to multitask. I couldn’t go to planning with the teachers today
I thought that this Tuesday would be like any other one. I’d wake up, get dressed, eat breakfast, and go to work. I drug my feet into the bathroom and began getting ready. Normally, I’d wake up at 6:30 and manage to get ready in time to leave at 7:30, but today I was running a little late- I woke up at 7. Of course I hadn’t realized this, so whenever I came out of the bathroom and saw that it was already 7:30, I left without breakfast. I would have stopped for food but mornings in New York City were pretty hectic and I didn’t have much time to get to work.
The rest of the day was as bad as the beginning. Hectic, frustrating, and aggravating was a few words that could have summed up my afternoon. I went to the grocery store hoping for me to quickly pick up a few items but ended up waiting for 10 minutes in line and not even getting all the items I needed. After I packed my stuff in the trunk of my car, I rushed home to unload and drop my little brother to football practice. Then I drove a town over to my grandparents to drop them to an appointment and went to do their laundry and cook dinner. Every task was back to back; it felt like I couldn’t catch my
On Thursday May 5th of 2015 everyone in the house was happy. We all got up and got ready for the day, just like any normal day. My older brother Tyler had been already out working on the roof of the shed because earlier that week it had stormed so bad that a tree branch had fallen on it and put a hole through the roof. My mother was up getting ready for work while my little sister, Faithllyn, and I was getting ready for school. After getting ready for school mom, Tyler, and I grabbed ourselves coffee and we all had breakfast together. It was a good start to the day; however, after eating, we all cleaned up a little bit and got ready to leave. Mom headed off to work while Faithllyn and I headed to
My classes went by very fast. I came straight to my dorm after class to print out my syllabi. They were just a piece of paper back in High School, and now they are my life savers. At around 5:00 pm, I go to get dinner which my mandatory meal plan covers. It wasn't exactly what I expected, so I decided to go search for some Tortas,or Tacos (Mexican food) around the Augusta area, Unfortuanately, I didn't run with luck. This place is so different from my hometown, Gwinnett, or what I like to call,,,
Waking up to a fresh start of the week and hopefully this week will turn out to be great. So anyway I were able to get ten hours of sleep that was very much needed, even though I could’ve slept all day if it wasn’t for me have to do service learning then two class afterwards. The reason is I worked over the weekend, which it was a little busy due to the big events that were going on at my job and outside around the area. So as I start my simple daily morning routine I think on things I have to get done for the upcoming week and I also think on what places I would like to go for lunch that day. Okay so I am all dressed and ready to another day at Linwood Robinson senior center because I enjoy talking and watching those seniors have a great time. The reason is I believe seniors can have great life even if they are not traveling outside of the country to somewhere nice because it is still good to let seniors know that they should make everyday count and they should learn to appreciate every moments. Also, they should never allow waiting to become habit. The reason is seniors will fall right into that category because I have seen it happen a few times before. So that’s why it is important as a social worker to find ways to keep our seniors active and engaged. In additionally, as a Social worker student, client engagement is a practice in the field whereas I will gain the skills and knowledge to work with seniors even though at Linwood Robins I were able to interact with a few
It was a cool and quiet morning in Santa Maria, I'm always the first to wake up and its my job to wake everyone else up as well. First i wake up my husband Gabriel for his work in the fields then i wake up my kids Jennifer and Nichole for school, Jennifer is in the 3rd grade and Nichole is in the 1st grade. Once we all have had breakfast Gabriel gets in our carcachita and drives the kids to school and himself to work. Meanwhile i stayed at home cleaning and doing some grocery shopping for tonight's dinner. Later that day Gabriel and the kids came home Gabriel looking a lot more tired than usual,